HELP! new to all this. Good-looking open minded SE based fellow - anything going on ce soir?!!!
james x
Hello James and welcome to SH!
Have fun in the forum!
Sappho xxx
why thank you sappho. any 'interesting' parties planned? !!!
fair enough! early days i guess....
thanks for the advice
In a nutshell mate, you may well be a great fella, all the GOOD things in life, and not one of the assholes we ALL meet every day. The fact is because people on here are seen to be more open minded, many assume them to be so dead easy, one only has to say hello and they bed hop because they are SO desperate. In fact morals are high and the way to go is a gmann says. Your inner self will shine through I am sure if you are a goodguy, and if not well be prepaired to be a little dissapointed...