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Homophobic..........Am I? are you?

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After having a bijou lookette at another thread got me to thinking am I just a little homophobic?
Hypothetically, if I was in a situation where I was goosed/felt up or whatever by a woman given the where when and how etc. Lets take it as a sex club in one of the 'darker' rooms say. I would probably be surprised :lol2: too say the least but I doubt I'd be angry/upset/worried
If. however it was by another man I think my reactions could be different. I don't think I would be angry as in violence or anything like that but I think i would be pissy about it. Maybe later in reflection I might feel slightly flattered I guess.
Does this make me vaguely homophobic? I have played doing mmf's and there has been incidental M/M contact but in all honesty its sort of an oops ahemm grimace carry on moment.
Seems to me to be more a macho and ego sort of thing. It's hardly surprising though given the upbringing us over a certain age have had and the conditioning we've received.
From the psychologist's point of view it's also a knee jerk reaction to the unconscious understanding that we all have innate latent homosexuality, but we've been brought up to be straight and be men's men (if you pardon the pun). There's also the conditioning that we've had not just to ignore it, but to positively deny it by knee jerk reactions like the one you had.
And to those who deny latent homosexuality, I ask to consider they last time they got just as hard watching a big cock fuck a pussy as watching that pussy on its own being wanked.
I think it's hard to control your deep-seated, instinctive responses to things/people/situations. I think though, that once you become aware of them you can start to think about them and moderate them.
I don't think anyone could blame you for being uncomfortable about physical-contact-with-sexual-overtones with anyone you don't feel comfortable about being touched by. Especially if this is done in an intrusive way without your agreement. If this causes you to react instinctively in a more negative manner that makes sense. And as you've described, genuinely accidental brushing gets a much milder negative response out of you.
I think instinctive reactions to situations are a different matter to treating people differently depending on their sexuality/race/gender/disability whatever, or holding prejudiced views. I think as long as, rationally, you know that "the gays" are no different to "the straights"* and are as different from each other as they/we are alike, and you behave accordingly, then you're fine; especially if you're aware of your instinctive responses and try to moderate them.
*= and of course the same goes for the whites, the blacks, the Polish, the Welsh or the Congolese. The Mackems, however, are a funny lot and should be tret with extreme suspicion.
i dont think your homophobic because you dont enjoy the advances of the same sex on you i think the fact that they got far enough to goose you before any one got twatted was a good sign.... if more people were of the attitude of liking the 'person' not the bits between the legs then life would be easier. were too quick to be put in a box labelled and filed away as to what others think is appropriate of us....
not enjoy sexually same sex is an opinion everyone is entitlteld to have, as long as them that dont enjoy it realise that there are them that do enjoy it so each to there own, whatever floats ya boat.. and truly how do you know you dont like something until you have tried it properly... i say gay/lesbian/bi/ straight orgies for everyone !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!get it out ya system and have fun doing it... !
Quote by FurbyHug
i dont think your homophobic because you dont enjoy the advances of the same sex on you i think the fact that they got far enough to goose you before any one got twatted was a good sign.... if more people were of the attitude of liking the 'person' not the bits between the legs then life would be easier. were too quick to be put in a box labelled and filed away as to what others think is appropriate of us....
not enjoy sexually same sex is an opinion everyone is entitlteld to have, as long as them that dont enjoy it realise that there are them that do enjoy it so each to there own, whatever floats ya boat.. and truly how do you know you dont like something until you have tried it properly... i say gay/lesbian/bi/ straight orgies for everyone !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!get it out ya system and have fun doing it... !
Would that be on your 16th. 18th. or 21st. brithday?
Long long ago a guy hit on me, it was a long time ago and I just ignored him, W when she came back found it amusing. Me being uncomfortable as much as the guy make an instant retreat when she came back and rescued me.
If it happened now? A polite, 'No thank you', I think.
Because I do not say yes to a guy I am not homophobic. If I run ten miles from him or beat him to a plup I may be...or maybe I just fear others will think I am a 'queer'.
I just know I do not desire the advances of a guy, friendship that is another thing. People are more than sex objects.
I think i am a bit homophobic..(female talking by the way )
not that I mind who or what anyone does but I find I cant watch . Even snogging makes me want to turn away. I am curious about gay sex between men but if i cant look at the snogging I dont imagine i'd be able to watch the whole act.
I don't mind a laugh and a joke with girl mates and i don't recoil at a girls touch for example if I get a massage ,and I dont mind being naked together but if i honestly thought it would go further sexually I would be uncomfortable. People have often said you don't know unless oyou try it, but if you honestly have no desire to try something how can you do it just for the sake of it?
good thread Lost.
i suppose its a little unusual for us to look at whether we are ourselves sometimes wrong in out outlook and actions. I have been doing a bit of that recently.. but that's another thread!!!!
you ask the question if we consider that one could be Homophobic so I had a look at some definitions to see if i could answer the question truthfully and therefore properly.
Homophobia (from Greek homós: one and the same; phóbos: fear, phobia) is a term used to describe irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against homosexuals. It can also mean "irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against homosexuality or homosexuals". Homophobic is the adjective form of this term used to describe the qualities of these characteristics while homophobe is the noun form given as a title to individuals with homophobic characteristics.
This led me onto looking at whether my, if any ,,"fear" "aversion to" or "discrimination" was irrational.
Irrationality is talking or acting without regard of rationality. Usually pejorative, the term is used to describe thinking and actions which are, or appear to be, less useful or logical than the rational alternatives. There is a clear tendency to view our own thoughts, words, and actions as rational and to see those who disagree as irrational.
personally, i dont think i am homophobic, but im sure that some might see certain things i have "against" homosexuality, if our definition of "rational" differs.
intersting stuff when one applies certain different scenarios, personalities and differing viewpoints.
hard to defend against!!
it seems, by defenition, one might only have to do/think something "against" ie, have an aversion towards, to be deemed homophobic.
I think the cut off point, and the yardstick used to to measure the "offending behaviour" by, is to look at the word " discrimination" and see whether there exists anything that seeks to discriminate.
Quote by Lost
After having a bijou lookette at another thread got me to thinking am I just a little homophobic?
Hypothetically, if I was in a situation where I was goosed/felt up or whatever by a woman given the where when and how etc. Lets take it as a sex club in one of the 'darker' rooms say. I would probably be surprised :lol2: too say the least but I doubt I'd be angry/upset/worried
If. however it was by another man I think my reactions could be different. I don't think I would be angry as in violence or anything like that but I think i would be pissy about it. Maybe later in reflection I might feel slightly flattered I guess.
Does this make me vaguely homophobic? I have played doing mmf's and there has been incidental M/M contact but in all honesty its sort of an oops ahemm grimace carry on moment.

Lost. I know which other thread you are talking about. lol
I read this artical today which I found interesting...does not mean it is my views just something that I read, which people can or cannot comment on. I thought it thought provoking.
" Western societies have, in recent decades, undergone a radical change in their attitudes to homosexuality. What was once regarded as an intolerable vice is now regarded as an "orientation", no different in kind, though different in direction, from the inclinations that lead men to unite with women, and children to be born. This radical change began with the decriminalisation of homosexual conduct, and with a growing readiness not just to tolerate homosexuality in private, but to talk about it in public. We saw the emergence of the "public homosexual", the flamboyant propagandist for that "other" way of life who, like Quentin Crisp, tried to persuade us that "gay" is after all the right description. There followed the movement for "gay pride" and the "coming out" of public figures —to the point where it is no longer very interesting to know whether someone is or is not of the other persuasion.
For the most part, the people of this country have gone along with the changes. They may not be comfortable with its more demonstrative expressions, but they are prepared to tolerate the homosexual way of life, provided it keeps within the bounds of decency, and does no violence to fundamental norms. However, this attitude does not satisfy the activists. For to tolerate is to disapprove. It is only when conduct offends you that you need to exercise your toleration, and the activists want people to treat homosexuality as normal. Through the slippery notions of discrimination and human rights, they have used the law to advance their agenda. Homosexuality is now treated by the law as a tendency comparable in almost every way to heterosexuality, so that any attempt to distinguish between people on grounds of their "orientation" — whether as applicants for a job, or as recipients of a privilege — is regarded as unjust "discrimination", comparable in its moral heinousness to discrimination on grounds of race or sex.
On the whole we have accepted that laws against discrimination might be needed, in order to protect those who have suffered in the past from hostile prejudice. Every now and then, however, we wake up to the fact that, although homosexuality has been normalised, it is not normal. Our acceptance of the homosexual lifestyle, of same-sex couples, and of the gay scene has not eliminated our sense that these are alternatives to something, and that it is the other thing that is normal. This other thing is not heterosexual desire, conceived as an "orientation". It is heterosexual union: the joining of man and woman, in an act which leads in the natural course of things not just to mutual commitment but to the bearing of children, the raising of a family and the self-sacrificing habits on which, when all is said and done, the future of society depends. The propaganda that has tried to rewrite heterosexuality as an "orientation" is really an attempt to persuade us to overlook the real truth about sexual union, which is that it is, in its normal form, the way in which one generation gives way to the next ".

