like the title says how far would you travel to meet up with people ???
we in north wales (:inlove: cheers them that know where it is on the map) we been to slough and Glasgow in pursuit of fun .... got it in droves .... always worth it for the right people
From West Yorkshire where I am I've been as far as the London area and the Midlands.
I'm near Blackpool.... and going to London in sept for a weekend :bounce:
Naw! That's as far as I'll go. You'd have to make some effort!
Reckon on about an hours travel although there are always exceptions.
Oh there's always the case that it might be less as we do use the excuse that "I'm sorry but your a little far from us has been used as an excuse we must admit"
Your wish is my command ;-)
Maes no odds to us--decent folk are worth a decent effort.
scotland, belfast, wales, essex, herts, manchester, birmingham, blackpool, wakefield, all over the uk basically and the were all worth it some fab people