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How should a woman's pussy look?

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i just like it to look very close up, ok if there has to be style then a DA just to see if its possible
I often go bald, but when it grows back I keep it neat - it's like that at the moment -and that can be seen in my ad pics.
I also trim Richard down to a number 2 as well - especially during the summer - it shows him off better in the holiday snaps!
What do you do with unwanted pubic hair?
Spit it out of course!
Warming the Bed
it would look good with me in between wink
Quote by Ian20
it would look good with me in between wink

n even better with me between!!! hehehe
Warming the Bed
haha na jst me wink
Quote by lil_miz_naughty_0204
Och aye, typical male will have it in just about any condition
Yeah that's me ... but shaven with a little bit of hair on the top is good though ~ porno stylee :P
So that's why you don't show us the top of your head in your avatar?
Quote by chick0074
So that's why you don't show us the top of your head in your avatar?
Are you saying I've got a face like a c***? :shock:
Quote by GenHertsCpl
I agree, being bi, theres nothing worse that hair in the teeth, and it tickling the face lol
Anyway, u dont try and land a plane in dense trees do you :twisted:

nope agreed .
But you dont try and lick the runway either ..... :twisted:
I like a hint of a landing strip myself...but really are we splitting hairs here ....its all gorgeous lol
Quote by Waterpistol
So that's why you don't show us the top of your head in your avatar?
Are you saying I've got a face like a c***? :shock:
Well I've seen you full face pic so...
You realise we have the whole forum to ourselves right now, Paul
Was I not supposed to?
Put a name to a face, that sort of thing?
I always sign my name, I keep forgetting some people don't like to.
Nah it don't matter ~ it's not like it's that rare.... Buit there are a few people I wouldn't want to find me here cool
Quote by Waterpistol
So what's your excuse for being up this late? wink

I run my own business and right now I'm doing some stuff, over the Net, with the US - they are hours behind, so this is the evening for me - I'm on US time.
I exhausted Richard about four hours ago, so he's sleeping things off.
I'm just up because I've got tons of free time due to me giving up my business to go back to studying ... plus I have no discpline when it comes to going to bed
Since not having to get up for the JOB anymore I don't!
We can strip naked and run round the forum while no-one's looking!
Quote by chick0074
We can strip naked and run round the forum while no-one's looking!
Well where's the fun if there isn't an audience?
one audience member coming right up. I prefer a nice landing strip if it will sway your judgement any, let me know or show me how u got on and what decision you arrived at lol
I love being shaven,creates easier access,makes it so much more sensitive(and certain points easier to find!!)
But its all about personal preference,try a few things,if you dont like it just grow it back!!!
Quote by CarrieAnn
A woman's pussy should look like this;
I once Immac'd DB's initials in to my pubic hair. I did this by keeping a very steady hand (btw his initial is 'N') and just writing N with the Immac and then taking it off!! This left a bald patch with his initial!
I also did it the other way round and leaving the N on. You will laugh at this now as I am about to tell you how I did it! lol
I took a thin piece of sellotape, stuck this to my hair and then Immac'd round it! When I removed the rest of the Immac, it left DB's initial on there in soft hair!!!!!
The look on his face when he saw this was amazing. He really appreciated the time and effort I had spent doing this and (he says while he is on the phone to me while I am typing this) that of course he had to kiss and lick it (and that is one of his best attributes) !!!!!!!!!!
So ladies, You may like to have a go at this!!!! :lol: :lol:

Oiiiii Flattery will get you almost anywhere. But you knew that.
Just what are you suggesting that the ladies “. . . . may like to have a go at ? ? ? ? ?
(can’t do the emoticonsmiley things from mobile/laptop)
Just nipped in for a quick visit. Bedding down now as I’ve got an Aberdeen for tomorrow a.m. and I only managed Scotch Corner tonite.
P.S. I really did appreciate the time and effort she put in to it, but do believe I rewarded her well ??
As this is the how should a pussy look thread – imho it should be wet, open and preferably filled with me ? ! ? ! ?
Starsign_2 wrote:

"Merkin" - now that word lends a new meaning to what Bill Clinton said when he used to open his speeches with "Mah fellow 'merkins". lol
P.S. Oh, but I DO know what it means....
As My Grandad always said....
"Magik son.....If there's grass on the wicket, lets play cricket"
But... but... I can't do it because it just itches like mad - shaven or trimmed - and drives me to a nervous breakdown. Total nightmare!
Am I the only one? is there anything I can do? And it looks like a badly plucked turkey. Reall not a pretty sight. And then there's the pimples ... noooooo don't make me!
you think a shaven pussy looks bad,,, well just refer to the old ball bag for saggy chicken skin!! that is just fucking awful!!! so much better to have shaven balls and well at least keep the labia exposed... and keep the garden tidy!!! don't let it overgrow!!!
I was talking to a friend of mine and she'd never shaved her pussy before.......... having seen the result im not too sure it was a good idea