Hi all
over the last few days ive been reading more and more of the treads and have notice how clever some of the Avatars are, so i thought its about time i did a good one for myself
For all those who dont know me from the chatroom, there has been a long standing joke about my youngish looks, and at any change the good old chaps in the room get, give "school" try of pis takes,
So i thought my Avatar should relate to that in some way, so i came up with the following
By try and make it so it doenst get me banned for the obvous reasons!
1- Black Baord (this is my current one)
I'm still in the Workshop thinking, so if ya come up with any ideas please let us know and there may be a drink in it if i see ya at one of the many munches i attend
View my Ugly mug at 71099