Years ago, when I lived in Yorkshire (Funny people there anyway!!) after a game of footy, one of the lads could be seen clearly through the frosted window of the loo at the side of the pitch, after (for want of a better phrase) 'taking a dump', standing up to wipe his arse.
I laughed my nuts off until one of the other guys in the team (Also a Tyke!!!) said 'What's so funny about THAT!' Followed one by one by most of the rest of the team.
Well, in Lancashire (At least as far as I know), we sit down to do it.
Does anyone else 'stand up' in this situation?
I've been 15 years pondering this one!! (Ok, ok, I really need to get out more, I know!!)
I do it privately :smug:
dek usually sits down to pee as well
I notice no one is actually answering the question, lol.
I'm not looking for full and graphic details (Euuugh!!) just "Stand" or "Sit", haha.
(That's "SIT" btw, lol)
when i was a student, one of my pals was of Persian descent. He was from an indredibly wealthy family.
one sign of their level of indulgence were toilets with built in jets. One rinsed your ass with warm water and the other dried it off .
This thread sure cleans up in the race to be the shittiest thread :lol2:
Ok Ok......I'll get my coat
Ladies wipe away from the vagina, so they do the hand behind the arse reach. The forward reach is used for wiping the vagina.
Blokes generally do the forward reach and mostly wipe upwards and out.
Do you fold the paper or bunch it?
I use 3 pieces of toilet paper....
1 to wipe forwards...
1 to wipe back....
and 1 to polish.
I only use my arse in polite conversation.
No need to wipe
I always sit down but only 'cause mrs always insists on leaving the bloody seat down.
Not only do the Japanese have loos which play jets of warm water and then warm air over your bits; they also play music to hide any exotic sounds that might occur. I've never found out if they use tubas in the music.
Rabelais, a 16th Century French writer has his characters conduct a scientific testing of the best materials for the job of cleaning. Their winner was a goose's neck.
As to delicacy and good manners, I was always taught to get out of the bath to pee.