As I have said not my views but an interesting view.
Quote by kentswingers777
After having a bijou lookette at another thread got me to thinking am I just a little homophobic?
Hypothetically, if I was in a situation where I was goosed/felt up or whatever by a woman given the where when and how etc. Lets take it as a sex club in one of the 'darker' rooms say. I would probably be surprised :lol2: too say the least but I doubt I'd be angry/upset/worried
If. however it was by another man I think my reactions could be different. I don't think I would be angry as in violence or anything like that but I think i would be pissy about it. Maybe later in reflection I might feel slightly flattered I guess.
Does this make me vaguely homophobic? I have played doing mmf's and there has been incidental M/M contact but in all honesty its sort of an oops ahemm grimace carry on moment.

Lost. I know which other thread you are talking about. lol
I read this artical today which I found interesting...does not mean it is my views just something that I read, which people can or cannot comment on. I thought it thought provoking.
" Western societies have, in recent decades, undergone a radical change in their attitudes to homosexuality. What was once regarded as an intolerable vice is now regarded as an "orientation", no different in kind, though different in direction, from the inclinations that lead men to unite with women, and children to be born. This radical change began with the decriminalisation of homosexual conduct, and with a growing readiness not just to tolerate homosexuality in private, but to talk about it in public. We saw the emergence of the "public homosexual", the flamboyant propagandist for that "other" way of life who, like Quentin Crisp, tried to persuade us that "gay" is after all the right description. There followed the movement for "gay pride" and the "coming out" of public figures —to the point where it is no longer very interesting to know whether someone is or is not of the other persuasion.
For the most part, the people of this country have gone along with the changes. They may not be comfortable with its more demonstrative expressions, but they are prepared to tolerate the homosexual way of life, provided it keeps within the bounds of decency, and does no violence to fundamental norms. However, this attitude does not satisfy the activists. For to tolerate is to disapprove. It is only when conduct offends you that you need to exercise your toleration, and the activists want people to treat homosexuality as normal. Through the slippery notions of discrimination and human rights, they have used the law to advance their agenda. Homosexuality is now treated by the law as a tendency comparable in almost every way to heterosexuality, so that any attempt to distinguish between people on grounds of their "orientation" — whether as applicants for a job, or as recipients of a privilege — is regarded as unjust "discrimination", comparable in its moral heinousness to discrimination on grounds of race or sex.
On the whole we have accepted that laws against discrimination might be needed, in order to protect those who have suffered in the past from hostile prejudice. Every now and then, however, we wake up to the fact that, although homosexuality has been normalised, it is not normal. Our acceptance of the homosexual lifestyle, of same-sex couples, and of the gay scene has not eliminated our sense that these are alternatives to something, and that it is the other thing that is normal. This other thing is not heterosexual desire, conceived as an "orientation". It is heterosexual union: the joining of man and woman, in an act which leads in the natural course of things not just to mutual commitment but to the bearing of children, the raising of a family and the self-sacrificing habits on which, when all is said and done, the future of society depends. The propaganda that has tried to rewrite heterosexuality as an "orientation" is really an attempt to persuade us to overlook the real truth about sexual union, which is that it is, in its normal form, the way in which one generation gives way to the next ".

As I have said not my views but an interesting view.
sounds quite rational to me...... wink
Quote by DeeCee
After having a bijou lookette at another thread got me to thinking am I just a little homophobic?
Hypothetically, if I was in a situation where I was goosed/felt up or whatever by a woman given the where when and how etc. Lets take it as a sex club in one of the 'darker' rooms say. I would probably be surprised :lol2: too say the least but I doubt I'd be angry/upset/worried
If. however it was by another man I think my reactions could be different. I don't think I would be angry as in violence or anything like that but I think i would be pissy about it. Maybe later in reflection I might feel slightly flattered I guess.
Does this make me vaguely homophobic? I have played doing mmf's and there has been incidental M/M contact but in all honesty its sort of an oops ahemm grimace carry on moment.

