As an overtly married man, who's wife is not interested in swinging, I've been approached my a female here with 'Fancy a Fuck?' I pointed out I was married and the question was withdrawn immediately. In a way, that's why I like the place.
Oh no :shock:
The ONLY problem with ressurected threads is that there may be a huge chunk of the book missing. I think Libra, like many of us, came to realise that many issues here are grey in colour as oppose to black or white.
every relationship is different. what works for some, won't work for others. everyone has opinions about this, and mine is quite simple: tell the truth from the start.
my wife has her own circle of friends. i have mine. we're happy for each other to be doing what we are, and we can only do that because our own relationship is strong. we just want different things from life. we don't have to be having sex with all our friends, but if it happens; it happens. but this works for us.
i won't judge anyone for being married and looking for a little more from life, sexual or otherwise, so long as they are honest. to themselves, their existing partner, and any prospective partners.
I'm afraid I'll have to agree to the "honesty is the best policy" line here. Ok I wouldn't say our relationship is conventional but there is honesty and lots of love in whatever we do.
If a partner feels the need to cheat then there are obviously other issues apart from sex IMHO. Infideltiy will only cause hurt and heartbreak no matter how well you hide it as it's self-destructive and stressful and this will change the behaviour in the relationship. If the differences can't be addressed, if a person can't be honest or communicate with their partner about their needs, if they have to lead a double life, then I personally believe that the relationship is better off ended so that everyone involved has a chance to be happy eventually.
Like I said.... just my humble opinion
hi there
i have no probs about going with married men
thats upto them if they play away
thanks jo x
well as i recently divorced man ( not because of affair just didnt get on ) i can simpathise with some of these guys had i known of the swinging scene before i might have gone down that road but there is 1 thing worse than what these guys are doing and thats what you women are doing judgemental people should all be shot or made to pay the price for that persons mistake im sure the have there reasons for doing what they do and if its a mistake its there's to make.
firstly i canct be bothered with punctuation marks i do believe this post was about cheating men and posted by a woman or was i mistaken ???????
keep to the main points of the thread instead of spoiling it ,its the points of view that matter.