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How Many ????

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Six months ago we had our first MMF session and took photos of it so we could enjoy what we did afterwards.
However, six sessions down the line and we are still taking photos. Today I put them all into one folder and renamed them when I suddenly noticed just how many we had taken...1170 :shock:
Has anyone else totted up how many piccys they have taken ?? I'm not looking for records or anything but I dont know if, with the advent of digi cams and Pc's, this is normal practice or not. If it is will it wear off ? confused
To be fair we start at around 11ish and knock of around 4 or 5ish. (We have food and Spice Rum n coke breaks between tho')
Quote by Banderas
To be fair we start at around 11ish and knock of around 4 or 5ish. (We have food and Spice Rum n coke breaks between tho')

how in hell do I get a invite smile
Drink poured...clothes to hand.......dont lose sight of the ky
I think I've got off to a bit of a routine now.
Starting to think excessive/obsessive now tho'
Quote by Banderas
Drink poured...clothes to hand.......dont lose sight of the ky
I think I've got off to a bit of a routine now.
Starting to think excessive/obsessive now tho'

When your old and grey, you'll have something to show your grandkids that you once had a very different and interesting life.
:laughabove: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :laughabove:
Quote by DeniseBabe
Whenever i take a camera anywhere i forget to even take it out of my bag........ im useless redface

that sounds like me.
i take my camera to every munch i go to. but never use it!!!.
Ive only every been in one Err "photo session" . so i've only really got a hand full..
Quote by jiggle
Whenever i take a camera anywhere i forget to even take it out of my bag........ im useless redface

that sounds like me.
i take my camera to every munch i go to. but never use it!!!.
Ive only every been in one Err "photo session" . so i've only really got a hand full..
yeah u wheres these photo from last munch...dont keep them for yourseif u
Must admit , we always have the camera but never remember to use the thing . Once we get going all thoughts of the camera disappear !!!! Banderas , can we hire you to be our official photographer , ?? wink
I enjoy taking photographs and being photographed. I am sure that your little orgies provide more material to photograph than mere 1:1's that I've had. Don't worry about your little hobby, just enjoy it!
Warming the Bed
Certainly explains why it's so hard to find SmartMedia cards these days !!!
hornyred and dino
Must admit , we always have the camera but never remember to use the thing . Once we get going all thoughts of the camera disappear !!!! Banderas , can we hire you to be our official photographer , ??
It would be an honour an a pleasure wink
Warming the Bed
Banderas, if you need a photographer's assistant to carry, errr, flash, let me know ! wink
Tania says..
Don't worry about your little hobby, just enjoy it!
Thanx Tania....I need positive feedback 'cause I started to doubt my own intentions
when I saw how many we had taken. But I suppose the good thing is we never
realised just how many we were taking (mostly me really!).
Banderas ,,, ive always seen the swinging heaven community as a caring SHARING community , so gis a look !! wink :wink: biggrin
:laughabove: That was me 100th post...yay me :laughabove:
hornyred and dino
Banderas ,,, ive always seen the swinging heaven community as a caring SHARING community , so gis a look !!
Ive only got one third permission to do that sad
Nice try tho'
congrats on 100 , biggrin here`s to the next 100 , :cheers:
Warming the Bed
old thread being dredged up, but it came up in a search and i got reading it. smile
Since January-ish, I've taken 7000-ish photos. Hardly any of them have been filth though. wink
Sex God
Quote by gae
Hardly any of them have been filth though. wink

Whatever else is there??
Master of Sex
Quote by gae
old thread being dredged up, but it came up in a search and i got reading it. smile
Since January-ish, I've taken 7000-ish photos. Hardly any of them have been filth though. wink

:shock: :shock: Not filth??? So they was just dirty then??? rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Warming the Bed
lol smile