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Warming the Bed
I need some serious help,
I've got my final year examinations in three weeks and I need to revise a years worth of work, and for the past few weeks I have been distracted by this website.
And I don't want any replies telling me I should have studied earlier! (as I am a student)
Does anyone know and good methods of studying or at least remembering things for a short period of time!
Quote by romi
I need some serious help,
I've got my final year examinations in three weeks and I need to revise a years worth of work, and for the past few weeks I have been distracted by this website.
And I don't want any replies telling me I should have studied earlier! (as I am a student)
Does anyone know and good methods of studying or at least remembering things for a short period of time!

Sorry romi, that sort of thing was tooooooooo many years ago for me to remember how I revised...... lol :lol: :lol:
Sex God
love to be able to help romi but I have just walked into the kitchen and dont know why!
Does anyone know and good methods of studying or at least remembering things for a short period of time!

What worked well for me a few years ago was to record important facts/points onto a cassette tape using a dictaphone, and then play them to myself on a walkman as often as possible, sometimes for hours on end.
Good luck,
Warming the Bed
cheers Mike,
I might have to you that one! Times are getting hard!
God this is going back years but this is what I remember being told
Plan your revision ie a timetable and stick to it
Use the work you have......make cue cards for the most important facts to jog your memory, or organise it into lists
Use old exam papers as revision along with your notes
Go through sections and test yourself
Good luck and I hope this helps
Vicky xxx
Warming the Bed
Thank you, I will also try that to
ps- you have the organisational skills of a teacher, are you one?
Warming the Bed
you probably went to the Kitchen because you are hungry!
Sex God
Quote by romi
you probably went to the Kitchen because you are hungry!

bugger you got it before me romi, at least it was the kitchen this time god forbid if the same thing happens when i walk in the toillet redface
Quote by romi
you probably went to the Kitchen because you are hungry!

Now you're not supposed to be indulging in that sort of banter :!: :!:
What Vicky says is right. You should divide all the available time you have left in to morning, afternoon and evening sessions to fill the WHOLE day. Allocate the spread of subjects into the sessions, trying to go over everything twice and STICK TO IT :!:
Sorry for shouting but I think that's the only way it will work. Good luck smile :)
Warming the Bed
Tune Essence,
Sorry, I get distracted easily! wink
Sex God
The best thing to do, seeing as you haven't much time left, if to shag all your tutors and get them to give you the answers to all the exam questions :grin:
Warming the Bed
I have tried giving them signs, but I just may have to go for the kill. Even though my tutors are all men and I am straight I am willing to make an exception! lol
Okay if you are serious this does work as passed every exam this way and let me tell you I never revised lol.
You need to either buy from stationers or make post card size bits of paper. Write on each one heading for topic and create only 3 cards for each topic with key bullet points on each and revise. By next week highlight the most important facts from the 3 cards and condense them onto one card. You should be left with a very small handfull of cards and highlight each fact in a different colour. Take them everywhere with you bed, loo, car, bus train and keep associating facts with the previous set of cards. Make it a game and it can even seem fun. Worst revision is with piles of files as blows mind away and fear takes over.
Sure better suggestions about use of mind maps but if in doubt follow Blues advice and shag lecturers. Known that to work too - not personally mind lol
Good luckx
I had the same problem when I was an A-level student, except then it was daytime TV rather than a swinging website that distracted me. I remember watching a documentary about people who have their brains chopped in half as a cure for epilepsy the morning of my last Chemistry paper, when I should've been doing some last-minute cramming.
I got a 'D'. :-(
Romi, I think it's a matter of willpower. If you can't stop looking at the site, simply don't turn your computer on. Maybe take your books out somewhere, sit in the park or in the library or somewhere you won't be tempted. Don't give in - if you give in once, you're more likely to give in again...
Revision doesn't have to be a solitary pursuit; see if you can study with a bunch of your peers. Depending on the subject, it can be good to discuss the work with other people; it deepens your understanding and can help to show up flaws in your reasoning. But be careful you don't end up larking around as a group.
Quote by romi
I need some serious help,
I've got my final year examinations in three weeks and I need to revise a years worth of work, and for the past few weeks I have been distracted by this website.
And I don't want any replies telling me I should have studied earlier! (as I am a student)
Does anyone know and good methods of studying or at least remembering things for a short period of time!

