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Hiding fags under the counter?

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Quote by dekntan

Funny... that's just what I was thinking!! :giggle:
Quote by Dirtygirlie

Funny... that's just what I was thinking!! :giggle:
You wanted to stick some dust in your eye?
Presumably you smoke?
Quote by Peanut

Funny... that's just what I was thinking!! :giggle:
You wanted to stick some dust in your eye?
Presumably you smoke?
Yes, Oh and its my decision to rolleyes
Quote by dekntan

Funny... that's just what I was thinking!! :giggle:
You wanted to stick some dust in your eye?
Presumably you smoke?
Yes, Oh and its my decision to rolleyes
Yes I know you do, the question was directed at DG.
As for it being your decision. Of course it is. I've never said it wasn't.
As it's your voluntary decision you aren't in a position to complain (and yes I know you aren't personally, the "you" is the 'royal you') about having to stand outside and be social pariahs.
It's just as voluntary to decide not to smoke and stay in the warm.
<pulls up a chair and takes another pinch of snuff>
Think I'll see how this one develops before adding my two penn'oth wink
Quote by Peanut

Funny... that's just what I was thinking!! :giggle:
You wanted to stick some dust in your eye?
Presumably you smoke?
Yes, Oh and its my decision to rolleyes
Yes I know you do, the question was directed at DG.
As for it being your decision. Of course it is. I've never said it wasn't.
As it's your voluntary decision you aren't in a position to complain (and yes I know you aren't personally, the "you" is the 'royal you') about having to stand outside and be social pariahs.
It's just as voluntary to decide not to smoke and stay in the warm.
I wasnt complaining about having to stand outside, Its something I dont mind doing, Actually it isnt all that anti social either because outside you can actually hear what is being said and hold a conversation without shouting lol
im a ex smoker, i started when i was about 9 and carried on and off till about umm 3 years ago.
i stopped for health reasons, i didnt want to die of a smoking related illness,
i stopped for financial reasons, it was costing a bloody fortune and although i dont feel richer, its nice not ebing at the end of the month and having to make £20 stretch for fags, petrol and food etc.
i stopped it was causing me so much stress, my kids didnt know i was smoking, so geting a sneeky 5 mins to have a fag and keep it hidden was sooo stressful.
however.... all said as far as im aware smoking isnt illegal. ok its being made ilegal to smoke in certain places, and some of thats for the better.
however i feel some of its for the better due to the fact there are lots of arsehole smokers out there, the type who found it amusing to blow it right in your face when in a pub, inconsiderate about where they flick ash or put out fags, burn you or your clothes when walking around, smoke in eating areas with no consideration to people still eating. the list goes on , and yes the same things pissed me off when i was a smoker.
that said i dont think hiding fags under the counter will achieve any thing, other than embarrasing people into asking for the cheepest fags cuse they are all so expensive, so the government make even more money by people buying more expensive fags.
remember i didnt force you out into the streets from the pubs, so please dont drop your fag down my top.
xx fem xx
That was my first ever picture on the forum biggrin:D:D:D:D
Quote by foxylady2209
And smoking is THIS cool!!!!!!!!

there plenty on here who would shag her
Quote by Peanut
Presumably you smoke?

I do... yes.
I was mostly smacking my forehead because of your earlier post. I've smoked since I was 13. Yes... that's 22 years. If I could go back and do it all over again knowing what I know now then I would most likely not make that same choice.
However, I didn't make that choice because I thought it made me look grown up or cause it was cool. I did it in secret outwith the view of anyone else so who would that be pretending I'm grown up or cool in front of?
My parents both smoked when I was little. My brother and I nagged them to stop. They did. Now we both smoke so in my case that blows your theory.
As for being a social leper, I've had some of my best conversations outside with my fellow lepers, I have no issues with that. In fact, I've never smoked indoors. I own my flat. I live here alone. There is no-one else here to pass my filthy habit on to. However, I choose to smoke outside. That's my choice. I'm a considerate smoker. I don't smoke around non-smokers when I can help it and I'm fairly anal about brushing my teeth after a ciggie when I am spending time with a non-smoker.
I've given up a few times. The problem is, I like smoking so tend to go back to it. I like the art of smoking a cigarette. I'm not whinging about having to stand out in the cold to indulge in my habit, I do that through choice. I don't compare smoking to drinking or anything else for that matter, it is of no consequence to me. So if I feel the urge to roll my eyes a little at the total generalisation that you've made with your earlier post you'll have to either like it or lump it I'm afraid.
Opinion is one thing, judgement is something else completely. wink
Quote by Peanut
Kids start smoking because they think it makes them look grown-up. Where do they get that idea from? Could it perhaps be the fact they see grown-ups smoking. The rationale being that grown-ups must know what they are doing so smoking must be okay. rolleyes
As for the whinging and whining about alcohol being treated differently, well as the old joke goes... you don't see drinkers in a pub pissing on each other.
As for smokers being 'lepers' in contemporary society, well great. They should be. You make a choice to smoke, I make a choice to not smoke. Unfortunately when you smoke you blow it into the air non-smokers use. That makes you selfish and uncaring about other people's choices. So if you have to stand out in the cold, tough, get thicker socks, or better still have the balls to quit and come into the warm with the rest of us non-smokers.

