Not sure if this is the correct place to post this.
Does anyone know if there are hotels, motels or rooms where you can pay cash by the hour.
Most places require credit card details but this is obviously out of the question when you are playing over the side.
I live in the North West Surrey, Berkshire, Hampshire area and need somewhere around there.
Thanks Mike.
Have a look at these sites for some general hints
Most places will require a credit/debit card to make a booking/reservation, but when you checkout you can usually pay by cash, thereby you don't leave a trail on your card.
Best check with your choice of hotel that they're happy with that arrangement.
Or pop down to a major Post Office and buy a prepaid debit card and use that.
this topic's been raised previously. Might be worth searching to see if there's any info already supplied.
Thank you for your replies, very helpful.
Skinny, do you know the heading it was under ?.