Hi everybody,
first time I join a group like this. I read some of your messages and I really want to make friends here.
I have been living in UK for the last 4 years and I miss some excitement...you look a very exciting group and I hope you will get to think the same about me one day, so at the moment just a big HELLO EVERYBODY.
PS: how does the PM works?
:welcome: babe hope u have lots of fun using the site they are a real nice bunch of people!!
I hope too, everybody here seems to enjoy a lot
Hiya Spanish
The PM system is for sending private messages (PM's) between members. To send one, you click on the PM button at the top of the screen, enter the members name, a title and you message and send it.
As for the protocols - it depends on the individual. Some people strongly object to receiving a PM without permission, others are more than happy to receive them.
My advice would be, if you want to PM someoneto ask a genuine question, do it, but do not start asking for meetings or more information about people, or adopting the shotgun method of cutting and pasting messages to all the women on the site.
Much better would be to post on the forums for a while, and if there is someone who you seem to genuinely have something in common with, then PM them.
Thanks for your welcome and for the advices about the PM.
Vix, thanks for the clarification,..., everybody watching Eurovisison..., I started to be worried as yesterday bailiffs was the only one saying hi...did you enjoyed the Eurovision thing?
I thought English people was not very into it
Hola! - (Sorry, can't do the upside down exclamation mark). Welcome to the site.
I rarely watch television these days. I enjoy watching Eurovision however, but it is mainly for Terry Wogan's irreverent and humorous commentary. I make no comment on the music itself!
Oyez Tio!
Espero que tu disfrutas passando tiempo aqui. Esta bien. :P
Hi eagerslut9, the_laird,silk and Big G, Linda and Vix...sorry if i missed anybody.
It is nice to be so warmly welcome and the attempts of speaking spanish.
So some of you watching the eurovision context...
could you believe that England is the only place where people meet in houses to watch the Eurovision thing?