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How gay are you??? (Gay-o-meter)

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165 replies
7 watchers
Sex God
33% gay ... seems a bit high to me - some of the questions were a bit dubious but its a crappy quiz at the end of the day ... anyway, was a bit shocked when the gay-ometer moved all the way up to 100% ... then I realised it was working out the score cool
Blimey I got 36% Gay
Said you are a girly girl with just a hint of your butch side sometimes popping out.
I go with that a pretty fair comment!
Quote by noladreams
I'm 40% gay - go figure wink

Me too... does that make us the perfect match?! :rascal:
I just retook the test and am now 43% gay... wonder what happened? rolleyes
Maybe you are feeling more gay today than when you first took the test lol
Quote by noladreams
I'm 40% gay - go figure wink

Me too... does that make us the perfect match?! :rascal:
I just retook the test and am now 43% gay... wonder what happened? rolleyes
Quote by _Darth_
but its a crappy quiz at the end of the day ...

Of course it isbiggrin
Quote by _Darth_
anyway, was a bit shocked when the gay-ometer moved all the way up to 100% ... then I realised it was working out the score cool

I was worried about too :shock:
I just thought id bump the first ever thread i commented on. 2004!!. Blimey it seems so long ago now. Never the less, as usual a funny thread.
..... What was the first ever thread you commented on? lol
I am 26% gay with a hint of butch, maybe thats coz i know how to change the oil in the car but never shaved my head, on the other hand the 26% bit must be the lady kissing and the bbw boobage I like to fondle passionkiss
Forum Virgin
I'm 23% gay. Total bollocks as i'm bi sexual, I'm just not camp.
Forum Virgin
I was 100% gay according to the meter!
Forum Virgin
James is a happy and adjusted homo guy.
How depressing...... I was hoping no one else would notice..... or at least think me a bit interesting (in a dark and twisted way).
Warming the Bed
30% gay apparently.... well that explains the dream i had once anyway!!