Just like to say hello to everyone are new to this site, infact we are new to this partner is Joe32. Just breaking the ice and introducing ourselves.
hello, careful, they can smell fresh blood at fifty paces round here.
welcome to the forum, have fun.
Oh bless! like lambs to the slaughter :giggle:
No seriously some of us are really nice, just dont post anything rude...they don't like it, don't swear and don't ask for sex and you'll get on just fine.
Love Firelizard and Stormwalker xxxxxxx
Thank you all for your kind welcomes. We are looking forward to getting to know you all on the forum. Hugs and kisses. Louise & Joe
welcome also, I think I have seen your nick in chat
Hiya and welcome.......
Hope you have lots of fun!
Hi there, pull up a pew and enjoy the madness!! :welcome: