Hiyas all,
Thought I'd share this with you.
As my friends are aware,I am disabled and have been for nearly 8 years after an accident at work.
I have always tried to ensure I fight my disability and keep going–proving to everyone I can do it.
(When you are different from most people you try to put at least 110% into things).
I could very easily take, in my opinion, the easy way and be disabled off for the rest of my life – but then,to me,my disability has got the better of me!
I come across to most as a very strong person and, as with everyone,I do have my bad days.
It exhausts me putting on this persona to people but I feel I am achieving things.
Then my car broke down…………………………
Just to explain,I have a motability car,which I rely on all the time to get around.
My car couldn’t have stopped on a “nice” road, but on the worst and most dangerous road in Dorset.
Not only that I broke down just around a sharp corner where there have been many accidents,of which a number had led to deaths.
I managed, praying constantly and willing my car with all my strength, to coast partly off the road into a hedge,but alas I was still blocking part of the road.
Now I panicked,not just a little,but massively.
I lost all my confidence, thinking:
·Should I keep my seatbelt on so when I get hit at least it might protect me a bit?
·Should I get out the car, as advised by police and motoring organisations?
·If I could get out the car, where would I go?
........to say the least.
What I did:
·Phoned the police for urgent help.
·Phoned the RAC ASSIST Team for help – at least ¾ hour.
·Inform home of my situation and keep updating them.
The police arrived and I was completely, in my view, pathetic and vulnerable.
I was in tears because they were now here to protect me from all the lorries,let alone the cars.
They were so helpful–2 police cars were dispatched and it ended in the policemen actually pushing my car, in freezing conditions,a few hundred yards into a ditch to ensure we were all a lot safer.
Unfortunately for me,the freezing conditions had taken their toll and my spine and hip had ceased up and the pain was excruciating.
I was offered to sit in the police car but I couldn’t move!
Finally the RAC came and between the police and him they managed to get me out the car and I dragged myself into the RAC van.
I still can’t believe how this incident was such a hard reminder of reality and the fact I am disabled and I am unable to do basic things that most people take for granted – it was extremely distressing to have such a hard slap in the face.
I am sure it will take a few days for my confidence to prevail again and I go on, pretending, I am invincible.
Love and Hugs