Lost. I know which other thread you are talking about. lol
I read this artical today which I found interesting...does not mean it is my views just something that I read, which people can or cannot comment on. I thought it thought provoking.
" Western societies have, in recent decades, undergone a radical change in their attitudes to homosexuality. What was once regarded as an intolerable vice is now regarded as an "orientation", no different in kind, though different in direction, from the inclinations that lead men to unite with women, and children to be born. This radical change began with the decriminalisation of homosexual conduct, and with a growing readiness not just to tolerate homosexuality in private, but to talk about it in public. We saw the emergence of the "public homosexual", the flamboyant propagandist for that "other" way of life who, like Quentin Crisp, tried to persuade us that "gay" is after all the right description. There followed the movement for "gay pride" and the "coming out" of public figures —to the point where it is no longer very interesting to know whether someone is or is not of the other persuasion.
For the most part, the people of this country have gone along with the changes. They may not be comfortable with its more demonstrative expressions, but they are prepared to tolerate the homosexual way of life, provided it keeps within the bounds of decency, and does no violence to fundamental norms. However, this attitude does not satisfy the activists. For to tolerate is to disapprove. It is only when conduct offends you that you need to exercise your toleration, and the activists want people to treat homosexuality as normal. Through the slippery notions of discrimination and human rights, they have used the law to advance their agenda. Homosexuality is now treated by the law as a tendency comparable in almost every way to heterosexuality, so that any attempt to distinguish between people on grounds of their "orientation" — whether as applicants for a job, or as recipients of a privilege — is regarded as unjust "discrimination", comparable in its moral heinousness to discrimination on grounds of race or sex.
On the whole we have accepted that laws against discrimination might be needed, in order to protect those who have suffered in the past from hostile prejudice. Every now and then, however, we wake up to the fact that, although homosexuality has been normalised, it is not normal. Our acceptance of the homosexual lifestyle, of same-sex couples, and of the gay scene has not eliminated our sense that these are alternatives to something, and that it is the other thing that is normal. This other thing is not heterosexual desire, conceived as an "orientation". It is heterosexual union: the joining of man and woman, in an act which leads in the natural course of things not just to mutual commitment but to the bearing of children, the raising of a family and the self-sacrificing habits on which, when all is said and done, the future of society depends. The propaganda that has tried to rewrite heterosexuality as an "orientation" is really an attempt to persuade us to overlook the real truth about sexual union, which is that it is, in its normal form, the way in which one generation gives way to the next ".

As I have said not my views but an interesting view.
sounds quite rational to me...... winkquote]
Goes on a bit but worth the read. :lol:
Quote by Peanut
Seems to me to be more a macho and ego sort of thing. It's hardly surprising though given the upbringing us over a certain age have had and the conditioning we've received.
From the psychologist's point of view it's also a knee jerk reaction to the unconscious understanding that we all have innate latent homosexuality, but we've been brought up to be straight and be men's men (if you pardon the pun). There's also the conditioning that we've had not just to ignore it, but to positively deny it by knee jerk reactions like the one you had.
And to those who deny latent homosexuality, I ask to consider they last time they got just as hard watching a big cock fuck a pussy as watching that pussy on its own being wanked.

you got some ideas mate,i put myself as if am the big cock fucking that pussy,but if it just a pussy own its own i just imagine what i would do to those wet lips...women or other sexually may view it from other angle
Quote by Phuckers
Seems to me to be more a macho and ego sort of thing. It's hardly surprising though given the upbringing us over a certain age have had and the conditioning we've received.
From the psychologist's point of view it's also a knee jerk reaction to the unconscious understanding that we all have innate latent homosexuality, but we've been brought up to be straight and be men's men (if you pardon the pun). There's also the conditioning that we've had not just to ignore it, but to positively deny it by knee jerk reactions like the one you had.
And to those who deny latent homosexuality, I ask to consider they last time they got just as hard watching a big cock fuck a pussy as watching that pussy on its own being wanked.

