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How do you get to know anyone on this site??

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Warming the Bed
... without pissing people off with pm's?? confused
1) Dont PM people at random with annoying messages!!
2) Get to know people from joining in on the board as soon as you feel confortable answering a post or see something that interests you!!
3)Post where you are meant to post and dont post where youre not meant to post!!
4)Welcome and Enjoy!!
Sex God
When you've joined in the forums and got yourself known and built a rapport with a few people, you'll find most people are delighted to receive PMs, just don't go ASLing complete strangers, cos that will piss them off.
Enjoy biggrin
Warming the Bed
Only problem is because of my age would anyone take me seriously??
(probaly didn't choose the most appealing name though!! oops) rolleyes
Sex God
Quote by Essex_lad1981
Only problem is because of my age would anyone take me seriously??
(probaly didn't choose the most appealing name though!! oops) rolleyes

See the thread about Age differences. smile
Sex God
Just be yourself, get to know people on the forum, and the rest is just human nature.... people will like and support you once they know you as a person. PMs are annoying when they're from a newbie who just wants "vital statistics", PMs from friends are nice lol
Sex God
Hiya Essex_lad wave
Just join in with the forums, give your opinion, get to know us and let us get to know you. biggrin ...... once you start to establish links with certain people, then you can take chats to PM .... at least then you will have something relevant to say to that person in PM, rather than the 'ASL' which some people seem to think is a good conversation starter rolleyes
If it's not your thing here - some people don't want to build the friendship side, and do only come on here to find sex. Then maybe take a look at the photo ads, thats more of a direct contact thing.
Tis up to you, work out what you want out of the site, then go for it wink
Have fun :D
Age is not important. The sort of person you are is important. Take your time to get to know people and to let people get to know you and then something might happen.
Warming the Bed
well I'm not just on here for sex, i seem to have a very high sex drive and can't seem to find anyone with similar ideas of my own age (please hold the puberty jokes!! lol) and after a few incounters with older women i seem to feel more at home.
Just don't want to be seem as a regular Essex spotty oik! wink
hehe thats ok Im sure youre an irregullar spotted essex oik :P
Warming the Bed
rolleyes Had that one coming didn't i!!
Cant seem to get a pic small enough to add to my profile on this stone age pc!!! mad
maybe its a different kind of file extention with it being a stone age pc silly
.brick lol
Warming the Bed
Well the files a jpeg and it but it keeps knocking it back saying it's too large confused
Any ideas :?:
ahh maybe the actual picture size is too big 120 by 120 pixels, should be able to change the size in fuck whats the programme is it photoshop i think you can use??
Sex God
You can use JQLs avatar resizer program thingy biggrin
Sex God
Quote by Essex_lad1981
Well the files a jpeg and it but it keeps knocking it back saying it's too large confused
Any ideas :?:

There's a limit on vertical and horizontal size as well as total size. I think it's 100x100 pixels.
Its 102 by 102 I wrote it backwards!! I think my eyes are tired confused
Warming the Bed
Cheers boss, i'll give that a whirl tried re-sizing it and allsorts.
Thought i'd put a face pic up for a couple of days as i've got sod all else!!
Forum Virgin
Hello all, Ive looked across the site and talked to a few people through adverts i have posted on SH, but beyond reading the forums and the comments submitted by others i haven't posted before. I just wanted to say its nice to meet people with similar outlooks and views on life, besides which, the comments posted have often had me laughing my ass off in amusement or agreeing with the more serious views submitted by others regarding numerous topics. I'm looking forward to getting to know you all better so feel free to drop me a line and although i can't be hear all the time, i will reply when i can. smile
Quote by Essex_lad1981
well I'm not just on here for sex, i seem to have a very high sex drive and can't seem to find anyone with similar ideas of my own age (please hold the puberty jokes!! lol) and after a few incounters with older women i seem to feel more at home.
Just don't want to be seem as a regular Essex spotty oik! wink

Hey peeps!! you think that little old Debbiewebs might be in here!... :wink: :wink:
WELL HELLOOOOOOO Essex-.... do you like older women that are nutters!. :bounce: ......shoot...... O hello dear! {Mr Debs Just walked in }
redface lol :lol:
Welcome abourd to the nut house!.....err nice smile by the way! :wink: :wink: :wink:..........
Warming the Bed
I love older women debs, just wish i could find some! wink
Sex God
Wow, nice photo Essex_lad :twisted:
Hiya Staffs_uk wave
Welcome to the forums, glad you've delurked and posted biggrin Now join in, stick your nose in wherever you have something to say and let us get to know you, have fun :D
Warming the Bed
Well folks, hello, my names martay and this will be my first post. I did sign up a couple of weeks ago, but lost my login info so signed up again, but from then until now I just been repplying to a couple of adverts, I put my own up and I been chatting to a couple of people from their ads.
Anyway, I was slightly nervous about posting, for one being new, for two being quite young(younger than mr essexlad so he doesnt have to worry anymore;-) ) but then I just thought f**k it, no point in hiding.
There really is quite a lot I could write about myself, so I will keep it simple, I am from Notts, and am coming into this scene on my own.
BTW, I hope you like my pic, I had it done for an ID card for a new job a few weeks ago, and I must admit, I look really stoned or something!!!
Warming the Bed
BTW, I am 22, and I have an advert on here, just search for martay as I havent got the URL handy
Warming the Bed
Wow, nice photo Essex_lad :twisted:

So the James Bond suit is catching peoples eyes, or is it my stupid cheeky cheesy grin confused: redface lol
Sex God
Quote by Essex_lad1981
So the James Bond suit is catching peoples eyes, or is it my stupid cheeky cheesy grin confused: redface lol

Think it's more the severed arm you have casually slung over your shoulder :lol2:
Only kiddin ya kiss
Well hello Martay wave
Nice pic too cool Big welcome to the forms to you, have fun biggrin
MISSCHIEF OOH I WAS HERE FIRST!.......bugger off ......and find your self another! lol
HUH some people! rolleyes
Debbiewebs stomps off in one of her moods!.......stomp stomp!.mutter mutter

hello the other!.Marty!....wecome to the mad house! wink :wink: :welcome:
wave To all you newbies :wave:
How do you get to know peeps???
Well talking a load of bollox certainly seems to help,and having a larf doesnt go a miss too :mrgreen:
Warming the Bed
Thankyou, Thankyou, I will try,