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Hiding fags under the counter?

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Quote by Peanut
Maybe you have more willpower than me then. :fuckinghell:

Actually it's not really about willpower, at least not in my case it wasn't.
It's just about understanding what's happening to you when you quit and then working round it.
That was the case with me too Peanut :thumbup:
As for willpower (in my case), it was more about having a positive mental attitude...
It does in Spain if the bar is under 100 sq mts.
They can have the choice for smoking or non-smoking,
but have to display a sign outside.
They could easily have done that here,everyone including staff and customers alike would then have the choice which establishments to go in
I know a child who volunteers with trading standards to ensure shops stick to the rules and I have to say the majority actually do. The biggest problems are with the shops that already have them under the counter and don't comply with the regulations. So an own goal for nanny!
sorry if this has already been said but hiding the fags under the counter, to me when i was a child i think would have made it even more naughty and sumthing you really wanted to do. Like the dirty mags being on the top shelf made them more desireable. I think this whole country is going so mad, all the rules and regualtions. Having to have nvqs to wipe ur arse etc etc etc. Who the hell thinks up all these crazy rules.
I'm doing my usual 'can't make up my mind' on this one.
As a non-smoker (me) living with a smoker who mad smokes in the house- i hate smoking, but since the ban has come out, it has probably made no difference to me.
I might as well take it up, at least that way I'd get some benefit! Yup, I'm one of those high n mighty hate smokers I'm afraid to say, and glad of the ban in public places.
But with regards to this thread I'm undecided.
I would've said 'what bloody difference does it make?'
Den says that fags aren't an impulse buy for him- he doesn't need to see them to buy them, so it makes no difference if they're under the counter, and if he does forget because he can't see them, then it just means he has to go back for them- to him they're a necessity.
Also, as others have said, hiding them makes them all the more elusive and appealing to kids.
However, I've been told that the ban on displaying them in canada, has meant the demise of the corner shop, it HAS had an impact on sales, and will do here.
The corner shop is also in decline for a number of reasons- fewer and fewer people are nipping out to the shop for their can of juice, bag of crisps, bar of chocolate, paper and fags- healthier lifestyles, plus the cloning of tescos every 500m!!
So to me as a nonsmoker it makes no odds, other than i might loose my handy corner shop, so i reckon leave things be!
m x