Hi All,
Just wanting to get another opinion on this...
I replied to a photo ad a few days ago for a couple near me. I did them the courtesy of explaining a bit about me, attached a photo what I was looking for etc etc - wasn't an essay, but enough to paint a picture, and I thought, maybe open up a conversation with a view to meeting at some stage.
The response came through last night as "what you doing tonight X needs a seeing to and I can't get there" followed by a second email consisting of "our mobile number is XXXXXX"
No conversation, nothing - just a full blown come on and a mobile number. The emails were poorly written (badly formatted and crap spelling - am I being too fussy?!) and were sent from an email address that was clearly
Personally, I think I'm having my plonker pulled - what do you reckon?
Thanks DD - thats pretty much what I was thinking...
The vast majority of the people I've been talking to on here have been really laid back, non pushy and extra friendly - as have I tried to be.
This just really stood out as unusual - was worried it my be a set up or a scam.
Why not ring them for a chat and see what happens?
Spontaneity and surprise. Really sexy.
Some people on here are not here to make chit chat or friends, some people are just here for sex, we had a couple come out to our house and when they arrived i invited them in and offered them a drink, which is usual for me, and the guy said, and i quote.....we are not here to drink and chat we are here to fuck.....and made his way uptairs :shock: so in respect of that i suppose the guy who contacted you could have been genuine, personally i would have called the number and made sure i spoke to the female, if not i would not have called back, i suppose it depends on what your after, some like to chat and make friends first some don't, as a few have mentioned it's best to go by your instincts if your not happy with anything at all don't do it
There is a myth which is the 'Ronseal Swinger'. The ones who do exactky what they say on the advert/reply (tin).
Nothing will be quite in place as expected. So be aware of this and open to surprise and spontaneity. Or alternatively, remember to plan the easiest exit as you suss out the location on entry.
I totally agree, you have to go on your gut instincts. I've had good experiences when I didn't expect to, and vice versa. Just before a meet, different thoughts and emotions are running through people's minds, and when the ice is broken, anything can happen ...
Thanks Guys - I really, really appreciate your thoughts on this!
Decided to drop them an email inviting an msn chat or phone call. I can understand where some of you are coming from, but I just couldn't feel comfortable with calling them off the cuff - It's probably being totally over cautious, but I'd rather miss out than risk something horrible happening.
I'll keep everyone posted with the outcome!!!
Thanks again folks - you're stars!
awwwwww DD ?!! Hugs for you hun!!!
I'll make it a personal mission to go out and grab a cam in the next day or two - we'll talk!
be careful the number they gave you is not a premium rate line
awwww DD i'm sure thats not the case...
After all its personality that counts.......oh and if there any good when it gets down to the business :twisted: