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Help on MY avatar!

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Hi all
over the last few days ive been reading more and more of the treads and have notice how clever some of the Avatars are, so i thought its about time i did a good one for myself
For all those who dont know me from the chatroom, there has been a long standing joke about my youngish looks, and at any change the good old chaps in the room get, give "school" try of pis takes,
So i thought my Avatar should relate to that in some way, so i came up with the following
By try and make it so it doenst get me banned for the obvous reasons!
1- Black Baord (this is my current one)

I'm still in the Workshop thinking, so if ya come up with any ideas please let us know and there may be a drink in it if i see ya at one of the many munches i attend
View my Ugly mug at 71099
I like the present one (chalkboard) and the school badge one but not keen on Garfield to be honest.
Any chance of seeing you in your school tie and not much else?
now theres an idea,
but where do ya sudject i dangle the tie?????
Quote by jlebbon
now theres an idea,
but where do ya sudject i dangle the tie?????

Use it as a tail?
well, that's just it, isn't it? we're not allowed to expose our erm more intimate parts on our avatars, so you can hide your todger behind your tie! Sorted! Unless you're one of these that claim to be 9 inches or whatever yawn
i think the knot would cover my modesty!!!!
to have 9mm would be a dream but to have 9" would be a god send!!!!!
just foind a schooly type emote!!!!!! now where dd i see that tread!!!