To be fair we start at around 11ish and knock of around 4 or 5ish. (We have food and Spice Rum n coke breaks between tho')
Drink poured...clothes to hand.......dont lose sight of the ky
I think I've got off to a bit of a routine now.
Starting to think excessive/obsessive now tho'
:laughabove: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :laughabove:
I enjoy taking photographs and being photographed. I am sure that your little orgies provide more material to photograph than mere 1:1's that I've had. Don't worry about your little hobby, just enjoy it!
Certainly explains why it's so hard to find SmartMedia cards these days !!!
Tania says..
Don't worry about your little hobby, just enjoy it!
Thanx Tania....I need positive feedback 'cause I started to doubt my own intentions
when I saw how many we had taken. But I suppose the good thing is we never
realised just how many we were taking (mostly me really!).
:laughabove: That was me 100th post...yay me :laughabove: