Interesting question Andy.
I only use the forum and PMs.I do hope I come over ok,I do try to.
On the forum I've tried to learn that if a topic gets a bit heated it's wise to back off because I certainly ain't here to row with people!
Something of me doesn't perhaps quite come over but I don't put certain details about me on here in public,no problem with the genuine members,its that ANYONE can read stuff on you!
Hi Andy, I think its a bit like texting or emailing... it's all down to the mood of the recipient at on that day, would you agree? For example, if sometimes I am in a bit of a mad mood and I receive an email, I may interpret the content differently to a day when I'm in a really up beat jovial mood.. am I making sense??
I treat every day as a new day in SH land and I think most others do too.
There are all sorts of reasons why things kick off in a chatroom, mostly innocent, and the advice generally given is to cool off for a few hours and then see if you feel the same way. If you offended the AUP or Chat Room Rules and were reported, the Ops might enforce a short ban to help you reflect on your actions but generally, most other banter is "playground" stuff and is forgotten by the other party almost as quickly as it happened.
I upset someone once by something I said in a chatroom and it was quite wrong for me to have done so. When I saw the other party in a room the following day, I apologised and the matter was forgotten.
i have no idea how people perceive me on the site, i am just me and thats all i can say
Earthy xx
actually Dlep having met you quite a few times i see you as a gentle, quiet, caring lovely person babes.
Earthy xx
I am probably percieved as the mad woman that I am. My husband says he married me for the purpose of furthering scientific research. I guess that says it all.
In the chat sections you will find me always in trouble - usually whispering someone in error whilst perving their profile. So if I whisper you... apologies in advance.
That's really interesting. I read that in seconds. Fasinating, thanks for posting that.
in theory... you wont all notice I spelled fascinating wrong!
I think at the beginning, it was important to me how i was perceived by others.... because at that stage it was a case of trying to fit bunch of people, new surroundings and atmosphere
but times have changes and and so have I.... to be honest now I couldn't really give a fig what people think of me (in the nicest way of course).... if they like me and find me interesting then that is cool and fine by me, it not.... then such is life and you are not going to be able to please everybody all the time......
everything is now like water off a ducks back, same attitude with work, if i get into heated disscuuions with people.... the computer goes off... I switch off, end of........
All i can do is be the best me i can, and only 2 people know if i am doing that, me and the person upstairs......... if that aint enough for some people.... or if that rubs people up the wrong way.... then tough!!!!
see... you just saw the "sparky" side of me.....
sean xxxxxx