you got some ideas mate,i put myself as if am the big cock fucking that pussy,but if it just a pussy own its own i just imagine what i would do to those wet lips...women or other sexually may view it from other angle
The point went thattaway ->
I must admit to still being a little confused about it all. If I feel a little turned off at the prospect of myself being involved in gay sex then that surely is homophobic. Using DeeCee's dictionary definition I do have an aversion to gay sex happening, but only to me. I can quite happily sit stand or watch to a degree, but have no interest in whats going on if there is gay (man) sex happening. I have no wish to stop people being gay or trying gay stuff thats cool and if that makes the people involved happy in anyway then i would encourage it.
Maybe it is conditioning and the way in which i was brought up, nonetheless it is how I feel and I would be lying if i denied that. I would like to say I'd step back and think about it all but I already have big time, thinking could I possibly accept/enjoy gay sex but i cant get my head round the aversion i stress to myself being involved in homosexual acts. Hey if I could enjoy sex between men and women equally I think that would be great especially as a swinger. But hey I'll go on the way I do it suits me and I hold no beef with others and how they go about their sex lives.
Going on from this i guess i practice hypocrisy also as to watch Mrs Lost involved in lesbian with another woman is a totally satifying horny mind fuck also being involved with a couple having sex with them both :cool:
Quote by Lost
I must admit to still being a little confused about it all. If I feel a little turned off at the prospect of myself being involved in gay sex then that surely is homophobic. Using DeeCee's dictionary definition I do have an aversion to gay sex happening, but only to me. I can quite happily sit stand or watch to a degree, but have no interest in whats going on if there is gay (man) sex happening. I have no wish to stop people being gay or trying gay stuff thats cool and if that makes the people involved happy in anyway then i would encourage it.
Maybe it is conditioning and the way in which i was brought up, nonetheless it is how I feel and I would be lying if i denied that. I would like to say I'd step back and think about it all but I already have big time, thinking could I possibly accept/enjoy gay sex but i cant get my head round the aversion i stress to myself being involved in homosexual acts. Hey if I could enjoy sex between men and women equally I think that would be great especially as a swinger. But hey I'll go on the way I do it suits me and I hold no beef with others and how they go about their sex lives.
Going on from this i guess i practice hypocrisy also as to watch Mrs Lost involved in lesbian with another woman is a totally satifying horny mind fuck also being involved with a couple having sex with them both :cool:

The liberals amongst us would say yes you was.
I would say you was not. A lot of people I know would not accept that we swing. Do we tell friends and family that we swing? Of course not because society views it as strange behavour. Just like many other sexual practises, we tend to keep quite as people just wont understand. I am no prude, far from it, but because guys think it is wrong for guys to go with guys, is a view and not a homophobic one.
Because we swing and I enjoy watching mrs777 getting shagged silly, does that make us weird? No it does not in my view but....its like gay guys is not the norm either. We all have our ways and I would def not ram my swinging views on others. It is a lifestyle choice, which we happily make. lol
My sexuality in the past has never bothered me or indeed come into question, that is until I started swinging. Now I seem to find myself telling women that I chat to almost instantly that I am straight as it seems to be taken for granted that a, I am bi and b, If we have a laugh and get on I want to play with them. Only this Saturday while enjoying two men, which meant I was a tad pinned down I had a woman give me a full on snog. As gorgeous as she was, it wasn't something I wanted or agreed to and it all got a bit funny when I politely asked her to stop.
I don't see it as any different to any other type of attraction. If you're not attracted to blondes then you say politely that you are not interested, if you are not attracted to the opposite sex you say the same. It doesn't mean that you treat or think of them any differently as people.
Quote by venus68
My sexuality in the past has never bothered me or indeed come into question, that is until I started swinging. Now I seem to find myself telling women that I chat to almost instantly that I am straight as it seems to be taken for granted that a, I am bi and b, If we have a laugh and get on I want to play with them. Only this Saturday while enjoying two men, which meant I was a tad pinned down I had a woman give me a full on snog. As gorgeous as she was, it wasn't something I wanted or agreed to and it all got a bit funny when I politely asked her to stop.
I don't see it as any different to any other type of attraction. If you're not attracted to blondes then you say politely that you are not interested, if you are not attracted to the opposite sex you say the same. It doesn't mean that you treat or think of them any differently as people.