Do you have a more studious & intelligent identical twin? It's a long shot I know ...
Quote by roger743
I had the same problem when I was an A-level student, except then it was daytime TV rather than a swinging website that distracted me. I remember watching a documentary about people who have their brains chopped in half as a cure for epilepsy the morning of my last Chemistry paper, when I should've been doing some last-minute cramming.
I got a 'D'. :-(
Romi, I think it's a matter of willpower. If you can't stop looking at the site, simply don't turn your computer on. Maybe take your books out somewhere, sit in the park or in the library or somewhere you won't be tempted. Don't give in - if you give in once, you're more likely to give in again...
Revision doesn't have to be a solitary pursuit; see if you can study with a bunch of your peers. Depending on the subject, it can be good to discuss the work with other people; it deepens your understanding and can help to show up flaws in your reasoning. But be careful you don't end up larking around as a group.

Similarly, I had to revise for my second set of A-Levels during the 2002 World Cup. The summer of piss ups and then heading off to college.
Didn't do too badly though - A in Media Studies, B in history, C in Psychology.
I was a 'mature student', having been out in the big, wide world for 18 years, and I found revision the hardest skill of all to master. I found something very similar to Corrie's suggestion to be of enormous help. The other thing I found useful was 'visualistaion' i.e. sitting quietly, meditating I guess, just 'seeing myself' answering all the questions, calmly sitting in the examination hall, confident,and absaloutely brimming with subject knowledge. I found I remebered much more and approached the actual exam calm and confident. I later found that the more interested I was, the more I remembered, so I extended this technique to visualising myself thirsting for knowledge in my subject and soaking up everything in front of me. I know that might sound wierd-but it really does work! You can also extend it to job interviews...anything really. It's a really powerful tool.
hi romi, i am also in the same you ever used mind maps?You know diagrams that look like spiders with the topic that you wanna learn in the middle and the answers coming off like legs? They saved my life last year and would honestly recommend them to anyone. Good luck hun,feel free to pm another indisciplined slacker student (me!!) to exchange tips and motivation biggrin
right! look! it's all well and good you lot (and this especially applies to the heavenly helpers) offering romi your half-remembered revison techniques, but clearly the problem lies with his addiction not his note taking/revision skills as such!
perhaps arranging for the site to go down for a couple of weeks would be far more useful to the poor fellow!
romi, you have my deepest sympathies mate! best of luck!!!
neil x x x x
oh! and setting up some kind of counselling thingy for the rest of us might warrant some thought! rolleyes
Warming the Bed
your most probably right there mate!
romi, always glad to lend a helping hand!! :lol2:
nice to see you in here!
neil x x x x
Romi, I have the answer to all your problems.
Arrange to do your final year again!!! You can then spend the next six months glued to this site and then start thinking about doing a bit of organised revision once a week, leaving six days a week to endulge yourself here in SH Land. Easy !!!
Warming the Bed
I like the way you think!
sarge! have you finally gone completely bonkers????
d'you know how much a bloody year of university education costs these days? and when he applies for his 4th year student loan they'll wet themselves up in glasgow!!! thought we we're trying to be constructive here!!!
<<< tuts >>>
sorry romi! if that's the kind of advice you can expect mate, i'd recommend a different site altogether!!! kill two birds with one stone then, just as an added bonus!!!
see i'm good at this aren't i? :lol2:
neil x x x x
Warming the Bed
very good mate! lol
Sex God
The one that worked for me (as far as any technique did, which to be honest they didn't) was to not study at all the half day before each exam. If it's an afternoon exam, take the morning off. If it's a morning exam, then the evening of the day before.
Don't study. Don't feel guilty about not studying. Watch TV, go to the cinema, read a book, whatever relaxes you. If it hasn't stuck by then, half a day more isn't going to help. It's much more important to go into the exam relaxed.
The "mum, I need you to go back in time to nine months before I was born and have an affair with a genius" approach doesn't work.
Revision.... don't mention revision... I have a 16 YO doing AS level with no noticeable revision and a 13 YO doing sats with as much revision....We do it all in college or school is their cry.... what little hair I have left I am pulling out.... any one for smooth bloke 40s str8 North west in need of an understanding chest!!!
Warming the Bed
I am studying for a taxi licence and have also in the passed managed to get a degree the easiest way to learn things in bulk is name association.
Try and relate things you have to learn to people, places, things or whatever you find interesting makes it much easier to remember.
For example I know where in Edinburgh Bowhill Terrace is because dogs go bow wow, dogs get taken for a walk, a walking area is inverleith park, beside which is inverleith row - where Bowhill Terrace is.
Or I know where Lyndsay road is because I fancy one of my pals we sisters who happens to be called Lyndsay, never forget that one.