Glad to know that you are obviously as selfish as me.
So I presume you drive or have driven? If that is the case did you bother to think about people breathing in YOUR cars fumes, whilst you sit in traffic? Because if you believe the hype the car is the worst polluter. So if you did or do drive, would you stop to save the planet or your fellow mans health?
No of course you would not because like smokers and drivers we do it NOT because we have too, but because we enjoy it. And I do not expect to get ostrisized because i smoke or drive my car. The expression "live in glass house" springs to mind.
Yet another silly bollocks idea from this goverment!!
They should just ban them!
Quote by browning
Yet another silly bollocks idea from this goverment!!
They should just ban them!

You see browning this is how it goes..... People go into work on a Monday morning and look in their in trays...nothing. They then look into their out trays...nothing. Ah what shall we do now then? Hmmmmm......... I know what I will come up with a total load of bollocks and make it law.
It's lovingly known as the " Monday morning brigade "
They are dangerous and coming to a town near you as we speak..... Anyone remember the dodgy bendy fruit that was banned? mad A typical example of the nutters out there now...looking in their empty trays for more madness. lol
Posting pics has gone to losty's head :lol2:
Quote by dekntan
Posting pics has gone to losty's head :lol2:

He has learnt how to use Photobucket properly. lol
Quote by Dirtygirlie

Presumably you smoke?

I do... yes.
I was mostly smacking my forehead because of your earlier post. I've smoked since I was 13. Yes... that's 22 years. If I could go back and do it all over again knowing what I know now then I would most likely not make that same choice.
However, I didn't make that choice because I thought it made me look grown up or cause it was cool. I did it in secret outwith the view of anyone else so who would that be pretending I'm grown up or cool in front of?
My parents both smoked when I was little. My brother and I nagged them to stop. They did. Now we both smoke so in my case that blows your theory.

Not particularly. I used to smoke, my ex-wife has never smoked. My eldest daughter doesn't smoke, my youngest daughter does.
And the person you were pretending to be grown up to... was you.
As for being a social leper, I've had some of my best conversations outside with my fellow lepers, I have no issues with that. In fact, I've never smoked indoors. I own my flat. I live here alone. There is no-one else here to pass my filthy habit on to. However, I choose to smoke outside. That's my choice. I'm a considerate smoker. I don't smoke around non-smokers when I can help it and I'm fairly anal about brushing my teeth after a ciggie when I am spending time with a non-smoker.

You choose to smoke outside? Presumably that choice coincided with the change in the law?
"when I can help it"? Does this mean you are forced to do it on occasion?
From my own experiences and from my own observations things like cleaning one's teeth, perfume etc is not truly for the non-smoker's benefit. It's for the smoker's benefit with regard to their own image that they are portraying. They want themselves to look good.
I've given up a few times. The problem is, I like smoking so tend to go back to it. I like the art of smoking a cigarette. I'm not whinging about having to stand out in the cold to indulge in my habit, I do that through choice. I don't compare smoking to drinking or anything else for that matter, it is of no consequence to me. So if I feel the urge to roll my eyes a little at the total generalisation that you've made with your earlier post you'll have to either like it or lump it I'm afraid.

"I like smoking" is the single most used rationalisation there is for the inability to give up.
I smoked from the age of 10 (though only regularly from the age of 17) through to the age of 33. been there done that, got the nicotine stains on the fingers and the wallpaper.
Opinion is one thing, judgement is something else completely. wink

And smoking these days with the facts freely available and the costs clearly posted is what any intelligent person would consider to be bad judgement rather than a bad opinion.
Quote by kentswingers777
The pub trade is on it's knees a lot because of the smoking ban, ask any publican.

Then they are speaking bollocks. The pub trade was going downhill for years. People are no longer doing what people done in the 50's, 60's and 70's. In those decades they used to piss it up and thats about it. From the eighties onwards TV got better, videos and dvd's were invented, the pizza was delivered, blokes started to like to spend time with their families lol , etc. So as well as peoples hbits changing, the pub trade started to price themselves out of it, in relation to rent.
Quote by kentswingers777
Kids start smoking because they think it makes them look grown-up. Where do they get that idea from? Could it perhaps be the fact they see grown-ups smoking. The rationale being that grown-ups must know what they are doing so smoking must be okay. rolleyes
As for the whinging and whining about alcohol being treated differently, well as the old joke goes... you don't see drinkers in a pub pissing on each other.
As for smokers being 'lepers' in contemporary society, well great. They should be. You make a choice to smoke, I make a choice to not smoke. Unfortunately when you smoke you blow it into the air non-smokers use. That makes you selfish and uncaring about other people's choices. So if you have to stand out in the cold, tough, get thicker socks, or better still have the balls to quit and come into the warm with the rest of us non-smokers.

Glad to know that you are obviously as selfish as me.

I wouldn't know as I can't remember ever driving my car in an enclosed space such as a pub or a restaurant. I try to avoid it if at all possible and try to leave the car in the car park. :roll:
So I presume you drive or have driven? If that is the case did you bother to think about people breathing in YOUR cars fumes, whilst you sit in traffic? Because if you believe the hype the car is the worst polluter. So if you did or do drive, would you stop to save the planet or your fellow mans health?

As it happens the info I've seen states that cow farts are the single biggest problem with regard to the greenhouse efffect.
As for the planet, who told you that it was in danger? The planet is perfectly fine, it's the human race that's fucked.
No of course you would not because like smokers and drivers we do it NOT because we have too, but because we enjoy it. And I do not expect to get ostrisized because i smoke or drive my car. The expression "live in glass house" springs to mind.

You smoke because you have to. It's as simple as that. You do it because you are addicted. No-one with any degree of rationality sits there setting light to £5 notes then leans back and says "I enjoyed that".
Feel free to make as many excuses as you like to yourself. I'm sure all those taxes you've paid on your ciggies will come in handy when you end up on the cancer or cardiac wards. I wonder what your hindsight rationalisation will be then?
Quote by kentswingers777
Posting pics has gone to losty's head :lol2:

He has learnt how to use Photobucket properly. lol
I think you can safetly lay the blame with
As for it being photobucket wtf is that eh? Only thing i do in buckets is :uhoh:
I did a quotey quotey thing too biggrin we all like a bit of quotey quotey dont we :D
Quote by Lost
Posting pics has gone to losty's head :lol2:

He has learnt how to use Photobucket properly. lol
I think you can safetly lay the blame with
As for it being photobucket wtf is that eh? Only thing i do in buckets is :uhoh:
I did a quotey quotey thing too biggrin we all like a bit of quotey quotey dont we :D

And just to remain on-topic... note the ciggie in Tan's left hand... almost hidden too ;)
Quote by Dave__Notts

The pub trade is on it's knees a lot because of the smoking ban, ask any publican.

Then they are speaking bollocks. The pub trade was going downhill for years. People are no longer doing what people done in the 50's, 60's and 70's. In those decades they used to piss it up and thats about it. From the eighties onwards TV got better, videos and dvd's were invented, the pizza was delivered, blokes started to like to spend time with their families lol , etc. So as well as peoples hbits changing, the pub trade started to price themselves out of it, in relation to rent.
So you are now an expert in publicans opinions? dunno
I think that comment is without foundation. I know of three publicans who say their sales have dropped hugely since the smoking ban was introduced....fact.
The smoking ban was the final nail in a large coffin for many publicans. Pubs on a Fri and Sat night are nowhere near as full as they were before the ban. I really think you should find and speak to a publican, before you make rash opinions. wink
Quote by Peanut

As for being a social leper, I've had some of my best conversations outside with my fellow lepers, I have no issues with that. In fact, I've never smoked indoors. I own my flat. I live here alone. There is no-one else here to pass my filthy habit on to. However, I choose to smoke outside. That's my choice. I'm a considerate smoker. I don't smoke around non-smokers when I can help it and I'm fairly anal about brushing my teeth after a ciggie when I am spending time with a non-smoker.

You choose to smoke outside? Presumably that choice coincided with the change in the law?
"when I can help it"? Does this mean you are forced to do it on occasion?
If I stand outside and someone comes to stand with me that is their choice, same as if I am smoking and they approach me, If they come to my house they know I smoke, its tough if they don't like it - that's life, shit happens
Why would she stop smoking in her own home to coincide with the law change?? My parents have never smoked in their own house for years, they stand in the garden as long as I can remember
Quote by Lost
Posting pics has gone to losty's head :lol2:

He has learnt how to use Photobucket properly. lol
I think you can safetly lay the blame with
As for it being photobucket wtf is that eh? Only thing i do in buckets is :uhoh:
I did a quotey quotey thing too biggrin we all like a bit of quotey quotey dont we :D

Quote by kentswingers777

The pub trade is on it's knees a lot because of the smoking ban, ask any publican.

Then they are speaking bollocks. The pub trade was going downhill for years. People are no longer doing what people done in the 50's, 60's and 70's. In those decades they used to piss it up and thats about it. From the eighties onwards TV got better, videos and dvd's were invented, the pizza was delivered, blokes started to like to spend time with their families lol , etc. So as well as peoples hbits changing, the pub trade started to price themselves out of it, in relation to rent.
So you are now an expert in publicans opinions? dunno
I think that comment is without foundation. I know of three publicans who say their sales have dropped hugely since the smoking ban was introduced....fact.
The smoking ban was the final nail in a large coffin for many publicans. Pubs on a Fri and Sat night are nowhere near as full as they were before the ban. I really think you should find and speak to a publican, before you make rash opinions. wink
The "final nail" is not the same as "because of".
The biggest problem for the pubs was rising drinks prices, rip off mentality and changing home entertainment culture. Smoking bans were just one small element.
Lots of pubs were closing down long before the smoking ban. It's a shame the publicans were too drunk to notice that fact. rolleyes
For example at the Wigan Munch. I paid £2 for a pint of bitter, for a whiskey and lemonade and £2 for a pint of Diet Coke. So in what world do soft drinks cost the same as alcoholic ones? In the rip off world of the licensed premises that's where.
Quote by dekntan

As for being a social leper, I've had some of my best conversations outside with my fellow lepers, I have no issues with that. In fact, I've never smoked indoors. I own my flat. I live here alone. There is no-one else here to pass my filthy habit on to. However, I choose to smoke outside. That's my choice. I'm a considerate smoker. I don't smoke around non-smokers when I can help it and I'm fairly anal about brushing my teeth after a ciggie when I am spending time with a non-smoker.

You choose to smoke outside? Presumably that choice coincided with the change in the law?
"when I can help it"? Does this mean you are forced to do it on occasion?
If I stand outside and someone comes to stand with me that is their choice, same as if I am smoking and they approach me, If they come to my house they know I smoke, its tough if they don't like it - that's life, shit happens

I take it you missed the "I choose to smoke outside" that I was replying to?
Standing with you is indeed a personal choice, standing outside to smoke isn't. You don't have any option, other than to not smoke of course.
As for smoking in your own home, then yes I totally agree with you. It's your home and if a non-smoker chooses to visit you then it's their choice to make that visit. They also have no right to complain that you're smoking. But we aren't talking about private homes in this sub-thread, we're talking about public places.
Why would she stop smoking in her own home to coincide with the law change?? My parents have never smoked in their own house for years, they stand in the garden as long as I can remember

Then they are in the minority. Perhaps you could ask them why they don't and bring us the answer? Because I don't recall them being in this thread, so my comment couldn't be directed at them.
Quote by Peanut

As for being a social leper, I've had some of my best conversations outside with my fellow lepers, I have no issues with that. In fact, I've never smoked indoors. I own my flat. I live here alone. There is no-one else here to pass my filthy habit on to. However, I choose to smoke outside. That's my choice. I'm a considerate smoker. I don't smoke around non-smokers when I can help it and I'm fairly anal about brushing my teeth after a ciggie when I am spending time with a non-smoker.

You choose to smoke outside? Presumably that choice coincided with the change in the law?
"when I can help it"? Does this mean you are forced to do it on occasion?
If I stand outside and someone comes to stand with me that is their choice, same as if I am smoking and they approach me, If they come to my house they know I smoke, its tough if they don't like it - that's life, shit happens

I take it you missed the "I choose to smoke outside" that I was replying to?
Standing with you is indeed a personal choice, standing outside to smoke isn't. You don't have any option, other than to not smoke of course.
As for smoking in your own home, then yes I totally agree with you. It's your home and if a non-smoker chooses to visit you then it's their choice to make that visit. They also have no right to complain that you're smoking. But we aren't talking about private homes in this sub-thread, we're talking about public places.
Why would she stop smoking in her own home to coincide with the law change?? My parents have never smoked in their own house for years, they stand in the garden as long as I can remember

Then they are in the minority. Perhaps you could ask them why they don't and bring us the answer? Because I don't recall them being in this thread, so my comment couldn't be directed at them.
I took DG's comment to mean it was her choice to smoke outside her own house, Of course its not a choice to stand outside a pub its a law
And I do not need to ask my parents I already know the answer,
Quote by dekntan
I took DG's comment to mean it was her choice to smoke outside her own house, Of course its not a choice to stand outside a pub its a law
And I do not need to ask my parents I already know the answer,

As we were talking about pubs at the time I took her answer to refer to pubs, hence my comment.
Out of interest why do your parents choose to smoke outside their own home?