I think one of the most romantic things anyone has ever done for me.....
A couple of years ago my boyfriend at the time made me Angel Delight and put my initial on the top in smarties. Such a lovely thing to do. Angel delight because of my tattoo (which says "Angel" for those that don't know)
Who says romance has to be expensive?
Further to my last post on this subject, I think the most romantic thing anyone has EVER done for me, is to send me a text message first thing the morning after an argument, with a lovely poem written especially for me. :inlove: :inlove: :inlove:
Morbius has been known to be very romantic ...
little love notes ... a surprise trip to Paris, flowers, hearts cut into my sandwiches/toast etc. He proposed in a nightclub with the mic etc. littel text messages every now and again.
By far his best effort was our first wedding anniversary .... he booked us into the Savoy Hotel in London, champers, a show, a trip to Brighton ..... all a surprise.
Love that man ... :inlove: