Why do some people like to be hidden??
We spend most of our time trying to get noticed???
its not a dig at anyone.... just a question!!!
Quote by davidandtracy
Thanks for the answers lads and lassies.... i should have known.......ask a silly question and all that !!!!!!!!
Yet another kidnapping.....revenge will be sweet :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Quote by davidandtracy
Thanks for the answers lads and lassies.... i should have known.......ask a silly question and all that !!!!!!!!
Yet another kidnapping.....revenge will be sweet :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Quote by sheddy
Kate used to hide hers because it helped cut down the number of one line PM's she was spamed with but changing to couple staus and moving the pics over to my profile seems to have stemmed the flow somewhat
I hide mine from time to time because when I'm logged on to here I'm also working and I don't want to offend people if I ignore their PM's or MSN chats if I'm busy :D Well the truth is really I liek to sneak up on you all and go........................BOO :scared:
Quote by sheddy
but now all they have to do is view your profile & it tells them that you are online & what part of the site that you are on so kind of defeats the object now