Siht................think this is going outta control guyz.......
my best mate is a lezzie.....(not my wife by the way)
she's here with a picc of me drunk playing pool.....
So kiss im not having a go....just laughing...ok.
Mods edit to remove link to another site showing others pictures without known consent
I think the jist of all this is that regardless of your sexual orientation....the woman in any couplet is going to be the prime cut ....and the man the offal
but then again......if your bi it could be a case of ....oh you are offal...but i like you
Reese and I used to complain bitterly about this, when we replied to ads... always no pics or info about the Male of a couple. What's up with that?
So we stopped replying and started advertising. Those that seem to ignore that either of us exists, just get binned.
Despite our constant complaining to the contrary, we do ok ;)
(But then, we like single males)
No one seems to have mentioned that for every girl looking for a man there seem to be about 100 men looking for that girl. So it stands to reason that ski is going to get a lot less response than his missus. Better than us single males, probably, but there is still going to be a lot of competition. Add that to what has already been said about pictures & profiles and you're bound to feel a bit left out. Join the club my friend -- that is how most of us go through life most of the time !!!
p.s vix I love your avatar !!
I know its already been said in a million other posts but i have to echo, it really annoys me when couples only put pics of the woman up, if i'm meeting a couple i want to see both of you and if you only have pics of your wife up then thats all i'm interested in lol
Can Some One Delete this THING...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1