Hi everyone - my first post, i feel all nervous - please be gentle!
Just looking to get to know like minded people, been hovering around the site for a while now but thought i'd take the plinge.
So all in all
be gentle .
i have to
ok hello and welcome :twisted:
Im off to tell Mr Fc that someone has taken his Missus's plinge .
He'll be livid
do what i do
just keep posting bolloxs
i dont find theres any clicks its all in the mind :twisted:
ps we can still see you ...............going invisible on us hey
scared you that much
now whos being sarcastic :twisted:
anymore of this talk my laddo and you lll be sent to the
who wants a fight thread
ps......... us girlies always win
dirty hey
now would i
well i say im offended
(not really)
right id love to stay but some of us have to get up early
Night night
I am off to - bloody knackered
Goodnight everyone!