Do you on average spend per hour / day in front of your screen.
I start at 9am and end at 6pm. I very rarely surf in the eveining, although I have 5 machines set up for internet at home. I tend to surf during the day as we have a 2meg line in the office and only dialup at home.
I`m...erm...I mean Venus is never here. She is waaaaaaay to busy doing the housework. My, er, I mean um...........
I`m a hacker who regularly uses this don`t shout at your wife I mean Mars................. yes that`s it.........hacker. :undecided:
You`d think SH would have better security than this. I mean, really! hacker personxxx
Too long. Although not on constantly Im usually nearby a computer from about 10am - 2 am :shock:
about the same as relapse a log on my pc here at work at am then its all day till about
lazy me a ?
ummm im not here really
and i was i certainly wouldnt be looking at porn sites
i view nice knitting sites and cookery recipe sites and collect handy tips on housework
i just added up how long i do sit here............yikes ...nope not telling you you might tell my husband :twisted:
I work from home, so generally all day :shock:
I tend to load IE up and leave it on SH whilst I either work at the pc or wander away round the house.
And of course it's far too much time
i'm not here, i haven't been here for hours. in fact, i haven't been here for days even. i am blissfully unaware of this thread, and will most likely remain so for several more hours, or days even. i shall not be lured into posting any kind of reply to any thread whatsoever, cos i am not here, and have not been here for days!
glad we cleared that up!
neil x x x x x x
Work with PC's all day, play with PC's most nights except when Mrs TnH wants something else, cooking dinner, cleaning up, looking after kids, or doing Aikido... About 9 hours work use and 2 - 3 hours personal use a day I suppose
Not long enough at the moment :cry: Ive been far too busy and have been limited to a couple of hours a day for the last few weeks.
If i have a space in the day to fill the internet does it for me! The problem arrives when i fill the day with the internet and do other things inbetween! lol
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