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HIV post

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Its the usual thing , and part of the problem is all the f8%cking nancying around caused by appotioning blame . In fact I agree wholeheartedly with Jags and the self protection angle , equally the self protection arguament applies to so called ' third world' peoples .
My point earlier was really voicing my frustration at the way racism and bigotry issues are waved in our faces every time we try to discuss a subject which is the concern of the whole of mankind . Youre all welcome to read my previous posts and dissect them for racism or bigotry , you wont find any . What I was alluding to is the the sad fact that the realities of the situation had once again began to be watered down by the introduction of political correctness . I stated no facts , dates or figures simply that because a discussion about a pandemic includes some reference to national incidence and prevalence it doesnt make it racist . Theres no use spending ages trying to apportion blame and even more sickeningly trying to assume blame ourselves lest we are terrible enough to suggest someone else may have been instrumental . The virus is here now and we have to deal with it . I for one dont see screening of some form as a bad part of a whole world approach whatever bloody country we come from . Im happy to be screened and if i was then id expect anyone poorer or richer to do the same . If it helped stop the spread of the virus .
Anyway ...........................
Quote by Silk and Big G
Its the usual thing , and part of the problem is all the f8%cking nancying around caused by appotioning blame . In fact I agree wholeheartedly with Jags and the self protection angle , equally the self protection arguament applies to so called ' third world' peoples .
My point earlier was really voicing my frustration at the way racism and bigotry issues are waved in our faces every time we try to discuss a subject which is the concern of the whole of mankind . Youre all welcome to read my previous posts and dissect them for racism or bigotry , you wont find any . What I was alluding to is the the sad fact that the realities of the situation had once again began to be watered down by the introduction of political correctness . I stated no facts , dates or figures simply that because a discussion about a pandemic includes some reference to national incidence and prevalence it doesnt make it racist . Theres no use spending ages trying to apportion blame and even more sickeningly trying to assume blame ourselves lest we are terrible enough to suggest someone else may have been instrumental . The virus is here now and we have to deal with it . I for one dont see screening of some form as a bad part of a whole world approach whatever bloody country we come from . Im happy to be screened and if i was then id expect anyone poorer or richer to do the same . If it helped stop the spread of the virus .
Anyway ...........................

..the only person seeking to apportion blame was advocating a negative view about 'one' section' of the population. No-one is trying to stifle informed debate about anything, and nor am I shy of discussing it, because it inflames my sensitivities..why is it that liberal views are humiliated by being seen as 'nancying around' or political's just common sense surely!
If someone could confirm that the AIDS epidemic was due solely to 3rd world immigration then I would support blanket testing and gun towers at's just that in the heat of debate the easy targets get hammered and folks stop looking for the really productive answers to this world-wide problem. To illustrate the point, if all 3rd world immigration stopped, would the UK HIV rate decline?..probably not, cos all the people that believed that 'Africans started it' would get complacent and go round shagging unprotected again.
The ONLY person to bring racism into the conversation was Judy. Until then the discussion was free of bigotry. There is no point in saying that the virus originated on the African continent, it doesn't matter much where it started. Fact is that it was seen first in America, identified in gay men. Now, do we have a go at gay men and say if it weren't for them then we wouldn't have the problem now?? Of course not, homophobia is just as not nice as racism.
"Top Story: The United States holds the dubious distinction of being the industrialized nation with the highest rate of death and disability due to sexually transmitted diseases, according to today’s issue of the journal Sexually Transmitted Infections. The study cites AIDS and Cervical Cancer as being the diseases that are the most responsible for the USA’s high numbers. Both AIDS and Cervical Cancer are caused by viruses that are transmitted via sexual contact.
There is no excuse for the richest, most powerful nation in the world having such a high rate of suffering when the cause is 100% preventable. US policy makers have an obligation to identify what other industrialized nations are doing to keep their rates so much lower than ours, and to set the goal of lowering our own rates by implementing progressive change."

