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hi all .. another newbie couple

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5 watchers
wave hi every body
we are a couple he is 27 and i am 26
we are both new to the scene well i have a teeeenie bit of experiance (ish) and he completely new smile
errrrmmmmm i think i have covered everything
:wave: :wave:
Hello and :welcome:
I always find it quicker and easier not to cover everything!
Hi Sun,
Well we all have to start somewhere and what better place than SH, eh! Some of the peeps here are not even swingers would you,no,no....NO! They just got sidelined here on their way to somewhere else and decided to stay. So no pressure to swing, just to chat and have fun! So enjoy.....
LC wink
biggrin They didnt actually make any conscious decisision to stay-- it just happens----- :shock:
Welcome and enjoy!!
Hi & :welcome: from me
Swingers here but ........ primarily for the friendship and not particularly looking for playmates ... as I've just put on another thread ... we came here looking round and found the place so refreshing in terms of humour and friendship that we stayed smile
Calista xx
wave and :welcome: to :swingingchair: heaven you will have lots of fun and lots of friends biggrin
I have to agree totally with what has already been said!
The friendship, sense of communityand wonderful fun is what I am here for.
So Hello! and Welcome!
Hugs, Alex xx
thankyou for the warm welcome guys
we are sure we will like it here it all seems relaxed and all that biggrin
we both look forward to talking to you all more :mrgreen:
Another :welcome: Hope you have as much fun here as I do wave
Quote by Calista
Hi & :welcome: from me
Swingers here but ........ primarily for the friendship and not particularly looking for playmates ... as I've just put on another thread ... we came here looking round and found the place so refreshing in terms of humour and friendship that we stayed smile
Calista xx

Our thoughts exactly
Welcome to you :welcome:
Hellooo wave
Welcome to the nuthouse. Can't say more than they have already said aboove.
I haven't been here long but they have made me feel welcome every bit of the way so far!!!
:color: :color: :color:
hiya and :welcome:
people are a friendly bunch, the site a nuthouse, but on the whole very very addictive
kaz xxx
Ditto to all above!!
Hi and welcome to the land of Uk Swingers, Enjoy your selfs and make new friends. I did.
Jim cool
Welcome and beware you may never escape the seductive charms of this place . I was 17 when I accidentally strayed in here look at me .....3 years later body is wrecked . I have aged 40 years and have laughter lines that resembles the grand canyon.
:shock: :shock: :shock:
Hiya Sun......hope you both have fun smile
ello sun!
:welcome: to the site:
nice nick, i like it! hope you have more fun than you can shake a stick at!
enjoy the topsy-turvy world that is Swinging Heaven!
neil x x x ;)
Quote by sun
wave hi every body
we are a couple he is 27 and i am 26
we are both new to the scene well i have a teeeenie bit of experiance (ish) and he completely new smile
errrrmmmmm i think i have covered everything
:wave: :wave:

Hi Sun :P :welcome:
is it just me or is the weather playing a part in SH today? confused