its a good job that mens bits dont wear away
I have heard i am am quite sure its true that because the penis is just like a muscle it gets bigger with more use :twisted:
So in theory i am just helping him work out :lol: :lol: :lol:
Quote by tallnhairy
"I have more sex than you do! I have more sex than you do!" ad infinitum.
Quote by sharon_2005
its a good job that mens bits dont wear away
Quote by MadAtGravity
"I have more sex than you do! I have more sex than you do!" ad infinitum.
Quote by Dawn_Mids
We reckon a minimum of 14 times a week Mrs Bucks complains if it is only that much tho
Quote by Dawn_Mids
We reckon a minimum of 14 times a week Mrs Bucks complains if it is only that much tho
Quote by EnglishChris99
Perhaps you should measure it on number of orgasms not shaggs?? Admitedly the multi orgasmic amongst us would consistantly squew the figures... but it would at least capture quality and durration better.
Incidentally I find if I have it too frequently I go off of sex... but right now I am not getting it very often (like never) so want it lots.
Earlier in the week I was masterbating like a crazy freak... but now I have gone off that for a bit cos I did it too much.
I have a wierd sex drive I think
Quote by Dawn_Mids
We reckon a minimum of 14 times a week Mrs Bucks complains if it is only that much tho