:thumbup: I hear what your saying Venus though I'm uncertain if that applies in this reality. For instance I like longlegged darkhaired women over others as a preference but would not refuse to do things or associate with others outside that mold it would not even cross my mind, i am not 'averse' to other people looks wise thats just a visual thing. Take a pick from line of a hundred women and i would visually more than likely pick the taller dark haired ones. Let me talk to them all then it may very well be different.
Where having sex with another man differs is that even if it was the sexiest most attractive/beautiful or even charismatic man or maybe a fabulous woman looking ladyboy in the world or what have you i would be averse to sex with them. I know if I had a bj off one without any the wiser then that would be fine I guess. To know that they were a man would turn me off the idea.
Quote by Lost
My sexuality in the past has never bothered me or indeed come into question, that is until I started swinging. Now I seem to find myself telling women that I chat to almost instantly that I am straight as it seems to be taken for granted that a, I am bi and b, If we have a laugh and get on I want to play with them. Only this Saturday while enjoying two men, which meant I was a tad pinned down I had a woman give me a full on snog. As gorgeous as she was, it wasn't something I wanted or agreed to and it all got a bit funny when I politely asked her to stop.
I don't see it as any different to any other type of attraction. If you're not attracted to blondes then you say politely that you are not interested, if you are not attracted to the opposite sex you say the same. It doesn't mean that you treat or think of them any differently as people.

:thumbup: I hear what your saying Venus though I'm uncertain if that applies in this reality. For instance I like longlegged darkhaired women over others as a preference but would not refuse to do things or associate with others outside that mold it would not even cross my mind, i am not 'averse' to other people looks wise thats just a visual thing. Take a pick from line of a hundred women and i would visually more than likely pick the taller dark haired ones. Let me talk to them all then it may very well be different.
Where having sex with another man differs is that even if it was the sexiest most attractive/beautiful or even charismatic man or maybe a fabulous woman looking ladyboy in the world or what have you i would be averse to sex with them. I know if I had a bj off one without any the wiser then that would be fine I guess. To know that they were a man would turn me off the idea.
Hang on, if I have my blindfold on then I don't know who is touching me and it is completely the sensation that I am concentrating on. That has nothing to do with attraction or chemistry, it's no different to me using a toy on myself. (Sorry but apart from not requiring batteries and I may not be the only one enjoying it) it isn't.
Of course people do break the mold. You can feel attracted to someones personality, but... if there is no chemistry it won't happen. Not with me anyway. I have never felt chemistry with a woman yet (as in sexual chemistry) and I assume after 39 years I probably won't. This may be the same for you. You can't force chemistry or find rhyme or reason for it. It's either there, or it isn't.
As someone else has already said, it does not make you homophobic because you don't want to knowingly play with the same sex, it just means you were not wired up that way to be susceptible to their charms.
To me homophobic is someone who is not able to associate, socialise or accept that sexuality can be anything other than heteresexual and believe it is wrong. Do you feel that way? I don't think you do and I know I don't.
I think that homophobia can be used quite liberally as an all encompassing term for a lot of behaviour.
I know that a lot of people operate double standards. I know that a lot of people are just plain feckin' ignorant.
Those who use the word normal when talking about heterosexuality and use the terms wrong, strange, abnormal etc when referring to homosexuality although have caveats around lesbianism. Those same people liken swinging to homosexuality and talk about it as if swinging is a sexuality and homosexuality is lifestyle choice that is best practised behind closed doors as it is like porn and shouldn't be done 'in front of the children'. Those are the people who are ignorant they may also be homophobic I couldn’t care less.
I don't know what the differences are between homophobia and ignorance but I know that if someone were to make derogatory remarks about my relationship with wor lass whilst I was at work I would report them through the bullying and harrassment policy and would have a strong case.
Let me put into perspective what ignorance does.
My son aged 4.. completely open about my sexuality and unaware that others are ignorant in the supermarket... 'mum, you know that you are a lesbian, does that mean...........' he was about to talk about having 3 mums as his dad had just remarried. A lovely kindly little old lady spits at my feet and tells me 'that is disgusting'. Not the easiest thing to explain to my son.
Over the years having bottles/glasses/cigarettes thrown at me by people as I am leaving or entering gay pubs and clubs by crowds of straight people. (When I say straight I mean they looked straight rolleyes tongue firmly in cheek there)
Being punched and kicked by same.
Being thrown out of pubs/clubs for kissing my g/f and offending straight people. (I only wish it had been french kissing but it wasn't)
Breaking up a fight in a gay club because the bouncers had let in a group of men on a stag party cos it was a quiet night and they thought it would be good sport. One gay man with a bloody nose one gay man with a broken arm. 4 straight men hospitalised as as they lost the fight they started.
Being sacked when the boss found out I was gay.
Losing all my friends when I come 'out'
Being refused accommodation in a previously vacant hotel/bed and breakfast as the owners realise that we are together.
Booking a place and not telling them I am in a gay relationship (it isn’t their business is it?) and at breakfast being asked not to sit too close together as it is offending the other guests. Or as I had on one occasion being told they would provide room service free of charge as the previous day there had been complaints that we were a couple and they didn’t want to upset anyone. (I would have understood more easily if I had been fucking her over the hotplate while wiping her face with a croissant- but I was talking to her about our house if I recall.)
I could go on and on…. But I have to ‘out’ myself almost daily. Now, I just don’t talk about my personal life at all and I discourage that sort of conversation in my company at work. Although if someone does mention mortgages/house/home life/ whose cooking the dinner, then I am damn well going to take part.
The ignorant ones are the ones that think it is feckin compliment to say ‘ wow, you don’t look gay’
I'm as happy to be in the company of gay people as straight. If a person was to hit on me (ah, memories rolleyes ) then my response would be based upon of I fancied that person or not, irrespective of gender. I react no differently to my dear gay friend kissing his b/f as I do any straight couple I know.
Homosexuality is, obviously, not what the human body was designedfor, and to that extent it could be said that technically, it's not normal.
Congenital blindness is not "normal"
Downs Syndrome is not "normal"
Cleft Palate is not "normal"
Can anyone justify treating any of the above groups of people differently? dunno
.....if we are talking design. Are those who need IVF to conceive abnormal? (there are load of other examples but that was the first that came to mind as often I have the statement about procreation levelled at me as the reason why homosexuality is wrong)
Are those who are entitled to wear the label 'normal' those who are doing everything that the body was designed for?
Quote by winchwench
I'm as happy to be in the company of gay people as straight. If a person was to hit on me (ah, memories rolleyes ) then my response would be based upon of I fancied that person or not, irrespective of gender. I react no differently to my dear gay friend kissing his b/f as I do any straight couple I know.
Homosexuality is, obviously, not what the human body was designed for, and to that extent it could be said that technically, it's not normal.
Congenital blindness is not "normal"
Downs Syndrome is not "normal"
Cleft Palate is not "normal"
Can anyone justify treating any of the above groups of people differently? dunno

