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How well do others perceive you on the SH website

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Interesting question Andy.
I only use the forum and PMs.I do hope I come over ok,I do try to.
On the forum I've tried to learn that if a topic gets a bit heated it's wise to back off because I certainly ain't here to row with people!
Something of me doesn't perhaps quite come over but I don't put certain details about me on here in public,no problem with the genuine members,its that ANYONE can read stuff on you!
Hi Andy, I think its a bit like texting or emailing... it's all down to the mood of the recipient at on that day, would you agree? For example, if sometimes I am in a bit of a mad mood and I receive an email, I may interpret the content differently to a day when I'm in a really up beat jovial mood.. am I making sense??
I treat every day as a new day in SH land and I think most others do too.
There are all sorts of reasons why things kick off in a chatroom, mostly innocent, and the advice generally given is to cool off for a few hours and then see if you feel the same way. If you offended the AUP or Chat Room Rules and were reported, the Ops might enforce a short ban to help you reflect on your actions but generally, most other banter is "playground" stuff and is forgotten by the other party almost as quickly as it happened.
I upset someone once by something I said in a chatroom and it was quite wrong for me to have done so. When I saw the other party in a room the following day, I apologised and the matter was forgotten.
Quote by GnV
I treat every day as a new day in SH land and I think most others do too.
There are all sorts of reasons why things kick off in a chatroom, mostly innocent, and the advice generally given is to cool off for a few hours and then see if you feel the same way. If you offended the AUP or Chat Room Rules and were reported, the Ops might enforce a short ban to help you reflect on your actions but generally, most other banter is "playground" stuff and is forgotten by the other party almost as quickly as it happened.
I upset someone once by something I said in a chatroom and it was quite wrong for me to have done so. When I saw the other party in a room the following day, I apologised and the matter was forgotten.

hi andy,
personally i can't be bothered with chat rooms as i have tried it but can't get on with them as i just sit their bemused by it all,but i do get flack on this forum but find that for every negative there is ten positives which is life in general.
don't worry old son :thumbup:
now, what did you call me...!?
good question Andy, and some very good replies.
as has been said, perception can be a funny thing, i had a massive fall out with someone close to me once because they miss-interpreted a text message I’d sent them.
a lot of people on here consider the emoticons biggrin on here as rather childish and unnecessary, personally I find they are a great tool. a lot of the problems occur because one can neither see the posters expression, or hear their tone of voice, so the emotes lend at least a visual aid as to the mood of the poster. i. e.
Oh you're such a tart :giggle: (light hearted banter)
as opposed to,
Oh you're such a tart evil mad (offensive)
Its very hard to tell how you are perceived on here, and of course not everyone will see you in the same light. dunno
In my case it's just, be yourself, have your opinions, but try to put them over in as inoffensive way as possible.
All the best wave
i have no idea how people perceive me on the site, i am just me and thats all i can say
Earthy xx
Quote by earthchild
i have no idea how people perceive me on the site, i am just me and thats all i can say
Earthy xx

There are two perceptions I have of you Earthy but I'll save those for your wink
Heck knows how I'm perceived.....nutter, eccentric, oddball, idiot.....the list is endless.....:shock:
good question biggrin
i am normally very nice in the chat room but thats my nature not because i am trying to give people the come on
at the end of the day i am me i dont care if some people can not get on with me thats there problem not mine although i do tend to express myself better on here than in real life it seems to come out all wrong mad
as for the heated discussions in the chatrooms i tend to stand back have seen people get bans for getting involved in other peoples fights so whats the point of that? confused: banghead
Quote by Dlep
Heck knows how I'm perceived.....nutter, eccentric, oddball, idiot.....the list is endless.....:shock:

you forgot dollop :twisted:
actually Dlep having met you quite a few times i see you as a gentle, quiet, caring lovely person babes.
Earthy xx
Quote by earthchild
actually Dlep having met you quite a few times i see you as a gentle, quiet, caring lovely person babes.
Earthy xx

Thank you biggrin
And yes......I am a Dollop, as well as Dleprosy of Yamworth, Diep, Johnny Dlep, Delp, Dleppy, Pled....the list is endless rolleyes
I am probably percieved as the mad woman that I am. My husband says he married me for the purpose of furthering scientific research. I guess that says it all.
In the chat sections you will find me always in trouble - usually whispering someone in error whilst perving their profile. So if I whisper you... apologies in advance.
i dread to think how people see me lol
However its very hard sometimes to know how to take people in the chat rooms as you can't really put emotion into font so very easy to be taken the wrong way!
Quote by Dlep
actually Dlep having met you quite a few times i see you as a gentle, quiet, caring lovely person babes.
Earthy xx

Thank you biggrin
And yes......I am a Dollop, as well as Dleprosy of Yamworth, Diep, Johnny Dlep, Delp, Dleppy, Pled....the list is endless rolleyes
who calls you that then? :shock:
57% of the communicated message comes from BODY LANGUAGE, 38% from TONE & 5% from WORDS...enough said wink
Here, we have words and a perhaps a little tone via the emoticons, exclamation marks, capital letters etc - people also try and compensate for the lack of body language with email... we've all had them, I'm sure. I'm annoyed usually equates to somebody using red, bold, B-- LOCK CAPITALS and lots of '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' :P
I tend to wait until I meet people from here before I make a judgement, although my perception is already tinted by there posting style I guess confused Most of us form an impression within the first 10 seconds of meeting somebody... consciously or subconsciously, we all do it - it's just the way we are 'wired' as human beings lol The brain is a clever organ and doesn't need all the information to form an opinion.. try this:
"Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer are in the rghit pclae.
The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by it slef but the wrod as a wlohe and the biran fguiers it out aynawy."

We also tend to see the world as we are, not as it is.... i.e. if we're sad, down and negative, we'll usually actively look for and usually find the same in others... if we're loud, happy and generally feeling good about ourselves, we'll likely see the same in others. I guess that's why some of us tend to surround ourselves with people similar to ourselves :P
Psychology lesson # 1 over :wink:
That's really interesting. I read that in seconds. Fasinating, thanks for posting that.
in theory... you wont all notice I spelled fascinating wrong!
bloke how was the dictionary for breakfast biggrin
only kidding good post
Quote by dekntan
bloke how was the dictionary for breakfast biggrin
only kidding good post

I try my best Tan wink Just off to the Metrocentre - do you want anything from Ann Summers? :rascal:
Quote by Bloke2005
bloke how was the dictionary for breakfast biggrin
only kidding good post

I try my best Tan wink Just off to the Metrocentre - do you want anything from Ann Summers? :rascal:
yeah i do but i will wait for it lol
Quote by Bloke2005
bloke how was the dictionary for breakfast biggrin
only kidding good post

I try my best Tan wink Just off to the Metrocentre - do you want anything from Ann Summers? :rascal:
Yes - you can get me one of those little black and shocking pink suede cat-tail whips :wink:
(I expect it gift-wrapped and tied with a neat little bow)
Quote by PoloLady
bloke how was the dictionary for breakfast biggrin
only kidding good post

I try my best Tan wink Just off to the Metrocentre - do you want anything from Ann Summers? :rascal:
Yes - you can get me one of those little black and shocking pink suede cat-tail whips :wink:
(I expect it gift-wrapped and tied with a neat little bow)
Done :wink: WTF is the onion all about dunno
Quote by naughtynymphos1
actually Dlep having met you quite a few times i see you as a gentle, quiet, caring lovely person babes.
Earthy xx

Thank you biggrin
And yes......I am a Dollop, as well as Dleprosy of Yamworth, Diep, Johnny Dlep, Delp, Dleppy, Pled....the list is endless rolleyes
who calls you that then? :shock:
You know damn well who calls me that.....There's only one person that does!
And I don't mind you calling it me......kiss
"Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer are in the rghit pclae.
The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by it slef but the wrod as a wlohe and the biran fguiers it out aynawy."
Isn't this cool biggrin I didn't realise how messed up the writing was until it was pointed out. redface
"How well do others perceive you on the SH website?"
I have no idea, there isn't much I can do about whatever peoples perceptions are as I can only be myself.
Quote by Kiss
"How well do others perceive you on the SH website?"
I have no idea, there isn't much I can do about whatever peoples perceptions are as I can only be myself.
Ditto here ..
I think at the beginning, it was important to me how i was perceived by others.... because at that stage it was a case of trying to fit bunch of people, new surroundings and atmosphere
but times have changes and and so have I.... to be honest now I couldn't really give a fig what people think of me (in the nicest way of course).... if they like me and find me interesting then that is cool and fine by me, it not.... then such is life and you are not going to be able to please everybody all the time......
everything is now like water off a ducks back, same attitude with work, if i get into heated disscuuions with people.... the computer goes off... I switch off, end of........
All i can do is be the best me i can, and only 2 people know if i am doing that, me and the person upstairs......... if that aint enough for some people.... or if that rubs people up the wrong way.... then tough!!!!
see... you just saw the "sparky" side of me.....
sean xxxxxx
Quote by fabio grooverider
I think at the beginning, it was important to me how i was perceived by others.... because at that stage it was a case of trying to fit bunch of people, new surroundings and atmosphere
but times have changes and and so have I.... to be honest now I couldn't really give a fig what people think of me (in the nicest way of course).... if they like me and find me interesting then that is cool and fine by me, it not.... then such is life and you are not going to be able to please everybody all the time......
everything is now like water off a ducks back, same attitude with work, if i get into heated disscuuions with people.... the computer goes off... I switch off, end of........
All i can do is be the best me i can, and only 2 people know if i am doing that, me and the person upstairs......... if that aint enough for some people.... or if that rubs people up the wrong way.... then tough!!!!
see... you just saw the "sparky" side of me.....
sean xxxxxx

We are of the same opinion as you fabio my sweet one.... but we were hurt by the behaviour of certain people and now we have ended up with the same attitude which is flipa sometimes it's a shame because you shouldn't be forced into situations like that.. or it could work out for the better... who knows!
dunno either way, we love you because you are what you are and you are what we get .... kiss