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How reality strikes when ur least expecting it

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Hiyas all,
Thought I'd share this with you.
As my friends are aware,I am disabled and have been for nearly 8 years after an accident at work.
I have always tried to ensure I fight my disability and keep going–proving to everyone I can do it.
(When you are different from most people you try to put at least 110% into things).
I could very easily take, in my opinion, the easy way and be disabled off for the rest of my life – but then,to me,my disability has got the better of me!
I come across to most as a very strong person and, as with everyone,I do have my bad days.
It exhausts me putting on this persona to people but I feel I am achieving things.
Then my car broke down…………………………
Just to explain,I have a motability car,which I rely on all the time to get around.
My car couldn’t have stopped on a “nice” road, but on the worst and most dangerous road in Dorset.
Not only that I broke down just around a sharp corner where there have been many accidents,of which a number had led to deaths.
I managed, praying constantly and willing my car with all my strength, to coast partly off the road into a hedge,but alas I was still blocking part of the road.
Now I panicked,not just a little,but massively.
I lost all my confidence, thinking:
·Should I keep my seatbelt on so when I get hit at least it might protect me a bit?
·Should I get out the car, as advised by police and motoring organisations?
·If I could get out the car, where would I go? say the least.
What I did:
·Phoned the police for urgent help.
·Phoned the RAC ASSIST Team for help – at least ¾ hour.
·Inform home of my situation and keep updating them.
The police arrived and I was completely, in my view, pathetic and vulnerable.
I was in tears because they were now here to protect me from all the lorries,let alone the cars.
They were so helpful–2 police cars were dispatched and it ended in the policemen actually pushing my car, in freezing conditions,a few hundred yards into a ditch to ensure we were all a lot safer.
Unfortunately for me,the freezing conditions had taken their toll and my spine and hip had ceased up and the pain was excruciating.
I was offered to sit in the police car but I couldn’t move!
Finally the RAC came and between the police and him they managed to get me out the car and I dragged myself into the RAC van.
I still can’t believe how this incident was such a hard reminder of reality and the fact I am disabled and I am unable to do basic things that most people take for granted – it was extremely distressing to have such a hard slap in the face.
I am sure it will take a few days for my confidence to prevail again and I go on, pretending, I am invincible.
Love and Hugs
Quite a shock to your system there Funnin!
I guess I could get behind your psyche a little bit, just a bit with your having to push yourself due to your disability... but lordy... disability aside, we're all human together, all with our limits, fears and restrictions....
take it a little easier on yourself... a bad experience and a bad day, but I get the impression you do a damned fine job otherwise.
keep it up :thumbup:
Funin, I have been trying to think of a reply to your post, but everything I type doesn't seem right.
So I'll just put what I think, and apologise in advance if it comes out wrong.
I'm lucky enough to have mostly good health. But i still whine and winge about things that, having read your post, seem so trivial now.
The way you have battled your illness, and the pain, mentally and physically that you must have been in over this incident, leaves me totally in awe of you and others who have to cope with problems that most people never even think about.
I really do hope you will feel some peace as time goes on and this incident gets left in the past, knowing that you did everything right when it counted.
Good luck :thumbup:
Funin, like Cherry I hope this comes out right.... you found yourself in a situation, and dangerous one a that, where you had no control and this hightened your sense of vulnerability which caused you in turn to focus on your disability. Totally understandable but Funin don't be so hard on yourself your only human for gawds sake and a strong one but no one can be strong all the time, cut yourself some slack. Most of us in that situation you found yourself in would have been lucky enough to walk away but you could not. A reminder to us all that you should always count your blessings as far as I'm concerned. I've got no time for materialistic people who take what they have, good health in particular, for granted. Well done Funin for bieng a great example of genuine strength and determination're a star xxxxxxxxx
kiss :kiss: cant imagine how scared you were, i think at some point we are all at fault of thinking we are invinsible
the most recent thing that happened to me that scared and shocked me (i have a back problem) but in no way compares to your frightfull time :upset: now as many of you with back problems will know a wrong twist and you cant move, so i goes in the bath this day thinking nothing of it son was at school dek was at work house phone and mobile were downstairs done it countless times before, washing myself then bang i cant move im stuck in the bath tried shouting at the neighbour they didnt hear so i tried and tried to get up and out but the more i tried the less i could move waited and waited school time came and went the phones were ringing, - the school wondering where i was - they then phoned my friend to pick him up then she came to the house wondering where the hell i was luckily she had a key and hey presto found me stuck in the bath where i had been for 4 hours i learnt my lesson i now wont go in the bath without someone in the house or if needs must make sure the phones are very reachable
hope your confidence comes back real quick :therethere:
I'm back,
I have been reading all the comments and it is so warming to see what people have been writing.
Although my pain is still extremely bad from my situation I am starting to get to grips with things and am looking forward to driving my hire car!
Obviously I am still nervous "incase" I break down again, but after such an experience I feel I wouldn't be the only 1, disabled or not.
Voddy - for your information the policeman I spent an hour with was EXTREMELY shaggable .......... just a pity we met in these circumstances!!!!
Thanks to everyone
Love yas all
Hugs and kisses
There are times when people feel vunerable to the world around us... making our inabiltiy to do certain things the main focus of our thoughts. Thank goodness your ok and had the sense to do what you did and the help you needed arrived.. times like this when mobiles really are useful!!
Hope your back pain eases soon for you... kiss
well what a way to meet sexy fellas in uniform!!!!
but seriously tho funin, you must have been so worried, maybe someone 'up there' was looking out for you. It all seems to have worked out well in the end. You sound as if you dealt with it all level headedly despite being so panic stricken inside. Good on you hun kiss
I am pleased it all worked out for you, and I hope your confidence comes bounding back very soon, and you are back to your bubbly self very quickly.