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how do a new young couple go about finding a nice girl?

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this place is very hard work! redface :cry:
It sure is but worth it in the long run the only advice i can give is patients along with patients and join in with as much of the site as possible come to some of the socials and munches i would certainly recomend
Quote by lovelypair
also have a look in the Let's Meet Up forum.
hiya and welcome to the forumssmile
The Bristol Munch (in the Lets Meet Up thread) isn,t far for you travelwise (says me who doesnt drive and gets lost on a train so maybe you shouldn't take any notice of me confused ).
Munches are good fun and Im sure you;ll be made welcome :)
Ermmmm join the queue its the really really long one with every couple under the SH sun i it, welcome to the quest for the Holy Grail!!
Quote by lovelypair
is it really that hard? sad

Not at all. How much cash can you free up?
Quote by lovelypair

who said i was kidding??
Ok, seriously! There just aren't enough females to go round, basically.
For some really strange reason, swinging seems to appeal mostly to couples and single guys so there aren't many single fems anyway.
Add to that the possibilty that not all the fems want the same thing - in your case, a couple. Or that they aren't all bi or even actually looking to swing! Throw in the problems of location, travelling, accommodating .... mix in work and family commitments and before you know it, you're posting on a forum feeling frustrated 'cos there's not a woman who will fuck you both. lol
If it's any consolation - you look a really attractive sexy young couple and I would! wink
:laughabove: oi i'll have you know i buy my own shoes!
i have to agree that there are single females all over the place, the chatrooms always seem to have a good number of them whenever i go in dunno lots of competition for their attention yes, but dont stress about it thats not very attractive!
maybe its your approach that you need to look at? have a little more patience? theres nothing worse than desperation and the feeling that youre being pursued simply coz of your status rather than becasue youre a sexy individual.
in edit: lovelypair, im not suggesting thats is what youre doing, its just one of the main bugbears i have had as a single female and always worth pointing out. you do indeed look like a lovelypair and i wish you luck smile
Quote by sexkittenhfx
theres nothing worse than desperation and the feeling that youre being pursued simply coz of your status rather than becasue youre a sexy individual.

Oh god, ain't that a fact!
I've often thought that some people only show interest in me because I am a single female.
The other thing is, despite all the crap about "discretion" I know how the rumour mill works round here and the fact that i am not knownto have met and/or shagged anyone is also kind of an incentive. i think there are some people - single guys unfortunately - that just want to be the one that breaks me ?? confused
I know it's got absolutely FA with me as a person but only the name and status.
Shame really, cos if you treat me rigth I'm a top shag! lol
marya... top shag ??? oh my word,I have to use that somewhere in my profile....
anyhoo.. I can't agree more with what t'other ladies have said. There is nothing worse than desperation. I specifically say on my profile that I don't meet couples because of this reason. I have been repeatedly persued by couples in the chatrooms and it drove me demented. They didn't care what I looked like or who I was as a person.. they wanted me and wanted me now. Some of them even became abusive because I wasn't willing to meet/talk/msn with them until I had exchanged a few PM's.
I am a human being with taste, intellect, and a sense of humour as well as a myriad of other things that need to be satiated before I can be seduced into bed. To think that a couple tick all the boxes purely by just fancying me is a little unlikely. It just became simpler to put "no couples" on my profile to deter the more literate. (I use the ignore function for the illiterate)
If I want a couple I will find them.
Quote by lovelypair
this place is very hard work! redface :cry:

But worth it if you put in a little effort!
its not that hard at all really, i/we have met a few single females off this site, you get out of it what you put into it, if you just sit behide your monitor posting threads about how hard it is to meet single women the chances are you'll never find one, if you get your self know, get out there and do the munches etc it will be a lot easier, remember single females put themselves at a lot of risk every time they meet new people, being a woman alone they have noone to help them if things get out of hand, put yourself in their shoes for a night.....if you was going to meet would you meet someone you had had a drink and a chat with at a munch, know you fancy and get on with and are genuine or a total stranger?
hmmm...sounds like it might not be that hard then!
well if there are any single girls that like the look of us...feel free to get in touch! wink
Quote by Srne
Ermmmm join the queue its the really really long one with every couple under the SH sun i it, welcome to the quest for the Holy Grail!!

I take it if you find a "holy grail" then you shouldn't let on about it then??
omg you single women do get it hard
omg feel sorry for you, i hardly get any pms....
i am happy i am just easy going well okay i am just easy smile