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How many of us are dead?

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Ok, I was in tthe shower and my mind was wondering - I was thinking about my facebook account and what would happen to it if something happened to me (not in a morbid way, just a 'oh yeah, it'd still be there' kind of way). And this got me to thinking about other profiles and how many of them on the internet are still there from someone's demise. Afterall, you wouldn't put in your will, my facebook log on is such-and-such, please deleat it, would you?
I know there are lots of people on here whose partner has no knowledge of their involvement, so if something were to happen to them, who'd know to cancel it?
So, and this is meant as a lighthearted thread, although re-reading it does sound rather macabre biggrin what percentage of SH members d'you think aren't actually with us?
May the stiffy jokes ensue.
I reckon a good 50% of SH accounts are inactive for one reason or another..
Quote by H-x
what percentage of SH members d'you think aren't actually with us?

Well, some members have died and we've been informed by their partners or friends. At least one member has died in a car accident on his way home from a meet. H is wife then found this site but I don't know if she deleted his account.
I reckon there are loads of accounts which aren't used, either because people have moved on or just ones who decided it wasn't for them.
I suppose that would explain the high numbers of people that don't reply to messages ...
Quote by northwest-cpl
I suppose that would explain the high numbers of people that don't reply to messages ...

:giggle: :giggle: :giggle:
Ooooo could they be the timewasters too?
Quote by Freckledbird
I suppose that would explain the high numbers of people that don't reply to messages ...

:giggle: :giggle: :giggle:
Ooooo could they be the timewasters too?
rotflmao rotflmao rotflmao rotflmao
Quote by Freckledbird
I suppose that would explain the high numbers of people that don't reply to messages ...

:giggle: :giggle: :giggle:
Ooooo could they be the timewasters too?
Not unless they died between arranging and meeting, although with the time some take to arrange things that is a possibility.
I've seen a few people at muches who could pass for the undead :scared:
I certainly felt dead on Sunday - does that count?
I actually havesent all details of my accounts on various sites to my executors. I have told them whom to inform on the respective sites so that other members can be told.
I have supplied a list of telephone numbers and contact names of people that are to be contacted too.
I have also written my funeral ceremony too, complete with order of music and specific instructions about who is to be told.
I have a list of names of whom I would like to be informed... and another list of whom I do not want informed whatsoever!
Those that are informed on a few sites I visit, will be asked to speak to Admin requesting my account be deleted if my family cant sort it out themselves.
Blimey! Some of you are organised, I don't even know where the deeds to my house are, let alone written a will.
I met a guy for a drink last year and wondered at the time if he still with us - the conversation definately had rigamortis.
But can you imagine writing to someone, 'Hey sexy, how's about it?' only to get the reply that they'd died! Hey, that could be a good ploy to stop the 'But why don't you want to meet me?' mails, just tell 'em you're dead biggrin
Quote by H-x
Hey, that could be a good ploy to stop the 'But why don't you want to meet me?' mails, just tell 'em you're dead biggrin

Or an auto-response for winks? lol
Quote by Freckledbird
Hey, that could be a good ploy to stop the 'But why don't you want to meet me?' mails, just tell 'em you're dead biggrin

Or an auto-response for winks? lol
Fab idea!
"Forget it mate, she's karked it."
Reminds me of a time when I was at school. We had a compulsive liar in our year who used to come out with the most outrageous stuff. (Like owning a recording studio when he was 15 yrs old and lots of other nonsense).
One day a group of us were walking home after school when one of the boys said, " Here! have you heard that K--- G---- is dead? "
One bright spark came up with, " Nah! he's probably going 'round telling every one he's dead! "
Alas poor K--- G---- really was dead.
i remember when my dad died and my mum went to inform the bank so she could have their joint account put into just her name....they wouldnt do it till they saw proof he was dead :shock:
we laugh about it now and say she should have wheeled his coffin up on a hand cart to shurt em up lol
I'm sure there are some people on this site that are dead.
They tend to post regularly.
Quote by westerross
I'm sure there are some people on this site that are dead.
They tend to post regularly.

Brain dead? :giggle:
Disclaimer: I do not think that being actually brain dead is even remotely funny.
In some IT systems its not possible to erase some basic things like membership, or at least not without expensive and disruptive actions; which most companies would not bother with. Also there's so much data back ups hidden away in data warehouses that it's likely to remain there forever.
Maybe admin could set up an Obituaries page! lol
Saves the expence of a grave stone. wink
have actually ask my mates to keep my mobile if something ever happen to me,got over 600 pics on them....but what still amaze me on this site is the members who are banned,i dont think its right that their pictures are still displayed on their profiles
Quote by Phuckers
.but what still amaze me on this site is the members who are banned,i dont think its right that their pictures are still displayed on their profiles

They can log in and delete them... smile
Quote by anais
.but what still amaze me on this site is the members who are banned,i dont think its right that their pictures are still displayed on their profiles

They can log in and delete them... smile
No I don't think so -- if you are banned you can't log into anything but the support ticket area so you can't delete adverts, photos or profile info.
Quote by anais
.but what still amaze me on this site is the members who are banned,i dont think its right that their pictures are still displayed on their profiles

They can log in and delete them... smile
you can use your new position to table that to admin...
Quote by Phuckers
.but what still amaze me on this site is the members who are banned,i dont think its right that their pictures are still displayed on their profiles

They can log in and delete them... smile
you can use your new position to table that to admin... - busted!??
Quote by SteveClarke
.but what still amaze me on this site is the members who are banned,i dont think its right that their pictures are still displayed on their profiles

They can log in and delete them... smile
you can use your new position to table that to admin... - busted!??
Yep, your correct Phucker's...just tested it out :smile: Members can ask for them to be removed tho.
If its that important to ya, why don't you table it to Admin lol lol wink
I think I'm one of the dead ones today. Damn dreaded lurgy sad
Quote by Peanut
I think I'm one of the dead ones today. Damn dreaded lurgy sad
Awwwee Peanut, have a snog kiss
Quote by anais
I think I'm one of the dead ones today. Damn dreaded lurgy sad
Awwwee Peanut, have a snog kiss
Let me just take my specs off and I'm all yours :rose: passionkiss
PS it's not catching redface
Mr jb after about a bottle of red is as good as dead to be useless. Talk about a lightweight!
I'd miss the poor sod though. Hugs jb.