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So how did they do that ??? confused :? :? :? :? lol :lol: :lol:
The same way they got home afterwards... when you're that drunk, ALL things are possible biggrin
Who? What? Where? When? Why?

i think the usual method is simply to consume 12 pint of snakebite down the Student Union bar, then just stick it on there?
. . and i see Ice beat me to it! bollox! rolleyes
neil x x x ;)
It fell dont you know!! ffs some people! confused lol
Quote by fruity1976
It fell dont you know!! ffs some people! confused lol

Are they doing repairs on flightpaths now? Jeeeeeeeeez... wish I had the patent on those cones smile
Aye the person who invented tehm must be loaded eh!
It was the vodka fairies, Bilko. They're always pulling stunts like this.
BTW, welcome back Neil. Knew you couldn't stay away.
One word: " PhotoShop"
But it does remind me of various stories told by friends of mine that involved waking up on the roofs of buildings with no recollection of how they got there... and more importantly no obvious way down. :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!:
Quote by flapjackboy
It was the vodka fairies, Bilko. They're always pulling stunts like this.
BTW, welcome back Neil. Knew you couldn't stay away.

they the one's that run the vodka taxi scooter wossisnames and whisk you home and take all yer money? could be onto something there.
and yes it would appear etc etc! ;) ta mate.
neil x x x ;)
Quote by neilinleeds
i think the usual method is simply to consume 12 pint of snakebite down the Student Union bar, then just stick it on there?

Not being a student........... and not ever having consumed snakebite and black............ erm ever rolleyes ........... I couldn't possibly say it is the best way of thinkin of wearing a traffic cone on your head is funny, nor is it hilarious to set up road works in your uni mates garden so when they open the kitchen blind all they see is a yard full of cones, signs and those plastic barrier things..............
Nor is it the way to think dancing in a fountain in Albert Square outside the town hall is in anyway good for one's health, esp the guys who pass and shout 'show us yer tits' and you oblige all too easily :roll:
Snakebite and black??? What's that then ey? :roll:
Quote by little gem
Nor is it the way to think dancing in a fountain in Albert Square outside the town hall is in anyway good for one's health, esp the guys who pass and shout 'show us yer tits' and you oblige all too easily rolleyes

:idea: I think we may have met :shock:
And yes, beer+university climbers=height related hilarity (and occasional mild death)
jonjon! :shock:
it couldn't have possibly been me as you can read from my post before I have not ever consumed 11 pints of snakebite and black, two double vodkas and coke and a few shots of tequilla which then caused me and three other friends to think it was fun to party in the water! lol I have never even set foot inside my Student Union building rolleyes erm.... well......... not before 11am anyway.......
I didn't wonder why my clothes were wet the next day to have my blacked out memory restored by the sober one or why my head hurt sooo much either. redface
Quote by little gem
jonjon! :shock:
it couldn't have possibly been me as you can read from my post before I have not ever consumed 11 pints of snakebite and black, two double vodkas and coke and a few shots of tequilla which then caused me and three other friends to think it was fun to party in the water! lol I have never even set foot inside my Student Union building rolleyes erm.... well......... not before 11am anyway.......
I didn't wonder why my clothes were wet the next day to have my blacked out memory restored by the sober one or why my head hurt sooo much either. redface

Of course it wasn't you........... clearly........... I mean that's obvious............... Flippin' 'eck, just seen a pig flyin' past my window :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
Hiyas Sarg xx
Well i think we should class it as one of life's mysteries xx
Although I agree paintshop pro is very good lol xx
:silly: :silly: :silly: :silly: :silly: :silly: :silly:
well like i said peeps!................i just cannot resist those Felic symbuls...i put the cone on the top............. as took me bloody ages to to get the Vaseline on it................. so saving it from the rain till i next time get up there! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
i meen carrying 100 pots of vaseline up there was no joke i can tell you! rolleyes
Quote by neilinleeds
i think the usual method is simply to consume 12 pint of snakebite down the Student Union bar, then just stick it on there?
. . and i see Ice beat me to it! bollox! rolleyes
neil x x x ;)

so yourself and ice know of the same type of student that i do.....infact, i was a student once, but suffer from virtigo, so that stunt would have been totally out of the question.
ps..really good to see you back neil...venus has missed you, shame her compy is playing up again....i might just see you on 11 dec...steak on the menu i hear.