Other STDs are abounding too. It's not just HIV that can be caught by sexual contact - contact with people from ANY continent of the world - with other people. The list is endless:
Human immunodeficiency virus, or HIV, is a virus that attacks the immune system resulting in Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, or AIDS.
A treatable bacterial infection that causes painful sores.
A bacterial infection that often causes no symptoms but can have serious consequences, such as infertility, if not treated.
Also known as pediculosis pubis, crabs are parasites or bugs that live on the pubic hair n the genital area.
A treatable bacterial infection of the penis, vagina, or anus that causes pain or aburning feeling as well as a pus-like discharge. Also known as "the clap."
A disease that affects the liver. There are more than four types. Hepatitis A and B have vaccines available to prevent infection.
Genital herpes is a recurrent skin condition that can cause skin irritations in the genital region (anus, vagina, penis).
Human Papillomavirus / Genital Warts
Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a virus that affects the skin in the genital area, as well as a female's cervix. Depending on the type of HPV involved, symptoms can be in the form of wart-like growths, or abnormal cell changes.
Molluscum Contagiosum
Molluscum Contagiosum is a skin disease that is caused by a virus, usually causing lesions or bumps.
Nongonococcal Urethritis (NGU)
Nongonococcal urethritis (or NGU) is a treatable bacterial infection of the urethra (the tube within the penis), often times associated with chlamydia.
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
An infection of the female reproductive organs by chlamydia, gonorrhea, or other bacteria. Also known as PID.
Scabies is a treatable skin disease that is caused by a parasite.
A treatable bacterial infection that can spread throughout the body and affect the heart, brain, nerves if not treated. Also known as "syph."
Caused by different germs including yeast and trichomoniasis, vaginitis is an infection of the vagina resulting in itching, burning, vaginal discharge, and an odd odor.
So, all those who can't speak English have got disease? Is it BECAUSE they can't speak English they have got those diseases? Or is Judy saying that they can't get treatment because they can't speak English?
What utter utter twaddle.
I gave up watching this topic after my self appointed role as a peacekeeper( sorry, maybe that should read "helpless powerless twat in a blue beret" ) obviously did not stop the bickering between those with liberal and conservative ( note lower case letters ) views. As it has gone on for a few pages in this manner, I've decided to go down the pub for a few bevvies ( you're all welcome to join me BTW, just leave the politics in a bin ). I've also decided to stay away from this topic - the lack of any agreement is too depressing. Finally I would request that a Mod might decide that this issue has been too decisive and/or contentious and that they might then lock it - not least since it has moved so far away from it's origin as to be almost unrecogniseable.
See you all in an hour or two - and if you won't be happier I will be! drinkies
This is exactly the kind of thing im talking about . Ive read Judys post , and whilst it may have pulled no punches in her opinions it certainly never said third world countries were " solely" to blame . A 'liberal' attitude reads it as that because they arent reading the whole opnion , they are already cherry picking for potential incorrectness. No Judys post isnt the only one apportioning blame , most of the posts refuting her are actively blaming our complacency and attitude and turning the blame on ourselves rather than any poor third world individuals . The virus spreads because of everyones complacency and its very difficult to go on using the ignorance arguament decade after decade . I would suggest that if you are informed enough to travel half way across the world to a foreign country to set up home , chances are youre informed enough to wear a condom .
Once again blame is not relevant morally , but if we are going to contain and try and treat the problem we have to start somewhere . As I read Judes post the suggestions although not subtle seemed to say that it would be impossible to contain our own problem if we continued to import it unabated , and that is simply true . Similarly although ive seen repeated reference to one paragraph of her post regarding the genesis of the virus , I have seen not one response to the other very sensible comments in it about behaviour and attitudes in our community . Thats what I mean by liberal , picking out the thing you find offensive just for the sake of it , and ignoring the rest of the comment - which unfortunately leads to missing the discussion that is most pertinent.
Quote by alspals hit the nail on the head there Jags..Aids is about stupid straight people, stupid gays, stupid Africans, stupid Jamaicans, stupid English, stupid Amercans, stupid Germans, stupid teenagers, stupid swingers, stupidity everywhere..I have to confess to having been stupid in the past myself (as I'm sure we all have) and fortunatley got away with it..but in any event I wouldn't have been seeking to blame a bunch of poor, illiterate immigrants for my plight, if I'd not been so lucky.

Think this might have covered it - especially as it was in response to a post about self responsiblilty.
We had to have HIV tests done to work in the Middle East. Don't see the problem with it.
Quote by Jags hit the nail on the head there Jags..Aids is about stupid straight people, stupid gays, stupid Africans, stupid Jamaicans, stupid English, stupid Amercans, stupid Germans, stupid teenagers, stupid swingers, stupidity everywhere..I have to confess to having been stupid in the past myself (as I'm sure we all have) and fortunatley got away with it..but in any event I wouldn't have been seeking to blame a bunch of poor, illiterate immigrants for my plight, if I'd not been so lucky.

Think this might have covered it - especially as it was in response to a post about self responsiblilty.
yeah youre right .its all right there :-) nuff said
Quote by Silk and Big G
This is exactly the kind of thing im talking about . Ive read Judys post , and whilst it may have pulled no punches in her opinions it certainly never said third world countries were " solely" to blame . A 'liberal' attitude reads it as that because they arent reading the whole opnion , they are already cherry picking for potential incorrectness. No Judys post isnt the only one apportioning blame , most of the posts refuting her are actively blaming our complacency and attitude and turning the blame on ourselves rather than any poor third world individuals . The virus spreads because of everyones complacency and its very difficult to go on using the ignorance arguament decade after decade . I would suggest that if you are informed enough to travel half way across the world to a foreign country to set up home , chances are youre informed enough to wear a condom .
Once again blame is not relevant morally , but if we are going to contain and try and treat the problem we have to start somewhere . As I read Judes post the suggestions although not subtle seemed to say that it would be impossible to contain our own problem if we continued to import it unabated , and that is simply true . Similarly although ive seen repeated reference to one paragraph of her post regarding the genesis of the virus , I have seen not one response to the other very sensible comments in it about behaviour and attitudes in our community . Thats what I mean by liberal , picking out the thing you find offensive just for the sake of it , and ignoring the rest of the comment - which unfortunately leads to missing the discussion that is most pertinent.

...before I run and join smokerJim down the local...I hear what you say Silk & Big G, but unfortunately Judy's post was devalued by the sensational remarks she made about 3rd world was almost as invalid saying 'eating chicken biriani could give you AIDS because it's likely to have come into contact with a 3rd world immigrant'! The 3rd World argument is an academic one, but of course this kind of language has wider appeal to racists and xenophobes, who can use it to there own advantage (I'm not including you or anyone else I've encountered on this site in that btw!)'s almost as spurious as saying 'all black men have got big cocks'...something I know isnt true .....from personal experience, sadly! lol
Well. seeing as how Judy hasn't been back to defend the comments we can conclude the conversation perhaps?
Sweeping generalisations which stereotype one set of people - 0
Rational discussion and debate - 1
No penalties needed.
Im all for the 'L' word on this one LOL . Its starting to burn my fingers .
Jags you forgot the educational side to this thread.
Not only did I learn about aids but fLuck have I learnt a lot about certain peoples opinions :eeek:
Dawn biggrin
Quote by Dawn_Mids
Jags you forgot the educational side to this thread.
Not only did I learn about aids but fLuck have I learnt a lot about certain peoples opinions :eeek:
Dawn biggrin

What a kewl side effect of a discussion forum ! Who knew ? :-)
Quote by Dawn_Mids
Jags you forgot the educational side to this thread.
Not only did I learn about aids but fLuck have I learnt a lot about certain peoples opinions :eeek:
Dawn biggrin

Education, education, education! Can't beat it. If people think education is expensive, try ignorance. :shock: :shock:
You're correct Dawn. My initial response was in reaction to being educated about the real opinions and values of someone I thought better of.
I have never seen this thread as heated or feeding ill-will. For me it's been about challenging and rationalizing values which are at odds with the ethos of the AUP. I have no truck with anyone holding differing views to me or having differing values - where I jumped in was to challenge the perceived problems with certain statements.
Now I know more about some people than I really wanted to - thanks pierced Jon!!
:shock: :shock:
Quote by smokerjim
I gave up watching this topic after my self appointed role as a peacekeeper( sorry, maybe that should read "helpless powerless twat in a blue beret" ) obviously did not stop the bickering between those with liberal and conservative ( note lower case letters ) views. As it has gone on for a few pages in this manner, I've decided to go down the pub for a few bevvies ( you're all welcome to join me BTW, just leave the politics in a bin and the football ). I've also decided to stay away from this topic - the lack of any agreement is too depressing. Finally I would request that a Mod might decide that this issue has been too decisive and/or contentious and that they might then lock it - not least since it has moved so far away from it's origin as to be almost unrecogniseable.
See you all in an hour or two - and if you won't be happier I will be! drinkies

Mines a large JD, see u in a minute :cheers:
Quote by Jags
Now I know more about some people than I really wanted to - thanks pierced Jon!!
:shock: :shock: also found out that unlike most male 3rd world immigrants...I don't have a 10" willy!! lol :lol:
Great thread, what happened to Traffic, who started it..and Judy?!! Come back all's forgiven!
Like i said ..................................
smokerjim matey
What pub confused:
Mine was the one by Chatham Station "The Alexadra Hotel" you might come across my ghost in there lol
oops = does that break the "comercial rules" :?:
OK - MY final word before I open a lovely bottle of foreign-produced wine, probably they couldn't speak English but they can make damned fine wine!
First They Came for the Jews
First they came for the Jews
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for the Communists
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Communist.
Then they came for the trade unionists
and I did not speak out
because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for me
and there was no one left
to speak out for me.
Pastor Martin Niemöller

You can insert any ethic minority (yes, even us Scots!!) and/or marginalized community - back to us Scots again :shock: - and it still makes sense.
Quote by Fred aka Medic 1
smokerjim matey
What pub confused:
Mine was the one by Chatham Station "The Alexadra Hotel" you might come across my ghost in there lol
oops = does that break the "comercial rules" :?:

Already been done here Fred :P
Quote by Jags
The ONLY person to bring racism into the conversation was Judy. Until then the discussion was free of bigotry. There is no point in saying that the virus originated on the African continent, it doesn't matter much where it started. Fact is that it was seen first in America, identified in gay men. Now, do we have a go at gay men and say if it weren't for them then we wouldn't have the problem now?? Of course not, homophobia is just as not nice as racism.

"Top Story: The United States holds the dubious distinction of being the industrialized nation with the highest rate of death and disability due to sexually transmitted diseases, according to today’s issue of the journal Sexually Transmitted Infections. The study cites AIDS and Cervical Cancer as being the diseases that are the most responsible for the USA’s high numbers. Both AIDS and Cervical Cancer are caused by viruses that are transmitted via sexual contact.

Without reading the last page from this one...
That is what I was going to post... it was first identified and most spread through the gay comunity and exceptionally affected the sanfranciso area... thats not to say it was there first, or even that that was the major area of infection... just that that was the point at which people woke up and realised that something was amiss, it was then that the scientific comunity realised, or publicised, a problem where a "std" could and would cause death within a relatively short space of time as apposed to a STD that caused death via complications post infection.
There have been documented incidences of people being born with imunity defeciencies in the past... what is to say that the "boy in the bubble" (a 70-80s? film) was not the first.. it seems more likely than some idea that it was first introduced by monkeys, or any other fancifull idea...
Yes AIDS does seem to be a bigger problem in the third world, but not through colour or creed but because awareness is lacking and also that HIV requires both a reduced "healthy lifestyle" (and i think living well below what we in the uk concider a subsistance/benifit living to be non-healthy) and also it piggy backs many other infections that are almost iradicated in the west, it tends to require someone to be ill before it can take a hold as the genetic virus is not that strong when not actually within the person infected; were it to mutate to a virus that could survive as an air born particulate then we would be in serious trouble... the bubonic plague was supposed to be flea (ie blood) transfered, but the newmonic (spelling) plague was when the bubonic blague had mutated into an air born virus that coughs and spital could cause infection.
I dont have a problem with "screening" per say... but like vaxination it will only work if a large proportion of people indiginious also are screned... It would reuqire 90+% of the uk to be tested and thoes infected notified... with vaxination its a case of some will be ill, some may even die, but there is a common good over and above thoes that would die or be infected via the original infection... such as small pox, TB, measles, mumps, rubella, typhoid, etc...
As there is no cure or vaxination against HIV, perhaps there should be a mas testing of the UK populus... can you see that hapening, no neither can I! but HMG regularally say "you've got to have the MMR" and its never questioned and where it is... the side effects do seem to less worse than the potential problems, people still see measles as a few spots and not something that does kill or with serious problems after.
Or perhaps we should give up on vaxinations and prevention and just go for the real heard imunity of thoes that dont die or have a natural imunity will survive... the advocates of the heard theory really dont seem to understand that they, or their kids, will will have a good chance of not living to a point where they can pass on their genetics and that death, or culling of the heard, is more natural than we as humans are prepaird to accept.
Quote by JudyTV

30 years ago we didn't have an AIDS problem in the UK, in fact we didn't have AIDS or HIV at all, it was as rare as rocking horse poo. It was brought into this country from the third world and those third world people are still bringing it in.
Judy............... .............Always supporting the fight against unsafe sex and a lack of education

I was told that the prevalence of AIDS in the UK was due to tourism. Developing countries, after having been plundered of their resources and dignity during colonization, have little else in the way to make a living but by promoting their beautiful lands and exotic natives. Coupled with poor education and public health infrastructure, they were helpless against the onslaught of tourists (some of whom were there for the sand, others for the sex). The tourists then go home, fuck their wives, donate some blood etc etc. So yeah, you might argue that it originated from some developing country (i for one am not up for apportioning blame as i could easily go into one about Great Britain the great plunderer) BUT the developed world had a fair share in spreading it around.
I do agree with Judy though, that HIV is not as easy to catch as some people think but that doesn't mean you ought to be complacent. Nevertheless, there are many other infections that are quite serious which people don't seem to worry about - herpes (that you can catch orally), chlamydia (causes infertility and you wouldn't even know it) , in this day and age, it would be very naive for anybody to enter into any sexually liberal activities without acknowledging that you could be increasing your risks of contracting some infections. Only you can decide how much risk you are willing to take, although you should inform others involved that you are taking these risks. This is the reason why I feel swinging is not all about getting a quick shag. There is no dignity or respect in that - surely then there can be very little responsibilty involved as well.
boy...i am glad that i missed this heated converstaion.....
i have read thru what was said by judy, i see the point that was trying to be said but i just believe it was just poorly worded.. i can see why people were offended, first time i read it i was.. but after reading it a few times i have calmed down... for me the saddest thing about this was to see one marginalised community having a go at another.....
sean xxxxxx
one last comparison i would like to make though.....
about 500 years ago, a large part of the population of south america was wiped out by what was then a killer diease, you may have heard of it, it was brought over by european explorers.......
it was called "the flu"..........
I have read Judys post and thought it through the best I can. I believe it is important to try to work out the motivation behind the post.
Essentially he was saying that the spread of Aids is due to foreigners. Now, what might be the public perception of who is to blame for aids? It could be that a lot of people feel it is due to gay men. This might be accurate or not, it doesn’t really matter in this case, it is what a lot of people think.
What is Judy? I guess amongst other things, a gay/bi man. Perhaps Judy feels defensive when the issue of Aids comes up because he could be labeled as being part of a community that some people feel are to blame.
I don’t believe Judy is racist, I believe the motivation behind the post was not racism but something different. It might have been a subconscious attempt to defend himself.
This is a theory and may be completely off beam, but a different way of looking at things
Quote by Happy Cats
I have read Judys post and thought it through the best I can. I believe it is important to try to work out the motivation behind the post.
Essentially he was saying that the spread of Aids is due to foreigners. Now, what might be the public perception of who is to blame for aids? It could be that a lot of people feel it is due to gay men. This might be accurate or not, it doesn’t really matter in this case, it is what a lot of people think.
What is Judy? I guess amongst other things, a gay/bi man. Perhaps Judy feels defensive when the issue of Aids comes up because he could be labeled as being part of a community that some people feel are to blame.
I don’t believe Judy is racist, I believe the motivation behind the post was not racism but something different. It might have been a subconscious attempt to defend himself.
This is a theory and may be completely off beam, but a different way of looking at things may be right, but whatever Judy's motivation, he has chosen to not continue participating in this thread, so it may be unfair to 'second guess' his objectives.
Quote by Silk and Big G
You cant ?
30 years ago did we have a problem with HIV in the UK ?
Did all the major intitutes of communicable diseases world wide not trace the first diagnosable cases of it mainly on the African continent ?
Have we not in the past had many many immigrants enter the country suffering from the virus ?
Youre right of course the thread isnt about political correctness , but neither is it about racism .

