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How shy are you?

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It seems that it is easy to be confident behind a keyboard. You can't be seen so you can let go & be totally free to say & do what you freedom is something a lot of people want but are to scared to let go & enjoy.
But what happens when you are not behind the keyboard?
I for one have wanted to go to a munch ( if there is ever one in my neck of the woods, hint hint) but would find it very difficult coping & chatting with a lot of people as i am quiet shy in a large group setting.I tend to stand back & watch people. I know some would say this is a lack of confidence but i never have the problem when meet 2's 3's or 4's groups or people i know & feel comfortable with.
So what are your thoughts on this?
Or should i have added this to the confidence thread?
Quote by Saffy
I for one have wanted to go to a munch ( if there is ever one in my neck of the woods, hint hint) but would find it very difficult coping & chatting with a lot of people as i am quiet shy in a large group setting.

To be honest I was a tad nervous about showing my face at first, however a bottle of vino in the hotel before hand soon took care of that drinkies :lol2:
Seriously it was a lot less intimidating than I thought, I managed to slip in relatively unnoticed and settled down with a good friend and a drink or 3. Then I just went at my own pace some came and said hiya but to be honest until somebody with microphone in hand (mentioning no names, NWC) dragged my scrawny arse up front most didn't have a clue who I was or even if I (meaning my alter ego then mik69) had even bothered to turn up.
It's not the pressure filled environment you might imagine it to be, to be honest it's like walking into a big local pub some will know you and say hiya others won't have a clue who you are and perhaps won't ever find out.
smile :)
Hi Saffy wave
My thoughts are much the same as yours. I'm fine with people I've met before, but when it comes to fronting up to new people I'm a bit quiet. Mrs Cueball is much the same (maybe that's why we're together wink). As for munches, they pose problems for us on the shyness/confidence front, and also because we both work for a large company so it's frightning to think what would happen if we were spotted :shock:
Maybe one day we'll grab ourselves by the balls and drag ourselves along to a munch dunno
Quote by Saffy
It seems that it is easy to be confident behind a keyboard. You can't be seen so you can let go & be totally free to say & do what you freedom is something a lot of people want but are to scared to let go & enjoy.
But what happens when you are not behind the keyboard?

One of the most common comments at/after munches and socials is how different people are in real life to their online "persona"
Many of the quiet ones are outgoing and vice verse.
Quote by Saffy
I for one have wanted to go to a munch ( if there is ever one in my neck of the woods, hint hint)

Do you not drive ? (hint, hint)
(I notice your profile is pretty blank, so please don't thnk I'm asking you to give too much about yourself)
Quote by Saffy
...... but would find it very difficult coping & chatting with a lot of people as i am quiet shy in a large group setting.I tend to stand back & watch people. I know some would say this is a lack of confidence but i never have the problem when meet 2's 3's or 4's groups or people i know & feel comfortable with.
So what are your thoughts on this?

Smaller social get togethers used to be common, and sometimes still are.
And before munches there is normally at least one pre-munch get together over a few beers. An ideal way to meet a few faces and names before the night; if it suits.
And if no "organised" pre-munch drinkies, I'm sure you wouldn't have much trouble finding 3 or 4 people to meet during the afternoon before the munch.
Quote by Saffy
Or should i have added this to the confidence thread?

If so - I'm sure one of the button happy will be along shortly
to say so, or move you wink
I for one have wanted to go to a munch ( if there is ever one in my neck of the woods, hint hint)
People munch in Beds all the time........ lol
Believe it or not, I'm quite shy in large groups, especially if I don't know anyone. I prefer smaller groups and it still takes me time to come out of my shell. I might come across as a gobby mare but it easier to seem more outgoing behind the safety of your keyboard.
saffy, i keep telling people i'm really very shy, but for some reason they never quite believe me? confused like you say, it's dead easy to project a bit of confidence sat at home behind a keyboard, and i think there's sometimes there's the worry that people will expect you IRL to be exactly like you are on here, and maybe you don't think you could live up to it???? dunno
all i can tell you is that munches have really helped me get over the shyness thing, and brought me a lot more out of my shell. the large groups can be daunting, especially if it seems everyone else already knows eachother well, but they're really not like that. as often as not, many, if not most, of the people there will be feeling slightly daunted from time to time too?
once you've got to know people online, chances are they'll be so glad to finally meet you, you won't have a problem, and everyone's so busy flitting about trying to get a quick chat with everyone else, you don't really stand much chance of playing the wallflower and being overlooked. most make a point of drawing newbies in, and introducing them round anyways? the pre-munch drinks are designed for that very purpose.
neil x x x ;)
I am shy and delicate, I'll just sit over here and watch cool
Quote by Sarah
I am shy and delicate, I'll just sit over here and watch cool

Can I watch too? :twisted:
We were shy and nervous about our first Munch - totally unfounded.
When we arrivied, we were spotted as Newbies by a regular Muncher, who introduced us to a small group of old timers and sat us down with them. We didn't get to chat to everyone there, but had people pointed out to and people came over to say a quick hello and introduce themselves.
The next Munch we went to we already knew some faces so it wasn't intimidating. We've been to four now and are becoming old hands.
There might be a lot of people in the venue, but not everyone will know each other already. As there are so many people there people to tend gather in small groups, then network, then end up back in small groups. There is a really friendly and relaxed atmosphere and before you know it you have joined in a conversation with someone before you have even left the bar.
The only advise I have for you first Munch is, don't wait until you need the toilet before you go, because it takes at least half an hour to walk three metres.
Les x
Quote by Sassy-Seren
I am shy and delicate, I'll just sit over here and watch cool

Can I watch too? :twisted:
Ok course
Sassy and Sarah sitting in the corner, watching................>>>>>>>>>>>> or is it perving!!
Quote by neilinleeds
saffy, i keep telling people i'm really very shy, but for some reason they never quite believe me? confused
neil x x x ;)

Don't believe him! It's all a ploy so you feel sorry for him and flirt with him. Be warned, he is very good at it, even I fell for it :doh:
Les x
Quote by Sarah
I am shy and delicate, I'll just sit over here and watch cool

Can I watch too? :twisted:
Ok course
Sassy and Sarah sitting in the corner, watching................>>>>>>>>>>>> or is it perving!!
wink :twisted:
I'm to shy to comment in here even!
Mike xx
Quote by mdr2000
I'm to shy to comment in here even!
Mike xx

you shy lol....if your shy then im a blind man with one leg, 11 fingers and 1 testicle.. redface
me and deb are both shy until we either:
1) get drunk
2) get to know you
3) get drunk
4) see you naked
5) get drunk
6) have sex with you
7) and get drunk.......
And dont even get us started on cams, they are def a no no...
dave and deb x
Quote by daveanddebbie69
I'm to shy to comment in here even!
Mike xx

you shy lol....if your shy then im a blind man with one leg, 11 fingers and 1 testicle.. surprisedops:
Dave ???? What are you implying?? lol biggrin smile :D :D :) :D :) :D :) :) :D :)
I'm dreadfully shy. Fortunately I didn't go to my frist munch on my own - if I'd had to go on my own I wouldn't have gone. It did seem like every one knew one another, I didn't recognise anyone (except BWM) Nat and I sat on our own for a bit, someone did come over and ask if a chair at our table was free, we said yes - thinking he was going to sit down , but he picked the chair up and walked off with it! Eventually a couple joined us but not cos we were being sociable and mingling - I think there was no where else to sit.
It's odd, I'm fine in any other situation - I'll go and ask direction, ask for help in shops, talk to people on the street (my friend had to stop me talking to people on the tube, she said I'd get locked up) but don't ask me to walk into a pub or bar or restuarant on my own, which is a bit of a problem, cos if you don't then you never get to meet anyone.
H hunni, you're shy but in a very sweet and sexy way wink kiss
Quote by Sassy-Seren
H hunni, you're shy but in a very sweet and sexy way wink kiss

:kiss: ah, thanks sweetie!
Quote by H-x
. . . . . . . , someone did come over and ask if a chair at our table was free, we said yes - thinking he was going to sit down , but he picked the chair up and walked off with it! Eventually a couple joined us but not cos we were being sociable and mingling - I think there was no where else to sit.

Well they all need their arses slapping smackbottom
I don't think they meant any harm, I thought it was quite funny, and they did say please!
Depends on circumsatnces for me, I can be shy, although my biggest problem is being pee shy, I cannot stand at a urinal and go for a piss , I can stand for 15 minutes and still not go, if i go in the cubicles, no problems, don't ask me why.
Im usually chatty, if im out in a pub i tighten up for some reason. I prefer company who does the talking for me biggrin
Im just odd confused
Quote by Saffy
I for one have wanted to go to a munch ( if there is ever one in my neck of the woods, hint hint) but would find it very difficult coping & chatting with a lot of people as i am quiet shy in a large group setting.I tend to stand back & watch people. I know some would say this is a lack of confidence but i never have the problem when meet 2's 3's or 4's groups or people i know & feel comfortable with.
So what are your thoughts on this?
Or should i have added this to the confidence thread?

I have to been to a number of munches, and yes, they can be a bit overwhelming. A lot of the regular munchers know each other so well now, that it's easy for others to feel a bit left out at times. But more of us are finding the mini-munches and smaller meets even more enjoyable than large munches. A night out in Sheffield a few weeks ago where there were just 12 of us was one of my SH best nights out. There was no splitting off into small groups so nobody had a chance to feel left out. This is worth bearing in mind I think, and for anyone feeling shy wanting to come to a munch I would recommend either a small meet, or, as others have said, a pre-munch meet. Good luck Saffy.
i can be quite shy untill i get to know some people then depending on the alcohol content of my blood can be a little over the top confused i dont think i ever grew up i still feel like im 18!!
would love to attend my first munch this year though see if i can put some faces to names, would have liked to have gone to a small do first but looks like it will have to be a full on one :shock:
Quote by m1970
Depends on circumsatnces for me, I can be shy, although my biggest problem is being pee shy, I cannot stand at a urinal and go for a piss , I can stand for 15 minutes and still not go, if i go in the cubicles, no problems, don't ask me why.
Im usually chatty, if im out in a pub i tighten up for some reason. I prefer company who does the talking for me biggrin
Im just odd confused

i know what you mean there m1970 im the same i think it stems from being a child & using a trough type urinal after eating a lot of beetroot (one of my fav's)
the problem is my urine turns the colour of blood & some bloke who was standing further down thought i had a real problem & wouldnt leave me alone for ages it took loads of explaining!!!
so i prefer to use the cubical now it saves lots of explaining!
Quote by winchwench
I for one have wanted to go to a munch ( if there is ever one in my neck of the woods, hint hint)

People munch in Beds all the time........ lol
i must be blind on my timeing is right out as only ever seen one munch in my neck of the woods. So next time ones on let me know as i work unsocial hours so might of missed them.
Quote by Sarah
I am shy and delicate, I'll just sit over here and watch cool

i'll just sit next to you then & you can hold my hand rolleyes
Quote by Saffy
I for one have wanted to go to a munch ( if there is ever one in my neck of the woods, hint hint)

People munch in Beds all the time........ lol
i must be blind on my timeing is right out as only ever seen one munch in my neck of the woods. So next time ones on let me know as i work unsocial hours so might of missed them.
i might munch some toast in beds tomorrow :lol: :lol:
check the lol after winchwench's post saffy :lol: :lol:
Quote by couple_ne2000
saffy, i keep telling people i'm really very shy, but for some reason they never quite believe me? confused
neil x x x ;)

Don't believe him! It's all a ploy so you feel sorry for him and flirt with him. Be warned, he is very good at it, even I fell for it :doh:
Les x
Dam thxs for the warning i'm watching you now neill biggrin