like Dammy says you cant put an age on maturity, its not like wine or cheese
maturity is an attitude, i have met 25yr old guys who are more mature than some 30 odd yr old blokes i know,
it is down to the individual
Earthy xx
I agree, age is a number and maturity is an understanding...... it's kind of the way I was thinking, thanks for sharing xx
thinking more about it, it think it can also depend upon the situation
people can act very mature in one situation but be a complete child in another
so its still an attitude but i guess iam trying to say we can be both.
Earthy xx
you know most people that know us would say we are a well balanced couple with a solid mature outlook on life - BUT .........
we really like to let the child in us out to play now and then
maybe thats what keeps us mature ??????
I don't imagine most people who refer to mature in their adverts is particularly referring to a 20 something, regardless of that 20 year old's attitude/outlook on life.
Its the years of late prime, where you still are attractive and sexy, but usually to discerning and appreciative types. After that you are past it and basically in the ailing phase of life.
My favourite quote, I have no idea who said it btw -
Growing old is inevitable - growing up is a choice.
I'm mature at work, or when the occasion calls for it. But most of the time, I'm the one running around like a 3 year old laughing, and singing for no apparant reason. Or is that insane not immature???!!!!
Im the oldest person in my Martial Arts club.
Last night, after training everyone was congregating around the edges of the hall. I spotted a big, empty space- and forward rolled my way across it!
As I jumped to my feet at the other side of the room & wen't out of the door, I heard a 14 year old girl I train with say " I worry about that kid" :giggle:
I consider that reaching maturity is when you get to the age of your parents. As (unless you are the owner of a time machine) that is not possible, I plan on being immature for as long as my body holds out.
Hah! I'm 60 and still feel I never grew up. I don't think it matters particularly but obviously I suffer from people making judgments about me from just a number.
For myself I find people of all sorts of ages sexy.