hitachi magic wand... mains powered. Perfect.
as to how many times a day... ?? Dunno. I could tell you how many times a day I wank... but I am a little busy at the mo. :shock:
Well as I have permanent sexual arousal syndrome, I have to say 5 days or more a day is the norm. The poor long suffering Mr W is glad to go to work to escape me lol Thank goodness for the Rampant Rabbit Thruster is all I have to say!!!
I would like to vote everyday. That would not be true, can I vote I wish it were everyday.
Then again I have been working closer to home for the past five months, so that means everyday.
wish my ex could read this thread, then she may have been more open to talking about it.
we would once a week to once a month depending on her.
personally i could several times a week.
depends if hes at home or working away
if hes home then once or twice a night (sometimes 3 times if the mood takes us)
When hes away i sometimes have odd meets and sometimes i dont if going of the last month only twice in the month as he has been away