I agree. It was widely known that the SARS virus started in certain parts of Asia, and steps were taken to stop it spreading. That is called being responsible, not racist. I believe the threat of HIV and AIDS could have been stopped a long time ago while it was still rare. A proper system of screening and quarantine would have been very costly, of this there can be no doubt. But look how costly the whole damn businss is now! dugs manufacturers have turned HIV into a licence to print money, yet still people are dying here. A very poignant reminder of this is the Sussex Beacon, an AIDS hospice in Brighton. Its a very big problem here, yet I had never heard of it before 1984. How the system has let us down huh?
On an even heavier note, will historians one day uncover a terrible conspiracy?
Quote by alspals
I have read Judys post and thought it through the best I can. I believe it is important to try to work out the motivation behind the post.
Essentially he was saying that the spread of Aids is due to foreigners. Now, what might be the public perception of who is to blame for aids? It could be that a lot of people feel it is due to gay men. This might be accurate or not, it doesn’t really matter in this case, it is what a lot of people think.
What is Judy? I guess amongst other things, a gay/bi man. Perhaps Judy feels defensive when the issue of Aids comes up because he could be labeled as being part of a community that some people feel are to blame.
I don’t believe Judy is racist, I believe the motivation behind the post was not racism but something different. It might have been a subconscious attempt to defend himself.
This is a theory and may be completely off beam, but a different way of looking at things may be right, but whatever Judy's motivation, he has chosen to not continue participating in this thread, so it may be unfair to 'second guess' his objectives.
Interesting philosophy, looks like you've already agreed on that rolleyes
If people had to have a blood test once a year for HIV by law then at least once a year they would know what their HIV status was.
Most people i suspect have a, 'rather not know' attitude towards this life threatening condition where no symptoms are experienced,but can be passed on to others.
I find this at odds with the liberated thinking that goes with swinging.
Yes, i know the obvious solution is to use a condom at all times,but knowing one way, or the other would reinforce the wearing of them for everyone, and get treatment, and support if the results were positive.
The easiest way for many to get a HIV, ( stigma) free test is to give blood.
Everyone is tested before blood is donated from a sample taken after completing the paperwork.
You even get a cuppa,& a biscuit after you've been on a bed, and put up with a little prick. lol
Well done that woman, as i think honesty is best. :thumbup:
Interesting thread....I must look in this forum more often.....
HIV never killed anyone, ever.
The virus targets various parts of the immune system....the CD4 T cells...the person becomes ill when the immune system is compromised to the extent that it cannot defend against the large variety of diseases that it NORMALLY does.
Really, the large scale of the problem and the various diseases that the patient becomes ill with, provided the first positive proof that cancers are a problem caused by failure of the bodies immune system....and that apart from HIV, other cancers are caused by other viruses....cervical cancer and the HPV spring to mind.
The moral problem does not concern me, no morals for a start.
As of last year I was not infected with HIV......
Those considering being tested "just in case" should bear in mind that it will affect you if purchasing life insurance...although you could lie....but that would be a bad move.
The viral "load" needed for infection seems to be large, but you should also bear in mind that the preferred route is via mucous vagina, rectum and mouth/throat and nasal passages. Circumcised males are much less prone to BEING infected, unless they receive anal sex bareback.
The first signs that a person MAY be infected are usually frequent respiratory infections that don't clear-up with antibiotic infection, and skin sarcoma (like a blister, but red and weeping)
It's wonderful what info they have in GUM clinics now.....
Quote by cc_7up
If people had to have a blood test once a year for HIV

Well, anyone who is pregnant is now offered a HIV test as part of their anti-natal care. This has happened for several years now. I was offered one when I was pregnant three years ago, and I took it.
I do think that HIV testing should be made more "mainstream" and offered to everyone regularly, as are plenty are other screening procedures.
Damn... I was meant to be keeping out of this thread rolleyes :roll: :roll: