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Hotmail is female - proof:

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6 replies
1 watcher
Sex God
I tried to set my password to "penis"
It said my password wasn't long enough. :shock:
:laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove: :lol2: :lol2:
Quote by Ice Pie
I tried to set my password to "penis"
It said my password wasn't long enough. :shock:

It's amazing how they know :shock:
Didnt you know it has to be at least 6" long
OOPs ..... or should that be 6 characters long
You know you're in trouble when your girlfriend's clitoris is longer than your penis.
Quote by roger743
You know you're in trouble when your girlfriend's clitoris is longer than your penis.

thats wasnt in thailand by any chance was it?
some peeps are sooooooooooooooooo easy to con! lol
Master of Sex
didnt you know that every computer has a little camera in it and they check out stuff like that. :giggle: