Hi, has anyone elses home page changed ?. On my laptop it has, on hubbys it hasnt. He says its me thats been messing with things, but its not. wouldnt mind but the bit where it tells you who has viewed your profile is missing on mine :cry: , and i like that bit, thanks Amanda.
Have you subscribed to the Extras Package ?
yes mallock, its been ok till a few days ago, its still ok on other laptop, its just mine. Amanda.
Ive done that Mallock . Is there anything i could have pressed by mistake, that has changed the page set up. Amanda.
Nothing Shireen, its just a blank space :cry: .
Just thought i would mention that this is also missing on my homepage???? And yes we do pay for extras lol
Has your home page changed in other ways pembscouple69. mine as completely. the whole page is white, all the writing is there but not in boxes.
I can't be sure but as the SH webpage program runs from the SH server and not from your computer, I can't see that your normal settings or security would "block" some but not all of the display and as to me the screen displays are as they should look then it would again point to somthing your side. If its not a virus then maybe you need to reset your hotlink ( favorites) or whatever you do instead of searching google for this site each time? maybe that cookie/link has got corrupted somehow that brings you to the site?