How to spot a liar and a cheat in 15 easy steps
OK we all know that there are far more men than women on this site. We also know that of the women here, lots are in deep and meaningful relationships with their partners. Let’s not forget though that there are several single women here as well. The following is a word of warning to those single females. Many of the single females here came just looking for sex and there’s nothing wrong with that. Others came here looking for sex and then found someone they wanted more than just sex with. They are the people this thread is mainly directed at, although obviously it could work for other people as well.
You may well meet someone from this site and begin a “proper†relationship with them. Here are some points to bear in mind when spotting whether this person is genuine or lying to you.
1. If they can only see you on a rare basis despite professing to have deep feelings for you, beware. They may already be in a relationship with someone else
2. If they cannot see you on their birthday, it could be because they have a significant other who would object to not seeing them on such an occasion
3. If they cannot see you at Christmas, again it could be for this reason
4. If they arrange in July or August to spend New Year with you but then back out of it the week before Christmas for “reasons beyond their control†this could be the reasoning behind it
5. If all of the above happen, do put the facts together and make your own sense of it.
6. If you find yourself ignoring the advice of well meaning friends, ask yourself if it’s them that’s wrong, or whether you are actually ignoring what is staring you in the face
7. If your friends start asking questions about the fact that you don’t know your partner’s home telephone number and have never met their friends or family after several months, don’t make excuses, listen to your friends! They are right to find it suspicious, and so should you!
8. If your partner is suspicious of you and your online flirting or friendships with other forum members, it could be that they are attributing their own shortcomings to you (i.e., they are being unfaithful to someone, so therefore you are likely to do the same)
9. If you suspect a significant other in their life and you confront them about it, be aware of the difference between them defending themselves and attacking you. If they defend themselves and offer some concrete way of reassuring you that they are telling the truth, maybe they are. If on the other hand, they accuse you of being *paranoid/loopy/twisted (*delete as applicable) but refuse to prove you wrong, its more than likely because they are actually lying to you and therefore unable to offer and means of proof against your theory because your theory is in fact correct.
10. If they accidentally send you a text message meant for someone else saying that are making Christmas cards, be very suspicious if they later inform you that the females in question are in fact the neighbours’ children who have been invited round for said Christmas card making activities. Chances are that those females are in fact your “partner’s†significant other, and their/his/her child
11. If they offer to let you speak to a friend online for you to ask said friend whether the partner is in a relationship, don’t take up the offer. Chances are that the friend has been primed and they will just lie for their mate
12. If you frequently log into the forum and the “Latest Posts†times do not tally with the last time you logged in, remember that this could be because your partner has your password and is using it to spy on your private messages. Please also take note that on the main forum index page, there is a clock on the left hand side telling you the time now and the last time you visited. This could prove invaluable if you find yourself in this situation. Better to be aware of it beforehand than only finding out once it’s too late :doh:
13. If your partner ever accuses you of something you have actually done in private messages, for example, forwarding one of their messages to another person, wonder how they know this.
14. If they then lecture you on the fact that private messages are meant to be just that – PRIVATE – wonder to yourself how they have the cheek to say such a thing when they only know this information from reading YOUR “Private†messages.
15. Above all else, if your partner’s work colleague divulges the name of your “partner’s†partner and it doesn’t match your name but DOES match the name of one of "the neighbour's children", then all your suspicions are probably correct, and they are in fact a lying control freak who just wanted you because you had great tits and were, in his words “the best fuck goingâ€
I hope this is of some help to those of you who may have been interested in finding a relationship in this place. I also hope that it is informative for those of you that aren’t.
Angel (a lot more cynical now than she has ever been before, despite having been hurt several times )