I did once see a lorry with 'J Scrote and Sons' on the side
just reminded me Dawnie, one of my clients sons goes to school with a sadam hussain :shock:
A local Doctor caller Dr Brain!!
I went to school with a chap called Bates... often refered to as Master
There used to be a guy on a local radio station
calles Dick Stretch !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can't remember where (all the doctor stuff has jogged my memory a bit) But somewhere i've encountered a Dr. De'ath :scared:
(never has an apostrphie been so important :shock: )
There was a premiership footballer called Wayne Quinn!!!!
I know a family called Calder with a son Cameron know as Cam!!!!
My friend went to school with a girl called Annette Curtain, how cruel can parent's be????
pink x
I know someone called:
Justin Dicks
Tresa Downe
Thomas Bowler (doesn't like to be called Tom)
A friend works with:
Helen Back & Edward Able
My childhood dentist was called Dr Gnash.
Englebert Humperdinck is, I believe, named after a classical composer.
And the caretaker on Take Hart was Colin Bennett.
So there you go.
I once knew a couple who's surname was House and they named their daughter, yes you've guessed it.........................Wendy ! :shock: