OK I really need your help.
I am bluddy useless and my dad will vouch for that. He thinks I forget things on purpose, but I really don't. Not even 12 hrs ago he phoned and asked me for a lift at today - well I completely forgot as per bluddy usual and now I feel dreadful. He does so much for me, helps me out all the time, and I can't even remember something so trivial like giving him a lift into town. He's so angry right now, making me feel worse
So, what I need is an electronic diary. This is how crap I am you see. I have a normal diary - but I forget to look in it - to tell you the truth, I'm not even sure where it is right now! I bought a wall planner, but it won't stick up properly, so that idea is out. I have knots tied in everything to remind me, but can never remember what they're reminding me of ....... You think I'm kidding, but this is the girl who forgot she had taken her daugther to the pub one day, and left her there in the garden for over an hour, until the landlord phoned up ....... The same person who had to give her car keys to the girl she worked with at the start of each shift so I couldn't forget to give her a lift home, like I done the first time ops:
OK, you've got the gist ..... I need something that is dead simple. Preferably also with one of them electronic pens. It's gotta be small enough to carry with me at all times. Carpy said earlier a PDA ( ), when he was consoling me about being so forgetful. So what sort of PDA do I need? I have never seen one before. It's gotta be dead simple to use, not loads of buttons I have to press to access the diary - or I won't put things into it imediately, and I really do need imediately or I forget
So if there is an idiot proof thing out there that will remind me of things by singing loudly/bouncing around/bashing me on the head can you please let me know what it is and the make.
Thank you
Oh, and I want this new life changer to be password protected too