We've been married for 19 years (together for 21) and our sex life is good - definitely not lacking in itself. Swinging just provides a different dimension to sex, by providing variety and surprises which we can bring back to our marital bed and share with each other. The lack of familiarity with a different partner(s) can lead to new discoveries and a sense of trying something for the first time all over again (it made sense in my head).
Speaking for myself, although we have played together in 3- and 4-somes, I get a huge thrill hearing what Mr Stuff has got up to with someone out of my view. It turns me on so much that he gets another good going-over from me (whether he wants it or not :rascal: ). I can't explain why that turns me on so much more than watching him with another woman though. It just does.
ok my view is ... question 1
i am not having sex with my partner i am making love ... the emotions involved when making love make the act of sex far better ... different from having sex after you have played with someone else sure it heightens the feelings you have for your partner therefore making it better
question 2
i was in a sexless marriage . it wasnt always so it just ended up like that... i was scared of being on my own i suppose too scared to end it as i think he was as well but when the decision was made and the hurt and anger of betrayal left and i was calm enough to examine what had happened ... it was exackly what we both needed to do i am far happier in where i am as a person and who i choose to be not just i am with them because it is familiar
i hope this makes sense
Good question Dirty!
I personally feel in the beginning of a relationship sex is an important part that bonds two people together, the want and desire to be intimate and that close to the person I loved was important. I think if I never had that feeling our relationship wouldn’t have lasted as long as it has 30 years.
After time the importance on sex isn’t so strong as there are many factors that happen over time that bonds two people together, after so many years together the sex doesn't have that same spark perhaps why we are here, but that doesn’t mean we love each other less, maybe more in a way.
So I am thinking when did sex become less important within our relationship it is hard to pinpoint a time, but saying that when we are intimate together just the two of us it still makes me feel that is where I belong.
When we met others it was great plus it helped us to re ignite that extra spark.
I couldn't promise to spend the rest of my life with someone if the sex was bad. Equally I couldn't indulge myself elsewhere without that persons knowledge and be happy.
So its very important to me that any long term romantic commitment is with somebody who shares these views.
For me... sex is more than just the physical aspect.
IF (God forbid) my partner was sent away for a couple of years, I could live with it... providing I felt they still wanted me sexually and I still wanted them.
Of course, I adore the physical... who doesn't?... but if something happened where she couldn't physically have sex... so what?... as long as my mind still got 'fucked' regularly... I'd make do.
Not entirely sure that answers the question!... but sex for me is a fair bit more than getting my end away.
For me... sex is more than just the physical aspect.
IF (God forbid) my partner was sent away for a couple of years, I could live with it... providing I felt they still wanted me sexually and I still wanted them.
Of course, I adore the physical... who doesn't?... but if something happened where she couldn't physically have sex... so what?... as long as my mind still got 'fucked' regularly... I'd make do.
Not entirely sure that answers the question!... but sex for me is a fair bit more than getting my end away.
I wouldn't be with someone for whom sex was uneventful or just not doing it for me. Worlass is my perfect partner... there have been months where I have had sex with no-one but her. (hey- that is a big leap for me since breaking with monogamy). I would never enter into a relationship if the sex was rubbish and worlass and I had many many months before we called it a relationship as we were both wary of being tied into a commitment without there being what we class as the most fundamental part of the relationship- amazing sex.
We don't have mindblowing, tell the world kinda sex everytime we have sex. We often have 'we know what you like' kinda sex. We often just wank side by side... or say 'I am knackered and I am going for a wank' and the other is left downstairs.
We still have sex with other people.
what we always have is good open communication about sex.
If as whips pointed out one of us was medically unable to have sex for whatever reason then I believe our relationship would last because of the communication. I would presume that the other person would get their sexual stuff somewhere else. But we would still talk about it and still have a good time together on another level because we had the communication.
I think I may have waffled but I haven't posted at any length for a while so please forgive it.
For myself sex is important, I have been away from home a lot in the past. Sex with others has just become normal.
It is true that if my wife and I had never had sex we would not be living together, but we would still be friends. Sex is not the be all and end all.
I know that there are things that I like she does not. I also know that the best sex I had was coming home having found my wife's lover had just left. Finding her embarrassed, arroused, mixed-up and confused. We did not just leap into bed, but when we got there...
So to round up. Sex is not the be all and end all of a relationship, but it is good. Sex outside, in our open marriage is useful and when we get together...it adds to what we have.
Why I do not know.
I read it that way too Minx.
I was in a relationship a long long time ago, with someone who did not consider sex important at all. It did cause some agro in the early days as I had a much higher sex drive than him. However, we came to a decision that we did not want to split up over it, rather we would have an open relationship. That did work for several years. We did have sex now and again, but genuinely sex became unimportant to us as partners. We did split up eventually but not for that reason. It was after that relationship ended that I started to explore swinging.
However, to answer the question...
In my younger days I would certainly have said that sex is important in a relationship. However, it is not the be all and end all. I guess if my ex partner and I had not reached a solution I may have become very unhappy. I would not have cheated on him without his knowledge, and I probably would not have split up over it, but who knows, I may have done had I become THAT unhappy about it.
Now though, maybe it's simply a drop in sex drive, or a change in the way I view sex as part of my life (which it isn't atm by choice), I don't know, but sex is not important to me any more. Then again, I am not in a relationship so it's not a problem I think about.
I suppose it is all about the individuals concerned and how important they think it is, and if they do differ in their sex drives, how the deal with that issue.