You see... slinkyhips can give a disagreeing viewpoint without calling me names and swearing at me! I am absolutely fine with that. I also notice that she has not been moaned at with it being her first post because she is on the same side as the moaners! A first poster with a viewpoint that doesn't follow the overall trend and the moaning about joining just to make the post is made!
If members choose to go off on a tangent giving me all kinds of grief about cheating and not romancing my wife and doing the wrong things then fine - but accept that I will come back and defend myself against postings that people can't possibly know to be true. if you look back I was pleasant and polite but honest in what I was saying - I don't need to apologise to anybody - I was straight and fair and not the least bit rude in replying to people giving me advice that I didn't ask for in the first place.
You see.... you got me posting again and I didn't want to.
I suggest you all start your own little forum where new people are banned, only swingers are allowed and basically stop being members of a site that on the face of it is solely for swingers but then is now happy to take the money off single guys, married guys and whoever else you can think of.
I am sure I won't be allowed to post much more considering one of the moderators called me a sad bastard.