of course the society treat them different with extra care,the situations they are in is not by choice
Quote by Phuckers
I'm as happy to be in the company of gay people as straight. If a person was to hit on me (ah, memories rolleyes ) then my response would be based upon of I fancied that person or not, irrespective of gender. I react no differently to my dear gay friend kissing his b/f as I do any straight couple I know.
Homosexuality is, obviously, not what the human body was designed for, and to that extent it could be said that technically, it's not normal.
Congenital blindness is not "normal"
Downs Syndrome is not "normal"
Cleft Palate is not "normal"
Can anyone justify treating any of the above groups of people differently? dunno

of course the society treat them different with extra care,the situations they are in is not by choice
ahh yeah. Gay people choose their sexuality in the same way that straight people do. I always forget that.
whips.. what I was illustrating is that it is normal to be treated like that. I am used to it. THAT is the sad thing.
I have got to the point where it registers more with others than it does with me.
thankyou for your concern but I have learnt how to live with other's ignorance.
I am sure that your sons are a credit to their parenting. It is shame that others will be a credit to theirs.
Quote by Phuckers
I'm as happy to be in the company of gay people as straight. If a person was to hit on me (ah, memories rolleyes ) then my response would be based upon of I fancied that person or not, irrespective of gender. I react no differently to my dear gay friend kissing his b/f as I do any straight couple I know.
Homosexuality is, obviously, not what the human body was designed for, and to that extent it could be said that technically, it's not normal.
Congenital blindness is not "normal"
Downs Syndrome is not "normal"
Cleft Palate is not "normal"
Can anyone justify treating any of the above groups of people differently? dunno

of course the society treat them different with extra care,the situations they are in is not by choice
Quote by splendid_
I'm as happy to be in the company of gay people as straight. If a person was to hit on me (ah, memories rolleyes ) then my response would be based upon of I fancied that person or not, irrespective of gender. I react no differently to my dear gay friend kissing his b/f as I do any straight couple I know.
Homosexuality is, obviously, not what the human body was designed for, and to that extent it could be said that technically, it's not normal.
Congenital blindness is not "normal"
Downs Syndrome is not "normal"
Cleft Palate is not "normal"
Can anyone justify treating any of the above groups of people differently? dunno

of course the society treat them different with extra care,the situations they are in is not by choice
ahh yeah. Gay people choose their sexuality in the same way that straight people do. I always forget that.
i didnt mention anything about the gays or straight...thanks for changing the knickers Btw biggrin
Quote by winchwench
I'm as happy to be in the company of gay people as straight. If a person was to hit on me (ah, memories rolleyes ) then my response would be based upon of I fancied that person or not, irrespective of gender. I react no differently to my dear gay friend kissing his b/f as I do any straight couple I know.
Homosexuality is, obviously, not what the human body was designed for, and to that extent it could be said that technically, it's not normal.
Congenital blindness is not "normal"
Downs Syndrome is not "normal"
Cleft Palate is not "normal"
Can anyone justify treating any of the above groups of people differently? dunno

of course the society treat them different with extra care,the situations they are in is not by choice
why are you banging your head?
Quote by Phuckers
I'm as happy to be in the company of gay people as straight. If a person was to hit on me (ah, memories rolleyes ) then my response would be based upon of I fancied that person or not, irrespective of gender. I react no differently to my dear gay friend kissing his b/f as I do any straight couple I know.
Homosexuality is, obviously, not what the human body was designed for, and to that extent it could be said that technically, it's not normal.
Congenital blindness is not "normal"
Downs Syndrome is not "normal"
Cleft Palate is not "normal"
Can anyone justify treating any of the above groups of people differently? dunno

of course the society treat them different with extra care,the situations they are in is not by choice
ahh yeah. Gay people choose their sexuality in the same way that straight people do. I always forget that.
i didnt mention anything about the gays or straight...thanks for changing the knickers Btw biggrin
winchwench was drawing a comparison and it would be fair to assume that you were too.
no thanks needed I didn't change them for you.
Quote by splendid_
I'm as happy to be in the company of gay people as straight. If a person was to hit on me (ah, memories rolleyes ) then my response would be based upon of I fancied that person or not, irrespective of gender. I react no differently to my dear gay friend kissing his b/f as I do any straight couple I know.
Homosexuality is, obviously, not what the human body was designed for, and to that extent it could be said that technically, it's not normal.
Congenital blindness is not "normal"
Downs Syndrome is not "normal"
Cleft Palate is not "normal"
Can anyone justify treating any of the above groups of people differently? dunno

of course the society treat them different with extra care,the situations they are in is not by choice
ahh yeah. Gay people choose their sexuality in the same way that straight people do. I always forget that.
i didnt mention anything about the gays or straight...thanks for changing the knickers Btw biggrin
winchwench was drawing a comparison and it would be fair to assume that you were too.
no thanks needed I didn't change them for you.
you are definately bored let me dig out some brain scratching topic to post
Quote by Phuckers
I'm as happy to be in the company of gay people as straight. If a person was to hit on me (ah, memories rolleyes ) then my response would be based upon of I fancied that person or not, irrespective of gender. I react no differently to my dear gay friend kissing his b/f as I do any straight couple I know.
Homosexuality is, obviously, not what the human body was designed for, and to that extent it could be said that technically, it's not normal.
Congenital blindness is not "normal"
Downs Syndrome is not "normal"
Cleft Palate is not "normal"
Can anyone justify treating any of the above groups of people differently? dunno

of course the society treat them different with extra care,the situations they are in is not by choice
ahh yeah. Gay people choose their sexuality in the same way that straight people do. I always forget that.
i didnt mention anything about the gays or straight...thanks for changing the knickers Btw biggrin
Oh FGS Phuckers, this is not a kindergarden. No one here was born yesterday. If you genuinely think that your implication was lost on us, or that by saying you "didn't say anything about gays or straights" will throw us of the scent of the point you were trying to make- then you're not as bright as I thought you were.