Do you mean adding an avatar? Or a pic to a photo ad?
the little pic under my name like you have!
I've tried through my profile doesn't seem to do anything?
Well Hello......Ding Dong!
Oh my...
Hello Erika.
Cock of the North
right next question for you all!! how do i put what someone else has said then reply?
The background to your avatar pic is an unusually vivid yellow. Do you have a penchant for using primary colours in interior design or are you simply laying across Homer Simpson's naked belly?
If the latter, then that is without doubt the best celebrity lay I have everheard of.
Cock of the North
I wanted to put a different one on, but it wasn't working, hence how this whole conversation started!
So why don't you tell us abit about you then......or you will be going on all night about the colour in the background of your avatar!