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Being stuck in the dark ages on dial up can some kind soul please answer me this
Im on aol and ive been told if you upgrade to broadband they have to come round and drill new cables and boxes, yet other suppliers dont, you just upgrade
anybody tell me what happened when they upgraded on aol please would be appreciated
bill lol
We dont have AOL but when we changed from dial up to BB with BT all they did was upgrade the exchange.... No drilling here biggrin
Quote by BillyChis
Being stuck in the dark ages on dial up can some kind soul please answer me this
Im on aol and ive been told if you upgrade to broadband they have to come round and drill new cables and boxes, yet other suppliers dont, you just upgrade
anybody tell me what happened when they upgraded on aol please would be appreciated
bill lol

easy answer change providers ;) And no aol don't have to come around and drill everywhere but when I used them the connection used to keep closing confused
Minx x x
AOL don't come round....who provides your telephone line?
There are other providers apart from AOL. There's lots of good advice . My personal advice would be try to find an ISP with an "unbundled" service (they call it LLU) in your area - it'll probably be cheaper.
Things to be wary of are download limits, special "introductory" offers, and long contracts.
PM me if you have any more questons.
Good luck... you'll never look back wink
The complete answer to this is a bit complicated...
There are several different types of thing that all get called broadband, but the 2 you might be talking about are ADSL, which comes over a phone line, and Cable, wich comes over the same connector as Cable TV.
If you decide to get broadband from a cable TV company like NTL or Telewest, and you don't already have cable TV, then you'll need a bit of drilling and cabling done to get hooked up to their cable service.
If you get ADSL from AOL (or preferably anybody other than AOL!), then you simply have to plug some extra boxes (microfilters and a router) into your phone sockets, and that's all there is to it... usually!
The exceptions are people without a BT phone line ,who would need to get one installed, or people who don't have phone sockets, but have those old phones that are wired straight into the wall, which are incredibly rare these days.
many thanks for your replies
im on cable and dont really want to change internet providers as i need to keep my e mail address at the moment for work
you can probally keep the same e-mail addy even if you change providers normally
sod all the drilling etc
im with bt bb and its been great, no problems ever, touch wood
xx lou xxx
on BT here, with tiscali providing the broadband. might be a bit cheaper elsewhere, but works wonders for me! tiscali send the cd and a little box (so to speak) that plugs in to the BT socket smile
first post for me by the way. hello all you lovely people out there!
BT still drill holes and fit boxes in new locations all the time. So do all the other providers.
You can get broadband down an existing BT line if the local exchange provides it.
Cable and satellite provide broadband if their services work in your location.
That's about it.
Get shot of AOL puts too much junk on your computer ,they also have reliability problems in some areas with their broadband service , I was with them for years on dial up but only managed to do a year on BB , just too many disconnections.....CRAP basically
agree with never ever letting AOL take over my pc again. It's like letting am unknown swinging patner set your diary for the next year. Far prefer the more discrete BB providers.