Anyone know where is the best place to have my hood pierced in west yorkshire? Got to be clean & done properly. Can't wait to have it done!! Is it also true that you can't have sex for 6 weeks after? Don't know if I can last that long!! New to this site so need guidance
thats no probs love doggy style! Thanks
You haven't a hood yourself thenKat? God ya missing something!! Take a peek sometime!!
Can't help with where to have it done, but I only waited 5 days before I had sex after having mine done :P
i tried to get my hood pierced but i looked like that guy from southpark.
did that guy form southpark have his hood pierced mike lol??????
Thanks very close to Huddersfield!
never mind Kat we all fuck up sometimes!
Thanks Andy! worth the pain 4 the pleasure afterwards!!
Had the piercing done today! To everyone it didn't hurt one bit!! Thanksssss Lynne for the info on where to go. PEOPLE, DO NOT BE PUT OFF WITH THE INTERNET SHIT AROUND, IT DOESN'T HURT. These days they give you a spray to numb you before hand. My ear piercing hurt more!! Recommend it to anyone
don't look Jesster! I didn't so u don't c the needle!!