hi it's believe it or not i'm here at last. not quite surewhat to say, but hello to all!
Mrs TE, I just can't tell you how welcome you are.
I am soooooooooooo very pleased for the both of you.
to the Asylum. (You know who who's running the asylum -don't you??)
Woo Hoo Mrs Tune Essence! :bounce:
hiya Angelica!
big :welcome: to the site! lovely to see you here! hope you have as much fun as us!
neil x x x ;)
HIYA MRS TE!!!!!!!!!
About flippin time!!!!
So lovely to meet you at last!
You have a hubby that loves you loads there!
Welcome so much! I am so chuffed that you have decided to come on board.
Anytime you fancy a natter - please feel free to PM me!
Big big hugs!
Alex x x x
On behalf of all SHAGGERS :welcome: nice to see you here........ but be warned........ it's addictive, (i'll book you a spot for say two weeks tuesday)
Well I can't keep out of this thread any longer. You'll guess I've been watching and I cannot express my gratitude for the welcome all you lovely people have given me better 'arf.
She is well chuffed and no doubt. So thank you all so much.
A very warm TE!!!!
Hiya Angelica, Im usre you'll as much fun as everyone else!
Hi Angellica , and a big WELCOME.
:welcome: :bounce: :bounce: