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Help Please!

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86 replies
3 watchers
Hello all. I've just joined and was wondering how I add a photo to my profile? Any help would be appreciated, thanks biggrin
Do you mean adding an avatar? Or a pic to a photo ad?
the little pic under my name like you have!
I've tried through my profile doesn't seem to do anything?
woohoo!!!! biggrin
Think pic i was trying to upload must have been too big on the pixel front! redface
Thanks! I'm rather pleased with myself! biggrin
I can't get into the chatroom either....i'm plain useles!
wave check me out with my smileys! ha ha! easily amused!
You guys... biggrin
Welcome - Erika - nice 'smileys' redface
Scandal you tart! rotflmao
Welcome to the forum pet smile
Why what's wrong with the chatroom?! Scared now! ha ha! confused
Maybe not completely useless....
Now i can't get back into the smileys to find an appropriate one! See I am useless! sad
ih erika & :welcome: sillyhwoar:
from one northeast guy to a northeast lady
hope you have lots of fun here
ha ha! thanks! you're all so.....kind! wink
Oh my...
Hello Erika.
Cock of the North
And welcome I feel! big tart!! wink
hi Erkia biggrin im also new to this just join a few days ago. Enjoyed my time so far hope it continues
right next question for you all!! how do i put what someone else has said then reply?
Erika - you do realise that if this were real time.. there'd be a big queue at the door right now - choose carefully as life is like a box of chocolates you know... lol
in the top right of their message...
...aren't we a helpful bunch today? biggrin
Quote by Erika
right next question for you all!! how do i put what someone else has said then reply?

Click on the "quote" button beside their message, then write your own just as you normally would.
Quote by Scandal
right next question for you all!! how do i put what someone else has said then reply?

You mean like this?
Hit the quote button.
yeah like this! now look at me go! quotes and smileys! :lol2:
The background to your avatar pic is an unusually vivid yellow. Do you have a penchant for using primary colours in interior design or are you simply laying across Homer Simpson's naked belly?
If the latter, then that is without doubt the best celebrity lay I have everheard of.
Cock of the North
Quote by Erika
right next question for you all!! how do i put what someone else has said then reply?

You mean like this?
Hit the quote button.
yeah like this! now look at me go! quotes and smileys! :lol2:
and next we do the practical exam ..... wink
Quote by Scandal
yeah like this! now look at me go! quotes and smileys! :lol2:

given half a chance! lol
very witty!! ha ha!
Quote by Cock of the North
The background to your avatar pic is an unusually vivid yellow. Do you have a penchant for using primary colours in interior design or are you simply laying across Homer Simpson's naked belly?
If the latter, then that is without doubt the best celebrity lay I have ever heard of.
Cock of the North

I was trying to think of something witty to say about the background... why even bother to try and compete!! cool
Erika - where was the pic taken.. it is very yellow?
Quote by Cock of the North
The background to your avatar pic is an unusually vivid yellow. Do you have a penchant for using primary colours in interior design or are you simply laying across Homer Simpson's naked belly?
If the latter, then that is without doubt the best celebrity lay I have ever heard of.
Cock of the North

It's actually only pale yellow (at my dads house, not mine!) I think it's coz the light is directly above me, colours aren't quite right! only a camera phone pic, so not the best of quality!
No... but it works just fine biggrin
I wanted to put a different one on, but it wasn't working, hence how this whole conversation started!
So why don't you tell us abit about you then......or you will be going on all night about the colour in the background of your avatar!
it looks good from here erika sillyhwoar: