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How Bad are you really

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58 replies
5 watchers
Directions: Ask yourself the following questions.
For every 'Yes' give yourself 2 points then add up your points at the end to find out How Bad Are You Really?
It's that easy.....
Questions: Have You Ever...?
1 Been so drunk you didnt remember anything at all the next day?
2 Been so drunk you had to go to hospital?
3 Had a one night stand?
4 Had a threesome?
5 Robbed alcohol from an off licence?
6 Lied and blamed a mate to get yourself out of trouble?
7 Had sex with more than one person in a week?
8 Had sex with more than one person in a day?
9 Pulled your mates boyfriend/girlfriend and never told them?
10 Snorted cocaine?
11 Dealt drugs for money?
12 Given oral sex in a public place?
13 Received oral sex in a public place?
14 Screwed someone so minging they dont deserve to be called a person?
15 Screwed someone over five years older than you?
16 Cheated on someone with their friend?
17 Had sex with someone while there were other people in the sameroom?
18 Beaten someone up?
19 Paid someone to beat someone else up?
20 Played pull a pig?
21 Tried it on with a minger for money?
22 Got high/drunk in school?
23 Given or recieved full/oral sex in school?
24 Got naked playing strip polka?
25 Snogged (with tongues) more than 5 people of the same sex?
26 Got it on wiv someone from your work(past or present)?
27 Snogged a family member like ur cousin (incestual but it happens)?
28 Had full sex in the toilets of a pub or club?
29 Been skinny dipping?
30 Been to a strip club?
31 Been to a strip club and paid for a dance?
32 Been to royales? (ha u gotta be bad)
33 Had gay/lesbian fantasies about someone famous?
34 Been asked/ or asked someone to marry you?
35 Stolen money from someone too drunk to remember you taking it?
36 Had sex on the beach?
37 Dated someone because you heard they had a bit of money?
38 Had sex with someone on the day that u met them?
39 Been called a slag?
40 Called your mum a bitch?
41 Been videoed having sex?
42 Got off on watching porn?
43 Had a shag in your parents bed?
44 Given oral sex in a moving car?
45 Killed an animal?
46 Told someone that you love that you hate them?
47 Snogged someone mistaking them for someone else? (when ur drunk)
48 Had a fight with a best mate over someone of the opposite sex?
49 Snogged one of your bestmates brothers or sisters or both?
The highest possible score is 98!!! at the end. It's that easy.....
Well I don't mind admitting I scored 52. Not bad on a scale of 2-98 really!
Ok, posted this then re-did it just to be sure and got 58 the second time. Not doing it again!! lol
I have alot of catching up to do !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! confused redface surprisedops: :oops: :oops:
No one will score as low as me. :oops: 4
Managed 48 - must try harder.
I will have to make a list of things still to do :twisted: :twisted:
EDIT - Had a closer look and a think, got 58 :shock: :shock:
Quote by MrsFC
redface 4

omg now I wish I hadn't been so quick to answer and edit lol
46, but wasn't too sure about some of the questions. redface surprisedops:
counted using my fingers... i either got 38 or 35!. Not sure what that says about me then!.
Don't worry MrsFC, I only scored 14
Dawn :silly:
Quote by well_busty_babe
i er got 66 but am sure it was a fix!!!

phew!! knew I could rely on WBB to be more bad than me :lol2:
WBB you could of got a 69 lol :lol:
I only got 30, but I feel a rebel now after seeing that MrsFC only got 4... redface
Quote by Angel Chat
Well I don't mind admitting I scored 52. Not bad on a scale of 2-98 really!
Ok, posted this then re-did it just to be sure and got 58 the second time. Not doing it again!! lol

I know what you mean Angel Chat, suprising what things come back to you once you start thinking about it. redface surprisedops:
Dawn you still got more than me!!! sad :( :(
Quote by MrsFC
Dawn you still got more than me!!! sad :( :(

I know but think of all the fun you can have catching me up :giggle:
Dawn :silly:
Well I got 58. It is not as high as Dawn tho..........hehehe
lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Quote by Angel Chat
i er got 66 but am sure it was a fix!!!

phew!! knew I could rely on WBB to be more bad than me :lol2:
i think the higher your score.. the less bad u are! lol
<<<almost an angel! :twisted:
Quote by MrsFC
WBB you could of got a 69 lol :lol:

sigh.. not since this morning hun! wink
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Only managed a meagre 40. :cry:
Quote by well_busty_babe
<<<almost an angel! :twisted:

OI!! thats MY job!! evil errr... I mean :angel:
Quote by well_busty_babe
WBB you could of got a 69 lol :lol:

sigh.. not since this morning hun! wink
tut @ WBB showing off again!! rolleyes :roll:
Quote by Angel Chat
tut @ WBB showing off again!! rolleyes :roll:

thats what comes with being so GOD DAMNED BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lol :lol: :lol:
My wife had a go - she got 46 so we must be quite a bad couple. :twisted: :twisted:
Just 12 for me. I'm young and innocent... :angel:
Quote by roger743
Just 12 for me. I'm young and innocent... :angel:

Me too redface surprisedops:
Quote by MrsFC
Me too

We need to get together to corrupt one another. With your stockings and my y-fronts, there's no limit to what we might accomplish! :P
That's enough for me.....
i have come to a conclusion (with me having the worst score so far! confused ).. this is not a test of how bad you are.. its a test of how honest you are!!! :P
and i obviously win hands down!
36 FFS how did that happen??? i'm such a lovely all-round nice guy honest!!!
oh i hate myself and want to die...........and no way am i saying where i scored me points to you lot FFS! ;-)
neil x x x x x x x x
I was quite excited , then I noticed it was a quiz , not a party agenda. redface
Quote by roger743
Me too

We need to get together to corrupt one another. With your stockings and my y-fronts, there's no limit to what we might accomplish! :P
As long as you don't keep your socks on!!!! :giggle:
I scored 60 and ' scored 26! redface
maybe im not so innocent afterall! biggrin
Im glad I'm not as bad as WWB! I was nervous for a minute that noone would score higher than me! I dont feel so bad anymore!