Quote by blueandpink
in the last week ? I couldn't tell you.
Since Friday.. ? mmmm 4 friday night.
5 saturday morning.
2 sat night
3 sunday morning
2 sunday night
1 this morning.
17 in total then. :shock:
gosh that is quite a lot when you break it down. It is a good job my neighbour has been away.
17!!! I've just been knock'd off my orgasm perch :doh:
er...scuse me I knocked you off with 14 (or does it not count as it was not this actual weekend?) for all of an hour or so before Splendid knocked me off my albeit brief winning perch :cry:

In the words of the lovely Janice from "get me outaaaa here..." OH MAN!...
Ok so now I'm third - I'm well and truly down there :kick: