Well i'm 36 ( 37 this year ) going on 21 when my backs ok to being 97 when it aint lol
life can be a rough ride so grab a crash helmet and hang on lol
Well i knew this poll would arrive on SH one day.
i have been trying to convince myself for years that im only 18
now thanks to you lot i have had to vote and face the harsh reallity of how old i really am
ooohhh nnooo 48 years old and still trying to grow up
hope it never happens
peter pan :violin: :giveup:
well we are ok on this there is only 7 months between us but i love it when chris turns that year older then me get chance to call hin the old man lol chris is 38 im 37 till august
im in the baby section 21 and counting
Thanks for setting up the age categories so that I fit into the younger side ;) (just)
The unbalanced results might have something to with the relative proportion of young and old using the internet, and hence swinging heaven.
Me, I am old enouhg to know better, and young enough not to care..