Scratchy. Absorbent.
Both of these are ruined by using conditioner in the wash. Conditioner reduces absorbency.
I also like them big - I mean BIIIG - and ideally a little warm.
Either way - just so long as you don't use fabric conditioner when you wash 'em - if you do, they don't dry you properly, and frankly, for a towel, thats just shit.
hey you can come and live with me and I will give worlass to your mrs..
I like soft (towels) worlass likes hard.
dried on the washing line, cardboard like and as rough and scratchy as possible please :thumbup:
Big and soft and cuddly for me, preferably off a nice warm radiator too, the only thing i like hard is BMW`s.....erm ........
Big, soft and fluffy but not warmed on the radiator unless it's a freezing cold day
Love my towel wrapped around a gorgeous lady - then its nice n warm :P
I like mine, large soft cuddly and warm.
I like large soft towels ironed ( I have acknowledged ironing issues)...
Clean, big, egyptian cotton if I can afford it, a lot of my towels have hideous hair dye marks on them... ah well!
I like mine underneath me on a hot sunny sky...peace... :love: